  1. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
    “I wear a medium shirt DD!” :LOL3:
  2. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
  3. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
    Admin you ugly faggot! Loly
  4. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
    Sorry about your little meltdown fella…I did tell you to lay off the drugs!
  5. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
    My God…you’re so unattractive! Lol
  6. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
  7. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
    Comedy gold you soft shit! :LOL3:
  8. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
    Fucking Elton Admin! Ahahahahaaa
  9. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
    Just step aside you ugly fag!
  10. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
    Shithead! :AttaBoi:
  11. Admin. @ Admin.:
    Is this "Elton John" with you now?
  12. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
    Fagmin…you have no clout! lol
  13. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
    You fucking twat! Trololololol
  14. Larry Loungelizard @ Larry Loungelizard:
  15. Admin. @ Admin.:
    My adoring, yet anonymous fans will go to almost any length to attract my attention, over the years it became like part of the background chatter, like the oceans roar, the various birds hanging in the shore pines and doug firs that almost surround me, the sound of the ocean breeze murmuring through them...and the squirrels chattering for more peanuts, most of the sound is very pleasant some of it is static in the matrix...TBC
  16. The Prowler @ The Prowler:
    Is that weird looking dude really @Admin. ?
  17. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
    @Admin. your head though! Lolol
  18. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
    @The Prowler woefully so. His hair plugs and nicotine combover is just hilarious! I still can’t stop laughing. And this bozo is the leader of the leftard crew! Lolol
  19. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
  20. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
  21. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
    Everything about you Fagmin screams FAHGOT! Trolololol
  22. Admin. @ Admin.:
  23. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
  24. Breakfall @ Breakfall:
  25. Cookie Monster @ Cookie Monster:
    @RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© I sent you a pm.