Criminal Cops Going To Prison

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
"A jury Friday convicted Van Dyke of second-degree murder and 16 counts of aggravated battery with a firearm in the death of 17-year-old
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, marking a stunning end to a racially tinged case that roiled the city when the now-infamous police dashboard camera video of the shooting was released three years ago by court order.

Van Dyke is the first Chicago police officer in half a century to be found guilty of murder for an on-duty shooting. He faces a minimum of six years in prison when he is sentenced by Judge Vincent Gaughan. The jury acquitted him of a single count of official misconduct.

Jurors told reporters most of them thought Van Dyke guilty when they entered deliberations but were initially split over whether to convict him on first- or second-degree murder. In the end, after deliberating for about 7½ hours, they settled on second-degree murder, finding that Van Dyke was frightened when he fired his gun but that his fear was unreasonable."

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If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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What makes you think he will get out of prison alive- - - - - - -
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Than the NFL.

"Research suggests that family violence is two to four times higher in the law-enforcement community than in the general population. So where's the public outrage?"

"And there is another American profession that has a significantly more alarming problem with domestic abuse. I'd urge everyone who believes in zero tolerance for NFL employees caught beating their wives or girlfriends to direct as much attention—or ideally, even more attention—at police officers who assault their partners. Several studies have found that the romantic partners of police officers suffer domestic abuse at rates significantly higher than the general population. And while all partner abuse is unacceptable, it is especially problematic when domestic abusers are literally the people that battered and abused women are supposed to call for help."

"If there's any job that domestic abuse should disqualify a person from holding, isn't it the one job that gives you a lethal weapon, trains you to stalk people without their noticing, and relies on your judgment and discretion to protect the abused against domestic abusers?"

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Factory Bastard
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Why is anyone surprised, mostly the type that join the filth are insignificant little arseoles that just need to have power over people. Probably bullied at school and had people take the piss most of their lives, so they get into a position where they can take it out on other people. Same as screws, at the end of the day, in the right incident, they are just still snivelling little shits.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What is this, ACAB day? The NFL are a bunch of entitled cunts on steroids that take a knee while LE get hate until the moment you need one. Some are cunts, sure.. and their suicide rate is high only because the means to do it is within arm's reach at all times to act on the impulse.
When you get the dark view of humanity thrust into your face every day just so others can maintain the luxury of not seeing it at all, it will color anyone and manifest itself in fucked up ways. Cops have power and people resent that, I get it. You break a law and get cited, it sucks.. I get that too.
Imagine being one guy at night having to pull over a car on a pitch black road whose tags come back to an honor student 50 miles away, 3am on a Saturday night during heat wave so the owner may be sleeping and not answering his phone, so never reported it getting stolen. Uh oh... red flags! The windows are tinted so you can't see inside and it's riding really low so you know it's packed full of what may be armed two-three time losers who will do anything to keep from going to prison, including kill you. You hit the lights and initially it accelerates for a moment, realizes evasion is futile then quickly slows down as if to comply, but takes its time until finding a desolate dirt road to pull up into, then you follow it at 10mph until it finally stops out of sight of any witnesses. You call it in so they know where to locate tour body if this goes bad and backup is across the county, 30 minutes away, so NOW you, ALONE, gotta walk up to that jack in the box that might have half a dozen guns pointed right at your face through the tint and ask, "license and registration". They do that because it might be your car that's stolen and they'll do it again and again and again.
Then every time some spook pulls a gun or a cellphone because he can't follow simple fucking directions where you end up dropping 'em, you got the black community up your ass and you are worrying if the fag mayor will appease them by throwing you to the wolves.
There's another side to it, but armchair quarterbacking a cop's job is a popular pass time and I don't know, I guess it's based on people personal experiences, maybe the cops they've met were douchebags and it's justified, so I know it depends on that.
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
"Syracuse police obtained a search warrant from a judge to compel doctors to perform an invasive rectal probe of a man they suspected of hiding drugs, even after an x-ray showed nothing out of the ordinary."

"And after the scope likewise turned up no drugs, the man was billed more than $4,000 for the procedure."

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If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
Site Supporter
Sounds like something that would happen to Throb- - - - - - -:KMA::KMA::KMA:
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Of course the doctors aren't innocent either.

Did you ever see this video from almost a year ago?

"The Utah nurse who was roughly handcuffed for refusing to let police draw blood from an unconscious patient has agreed to a $500,000 settlement over the incident. Bodycam and hospital surveillance video show the July altercation when Detective Jeff Payne of the Salt Lake City Police Department showed up at the University of Utah Medical Center seeking to take a blood sample from an unconscious patient."



puny and deadly
"Syracuse police obtained a search warrant from a judge to compel doctors to perform an invasive rectal probe of a man they suspected of hiding drugs, even after an x-ray showed nothing out of the ordinary."

"And after the scope likewise turned up no drugs, the man was billed more than $4,000 for the procedure."

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It is said that one rotten apple ruins the pie. So you see a few policemen in Syracuse, doing something ridiculous. Does that make all cops bad?


puny and deadly
We tend to be lenient to people who have power than ordinary people simply because going after them is harder than going after people that don't have power. The facts can point to police being abusive or not being abusive (I could careless which is the case). This doesn't discount the fact that police officers risk their lives on the street everyday to make communities safe. Sure not all are good and virtuous like what folks want them to be. It is people in law enforcement who enforce the laws of society. Imagine a world without them. Condemn them all you want but at the end of the day when you need their help. Who do you turn to?
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
"If the police abuses and crimes that some of us perceive as rampant in the USA were something out of the ordinary, something that undermined the position of the police departments and related organizations that carry out the crimes, then the politicians, chiefs of police, and other authorities would put a quick stop to the bad actions and cast the bad actors into outer darkness. But they do nothing of the sort (the exceptions are too few to matter). The nearly universal acceptance, and indeed reward, of police “misconduct” tells us everything we need to know. It’s not an anomaly, a mistake, or a black swan. It’s exactly what our political masters intend to dish out to those of us on the receiving end of it."

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