Samsung New Folding Phone is $2,000

Big Sexy

narcoleptic mattress salesman
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Samsung unveiled a highly anticipated smartphone with a foldable screen in an attempt to break the innovation funk that has beset the smartphone market.
But it’s far from clear that consumers will embrace a device that retails for almost $2,000, or that it will provide the creative catalyst the smartphone market needs.

The Galaxy Fold, announced Wednesday in San Francisco, will sell for $1,980 when it is released April 26.
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Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
Pay $2k for a phone running an OS created by a company notorious for spying on its users and censoring what they can see online in order to sculpt their worldview?

And they say Apple customers are dupes.


Factory Bastard
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Pay $2k for a phone running an OS created by a company notorious for spying on its users and censoring what they can see online in order to sculpt their worldview?

And they say Apple customers are dupes.

Didn't Apple have the first "folding phone"? It boasted of a solid aluminum chassis, sold for a $1,000 and when you sat down it would conform to the shape of your ass and alert you with a loud CRUNCH!. The trend setters camped out for days outside the store to be the first to get bent over lol, what a piece of shit.
The good thing about the new tech is that it might help make the established "non foldable" types plummet in price, hopefully.

I give it eight hours, tops, from this thing's first sale after those doors open that one will violently explode whilst being folded in front of friends.


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
Didn't Apple have the first "folding phone"? It boasted of a solid aluminum chassis, sold for a $1,000 and when you sat down it would conform to the shape of your ass and alert you with a loud CRUNCH!

And that's why children (even in adult bodies) should not own smartphones. I have no sympathy for people so stupid or apathetic that they can't properly take care of their gear.


Put your glasses on!
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Pay $2k for a phone running an OS created by a company notorious for spying on its users and censoring what they can see online in order to sculpt their worldview?

And they say Apple customers are dupes.

And this is why I still own my 6 year old Nokia Windows phone lol.


Factory Bastard
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Pay $2k for a phone running an OS created by a company notorious for spying on its users and censoring what they can see online in order to sculpt their worldview?

And they say Apple customers are dupes.

And this is why I still own my 6 year old Nokia Windows phone lol.

I'm surprised they let you use it on the network, they're douchebags like that.. pushing the newest thing. They're like pharma and big oil, conspiring to alter the market and make customers more dependant, i.e. no moe user replaceable batteries and it' happening indistry wide.
Another thing is that they're virtually all doing away with the ⅛" headphone jack so everything has to be wireless. Fuck that, I want a hard wire option.
Maybe I'll buy one or two old school ones brand new in the box, cheap, and save them while I can then renew my contract with those.


Put your glasses on!
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Pay $2k for a phone running an OS created by a company notorious for spying on its users and censoring what they can see online in order to sculpt their worldview?

And they say Apple customers are dupes.

And this is why I still own my 6 year old Nokia Windows phone lol.

I'm surprised they let you use it on the network, they're douchebags like that.. pushing the newest thing. They're like pharma and big oil, conspiring to alter the market and make customers more dependant, i.e. no moe user replaceable batteries and it' happening indistry wide.
Another thing is that they're virtually all doing away with the ⅛" headphone jack so everything has to be wireless. Fuck that, I want a hard wire option.
Maybe I'll buy one or two old school ones brand new in the box, cheap, and save them while I can then renew my contract with those.

Oh I know! Im the same way man, I want a headphone jack, a removable SD card, replaceable battery. Supposedly, I have to be off this phone by end of the year, according to a friend. But Im gonna make it last as long as possible. Fuck these new phones. Dont need no retina eye scanner or fingerprint scanner either. I dont want records of my eyes and prints stored in my phone. And fuck Fakebook too! I'll stick with forums, where they dont use your pics for facial recognition.


Put your glasses on!
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I want a headphone jack, a removable SD card, replaceable battery.

You know it's 2019, not 1979, right? What else you want on it, a 5.25" floppy disk drive, an 8-track, and a Betamax, too? Tech advances, deal with it.

NO!!! :Grin3:

Thats how they get you though, make you buy something else, or something more expensive, or even the whole damn phone. Fuck all that. Im a cheap ass lol.


Factory Bastard
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That 8-track though, that should come back. Must have been a joy looking for a tuns on track 2 so, let's go and fast forward track four to reverse track two. Yeah! Fun! lol. (It worked something like that, right?)

With everything wireless, it's easier for a middleman to monitor if they chose to. Analog low tech things like a paper note pad and a pencil are the ultimate security, there was actually a commercial on TV where people in an office made fun of a guy, "Hey Brad, last century called, they want their pen back!" and of course, silly Brad's pen just exploded in his pocket making a mess.
Cash is another thing, "they" hate our using it because it doesn't allow them a look into our habits. Ever go into a store and all the prices are for if you have a "savers card" they can swipe for the discount? Seems harmless, now they know how bad your breath smells, how often you wipe your ass with TP purchases.. EVERYTHING. We are manipulated cattle, a commodity to be marketed and reduced to a predictable algorithm.
Our grandkids will be shocked at the freedoms we still enjoy. Every day they add more laws and regulations, but they don't remove any.. freedom is getting pretty tight.


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
Yeah, I'm not hunting a cure for cancer or acting as a courier for state secrets or some shit. Privacy is nice, but even if somebody had every scrap of my information, WTF would they do with it? Read through it all, get an acute case of depression, and blow their brains out. Self correcting problem.


Factory Feline
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I so want this in my life right now.

This would make my life so much easier.

I hate having to go between phone, tablet, laptop while on the road to accomplish one thing I could easily do in the office.

I have had my new phone less than a year fuck.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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The phone on my Uncles farm didn't have a dial so you turn the handle and the operator would come on and you tell her who you wanted to talk to and she could hear everything - - - - - - - -Hi Susie,you want to come over tonight and suck my dick ?