  1. The Prowler @ The Prowler:
    You people are lame. I do have to go. I am going to...get this cw_....spend time with my wife before I hit the hay. You people have fun surrounded by the other losers here who make you feel normal. Haha!!
  2. cw_ @ cw_:
  3. @ X:
  4. @ X:
    Samsquantch :LOL3:
  5. Lily @ Lily:
    He could have been with his wife this entire time, but he chose to come here to be surrounded by losers. How queer.
  6. Admin. @ Admin.:
    @The Prowler , so in the Prowlie house the Mrs. is the shot caller.
  7. @ X:
    Is his wife a samsquatch
  8. @ X:
    Has a sighting ever been confirmded
  9. Admin. @ Admin.:
    Seems she roolz the nest of coffee pots.
  10. Lily @ Lily:
  11. @ X:
    Mrs Prowlersquatch :LOL3:
  12. @ X:
    @Dove het on here lemme see yeh in the light
  13. @ X:
    Shit k bye
  14. Dove @ Dove:
    I dont do the shout box much
  15. Admin. @ Admin.:
    Never forget in trumplandia your demeanor and questions are inaccurate, false, demeaning and furthermore they make me sad.
  16. Dove @ Dove:
    Admin i really dont understand what you mean.
  17. Adam Hitler @ Adam Hitler:
    I'm not sure what he's trying to say either, something about sucking cock no doubt.
  18. @ X:
    Change the oil today
    Stfu X
    And good morning
  21. Larry Loungelizard @ Larry Loungelizard:
    Seems like the good drama happens here when I'm not around. Is that intentional?
  22. Garraty_47 @ Garraty_47:
    Normality is a lie... all they really want is conformity. BECOME UNGOVERNABLE! It's way more interesting.
  23. Seamajor @ Seamajor:
    Socialism is powerful, eh
  24. cw_ @ cw_:
  25. Seamajor @ Seamajor:
    Good Morning…. Don’t hide