Buy, borrow, steal a clue you moron


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.

It's YOUR side of the political aisle that starts the political crap in Meltdown.

Figure it out, dummy.

eta: You think it's unfair that you morons get responded to in ways that you simply don't like. Too bad. Fix your side of it, chumps.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I think I can safely say that I'm speaking for the majority of the forum membership by saying I wish you would piss off and take an extremely long, semi-permanent break from the place.

Your toxic nonsense really has become a major buzzkill and is likely part of the reason why traffic has plummeted lately.

I mean, who wants to log in and be greeted by a raging, butthurt bovine, rolling around in it's own waste and misery, proclaiming how everyone else is the problem, not her?

If it was upto me, you'd be confined to some kind of containment sub/pen/cage until you cooled off and the guys in hazmat suits are brought in to hose you down.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
When I initially read “ Buy, borrow,steal…” in OP’s title, I thought it was a thread about the Jewish community. I shit you not! Oy vey…



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I think I can safely say that I'm speaking for the majority of the forum membership by saying I wish you would piss off and take an extremely long, semi-permanent break from the place.

Your toxic nonsense really has become a major buzzkill and is likely part of the reason why traffic has plummeted lately.

I mean, who wants to log in and be greeted by a raging, butthurt bovine, rolling around in it's own waste and misery, proclaiming how everyone else is the problem, not her?

If it was upto me, you'd be confined to some kind of containment sub/pen/cage until you cooled off and the guys in hazmat suits are brought in to hose you down.

You can simply choose to control what you read. You don't have to read one thing I post. There isn't anyone putting a gun to your head.

Stop trying to control me. It will never work.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
It's YOUR side of the political aisle that starts the political crap in Meltdown.
All of y'all are fucking retarded with your political bullshit. You and Admin are here all day/every day slapping each other on the ass. Your detractors are equally retarded with their name-calling and stupid memes and 'My Side is better than Your Side' bullshit. It's just another excuse to troll and flame and hate and devolve yourselves to the lowest level.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
All of y'all are fucking retarded with your political bullshit. You and Admin are here all day/every day slapping each other on the ass. Your detractors are equally retarded with their name-calling and stupid memes and 'My Side is better than Your Side' bullshit. It's just another excuse to troll and flame and hate and devolve yourselves to the lowest level.

I don't start political threads in Meltdown.

On the politics sub, I do. That is the topic of this thread. Thanks for playing. I have a consolation prize for you.



Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
All of y'all are fucking retarded with your political bullshit. You and Admin are here all day/every day slapping each other on the ass. Your detractors are equally retarded with their name-calling and stupid memes and 'My Side is better than Your Side' bullshit. It's just another excuse to troll and flame and hate and devolve yourselves to the lowest level.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

You know, there are subs on this very forum that I don't much like or have an interest in. Guess what I do? Nothing. I don't go there. I certainly don't go there to complain about the activity that goes on there.

Why do others go to places they don't like and complain about it?


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter

It's YOUR side of the political aisle that starts the political crap in Meltdown.

Figure it out, dummy.

eta: You think it's unfair that you morons get responded to in ways that you simply don't like. Too bad. Fix your side of it, chumps.


Hell, most the "Cons and Righties" aint even here, much less posting in Polly Tics anymore after all the control freak shit y'all did.

Y'all moved shit to Meltdown anyway with your Libtarded powers, and banning tHe OThEr siDe!!! So deal with the consequences YOU and your ilk have bestowed upon this community.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Sorry, I'll stay out of your threads from now on. It's the Admin and Lily Show and the rest of the retards. Have Fun.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You can simply choose to control what you read. You don't have to read one thing I post. There isn't anyone putting a gun to your head.

Stop trying to control me. It will never work.

He didnt tell you to stop or leave. He told you that a lot that many people would prefer if you did.

No one is trying to or even wanting to control you. You are the one who is controling, so that's projection. And you should take that advice. Stop trying to control others, it's never gonna work.

The ONLY posters on these boards who are preoccupied with control and controling other people is you, Murd and Poofer. And everyone sees that....even the ones who tolerate it due to politics.

It USED to be that meltdown was an anything goes board. So people fought by slamming eachothers politcs down here if they felt like it. And we all see Admin dragging politcs down here even when no one is talking about it because all he can ever do is shit post his hatred of everyone who doesnt vote his way.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
OP why do you consider yourself to be guiltless in this devolvement of community engagement?

It's their narcissism. Even the fact they constantly insult people rather than having discussions isnt their fault because we insult them BACK so we are "just as" guilty.

Meaning it's not thier fault they treat other people like shit....and we are expected to take their insults with a nice and kind smile and be super nice and respectful when they call us racists, trumptards, insane, stupid, et. Oh and they malign and misrepresent us and refuse correction because they WANT to hate and think the worst of others.

They are never ever guilty of anything. Hell it's even Fleas fault that Lily text bombed her and then ran and got Bone involved and went nuts on Flea because.....Flea goes to bed too early and should have been immediately available whenever Lily has a cyber drama.

And Jan 6th was my fault as well because I'm right wing. So that's on my hands as well. However none of the unhinged, violent leftwing riots that destroyed communities of innocent people and left several people dead is on her at all.

It's a constant theme with her. Shes made herself beyond reproach in her mind, blames other people for her words and actions, and has made herself an authority on other people who can "hold up a mirror" and try to make others "accountable" all while she never applies those standards to herself at all. And if people hold up a mirror to her.....they are just mad and trolled or whatever bullshit she tells herself.

It's just funny how many people have said this over the years and this woman is in her 50s and hasnt grown at all mentally and emotionally. Shes a truly horrible person.

People who havent figured her out yet should take heed because she openly admits that she will only pretend to like someone....claim its pity....and chat with them in a very friendly and personal manner, get them comfortable talking to her and then she turns like a rabid dog the minute you piss her off by having your own views and convictions.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

I mean, look at you, look at the way you've turned a forum meant to be a diversion from real life into a toxic shit hole where you blame your rotten behavior and unsufferable personality on other people and turned what is meant to be a fun forum into a COLOSSAL CLUSTERFUCK.

Get a life, you bagged-out, dried-up, two tons of pig that does not involve being a useless asshole on the forums.


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
We have rules here the 4 golden ones , so confining anyone who's not breaking them is just censorship and we don't do that here , minus the hot words but that's to keep bots and creeps from lurking ..

Look at @ maxim or whatever, he destroyed my online presence by shutting down my images and he's not banned..

It's about co-mingling and not just mudslinging in multiple threads , thats just bad forum ..


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I mean, look at you, look at the way you've turned a forum meant to be a diversion from real life into a toxic shit hole where you blame your rotten behavior and unsufferable personality on other people and turned what is meant to be a fun forum into a COLOSSAL CLUSTERFUCK.

Get a life, you bagged-out, dried-up, two tons of pig that does not involve being a useless asshole on the forums.

Right, why don't I bow down to the "woman" who only comes here to bitch at Blandscape? That is the content you create to showcase how much better you are than him/everyone.

That's who I should listen to, the "woman" that complains all day that "her" man isn't giving "her" the attention she craves.
Sounds about right.
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Right, why don't I bow down to the "woman" who only comes here to bitch at Blandscape? That is the content you create to showcase how much better you are than him/everyone.

That's who I should listen to, the "woman" that complains all day that "her" man isn't giving "her" the attention she craves.
Sounds about right.

Look how self righteous and sanctimonious this bitch gets whenever her own behavior and treatment of other people is addressed directly.

Only to a progressive CA bush hog is being a decent fucking person consisted "bowing down".

This woman really sees herself at some war. She comes to fight and spew toxic and yeah....controling hogwash, actually judge other people according to her biases and double standards....and the minute someone points out her shitty horrible personality she gets all full of herself (and that is REALLY full) and literally thinks her options are 1. Be a toxic shit scum bag or 2. Bow down.

Being a decent soooooo degrading. Only in CA. And probably Portland where fucks like this live.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Right, why don't I bow down to the "woman" who only comes here to bitch at Blandscape? That is the content you create to showcase how much better you are than him/everyone.

That's who I should listen to, the "woman" that complains all day that "her" man isn't giving "her" the attention she craves.
Sounds about right.

Hey...lard ass, this isn't San Francisco...where you can run around like a giant, snaggle-toothed pig and shit in the streets. You're obviously drinking a lot of cheap wine before logging on to BF and disrupting threads with your pithy responses and disruptive behavior. They say that misery loves company, and you enjoy spreading your miserable ass cheeks and blowing disputatious flatulence that reeks of your usual truculent behavior on these forums.

If you're not abusing emoticons and getting consistently triggered in Meltdown...your vile attitude is derailing threads in the poli-dicks sections. Why don't you have a vaginal monologue with a 12 inch dildo shaped like a pork chop and go get fucked.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
No shit?!

The best part about that is absolutely NO ONE (who knows me) but you would ever describe me that way.

And if someone came to me and said "Hey are being kinda sanctimonious" I would take a few steps back and reflect.

YOU are projecting. You are "holding that mirror" up backwards. You are easily the most sanctimonious, self righteous person on the boards. Right above Blurts smug self.

Also dont you guys shit on Big when he brags about his material success as an obvious troll intended to piss you guys off? One he does because you guys are classist as fuck? Funny we saw no one criticizing Murd when on a holiday for humility and gratitude she bullshit bragged that her 12 seater Pottery Barn table costs more than her last two cars combined LOL.

Face it. You are sanctimonious, narcissistic, elitist snobs who think you are better than others and view your miserable selves as authorities to harshly judges others while giving yourselves free passes for shit behavior by blaming others for it.

Me having convictions and being passionate about them, and refusing to minimize myself for YOUR comfort so I'm more agreeable to YOU is not at sanctimonious. You are just a bully who thinks it's on other people to cater to your biases and opinions while you do not have to put in any effort to cater to anyone elses...or even understand them. Its YOU and your ilk who become angry and hateful towards those who oppose your views and will actually argue their reasons.

That's not any of us. I've never pretended to like people I dont like and then chatted them up, got their phone number to keep chatting with them, turned on them out of nowhere and then tried to claim it was some service I did for the person out of "sympathy". I appreciate your goal with that was to make ME feel like shit and you actually intended ME to feel like the pathetic one....but that's incredible and that's the kind of narcissistic shit person YOU are.

Yeah I've never faked friendship with someone only to attack later and then claimed it was a service they should have been grateful for. That's what toxic self righteous and sanctimonious people do.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
oh look, tons O werds that go nowhere :LOL3:

You should post a scat emoji and remind us the former glory of the content that once graced this board.

Maybe it will help us get stupider and start avoiding werds on forums.
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Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
X, why do you go out of your way to defend flabba da gutt?

Are the X-rated mobility scooter pics and free access to her Only Fatties account really worth sacrificing your dignity for?


Site Supporter
X, why do you go out of your way to defend flabba da gutt?

Are the X-rated mobility scooter pics and free access to her Only Fatties account really worth sacrificing your dignity for?
yoo shuddup buddy ... I loves everybody here even your retarded ass faggOT !!


Site Supporter
You should post a scat emoji and remind us the former glory of the content that once graced this board.

Maybe it will help us get stupider and start avoiding werds on forums.
I'm sorry Dove, it's just that you suck .