Unlimited Capacity event hosting services

plural chan

Fractal Plural System #pluralgang
Meltdown in Progress
Hello we are Pandemic Securities Incorporated and we are here to offer you our services of unlimited capacity secure event hosting with a security detail dedicated to making sure you can have your big gathering that flaunts your local health and safety guidelines.

We offer secure and discreet transport of people to an undisclosed location where they are non chalanty taken inside a building with no windows where we have cameras and guards to make sure nobody can see us and call the police for having a large social gathering.

Rest assured we have a 30 day guarantee that any legal expenses will be paid by us if you get fined. We pride ourselves on our ability to smuggle humans and gather them en masse. Our workforce consists of Mexican coyote smuggler and people that helped the jedis escape the nazis in ww2.

Book us today and throw that warehouse party or masquerade you've always dreamed about
