  1. Frood @ Frood:
  2. jack @ jack:
    I am amazed at how easily this guy is owned.
  3. jack @ jack:
  4. jack @ jack:
    well someday that little boy will fly, along with all his fairy friends.
  5. jack @ jack:
    Twinkle twinkle little fags
  6. jack @ jack:
    Don't you wonder why you lags?
  7. The Prowler @ The Prowler:
  8. Frood @ Frood:
  9. jack @ jack:
    Im not listening to that stupid bullshit any more.
  10. jack @ jack:
    whats your wife think if she overhears this stuff?
  11. jack @ jack:
    I'm deadly serious.
  12. The Prowler @ The Prowler:
  13. Frood @ Frood:
  14. jack @ jack:
    Bastard Factory......I rest my case.
  15. jack @ jack:
    sleepy now.....nite nite everyone
  16. Frood @ Frood:
  17. Reggie_Essent @ Reggie_Essent:
  18. X @ X:
    :LOL3: @The Prowler the one where you mimicked his crying :LOL:
    that was kickass @Reggie_Essent
  20. X @ X:
    @jack want me to back you up for a week, I may alienate myself in the process but I want you to k ow I’ll go the mat for you
  21. X @ X:
    What up rancid? Mango picking
  22. X @ X:
    Reggie are you a hobo?
  23. X @ X:
    Your good on the mouth organ huh :GiggleBitch:
  24. Reggie_Essent @ Reggie_Essent:
    Thanks @RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© I was bored and people were making Vacaroos so I made one.
  25. Reggie_Essent @ Reggie_Essent:
    And no, X, I'm not a hobo. But Admin does live in a hobo camp.