Just Curious Re: The Situation in Gaza


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I believe in a 2-state solution. I guess that means I do not agree with Israel or Hamas.

Just as an aside, Israel's very existence and ongoing illegal settlements and aggressions have already caused thousands of non-combatant deaths on both sides of the border.

I’m gonna play devil’s advocate….

Jews are more tolerable than the Muslims and that’s why the conservatives are backing Israel.

I have said this many times before… get rid of God and that should solve most of the issues plaguing today’s society.


Factory Bastard
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Sunshine State ☀️
I'm guessing not and that's probably because she hasn't seen any footage that's not slavishly pro-Israel or at the very least severely lacking in some very important context.

Horrific makes me sick.

They want it to build settlements and the beautiful ocean front property for Israel citizens. Unreal.

It doesn't matter they are admitting to war crimes. He's right they don't care. No empathy. I mean WTF

Oh so American Jews are building homes in Gaza? It's not Israeli citizens. How she get citizenship so easily?????

So wait @Garraty_47 they have kids that IDF are picking up to protest to stop aid trucks from passing and celebrating etc?? This...so they can shut down the crossing. Just to continue the starving of children. Ok people wake up.

Omgosh I wish I didn't see this.

Wait you have to let me know about the Hamas sexual violence scam please he's talking about.
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I'm still on the throwing out God thing lol...

Does she understand what the Zionist believe lol..

I think what she said, inartfully, was that the Christians in the West, prefer Jews over Muslims.

The comment on religion I know comes from a place where she sees the destructive behavior of humans in the name of God.

I believe @Murdy, like many people, believe that this is a war about religion. It mostly is about land and colonization, imo, but religion is used to justify these conflicts.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Oh so American Jews are building homes in Gaza? It's not Israeli citizens. How she get citizenship so easily?????

Due to Israel's "Law of Return" it's very easy for Jews to obtain Israeli citizenship no matter where in the world they live and were born. Most of the rabid zionists weren't born in that region; even Netanyahu is of Polish descent at least on his father's side.

Wait you have to let me know about the Hamas sexual violence scam please he's talking about.

It might be this one:



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Not that you need more proof that muslims are inhuman savages:

Israeli woman who was held hostage by Hamas speaks out on her abduction and sexual assault in Gaza
Lauren Izso
Updated Wed, March 27, 2024 at 9:22 AM EDT·4 min read
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Amit Soussana has become the first Israeli woman to speak publicly about enduring what she says was a sexual assault and other forms of violence during her 55 days in captivity following the Hamas-led attack on Israel on October 7, according to reporting by The New York Times on Tuesday.
Abducted from her home by at least 10 men, Soussana said she was subjected to a horrifying series of events that saw her beaten and dragged into Gaza. The details of Soussana’s captivity paint a grim picture of her suffering; from being locked alone and chained by her ankle to being forced into performing sexual acts under the threat of a gun, according to
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Soussana, a lawyer, was released in late November of 2023 as part of an exchange of hostages in Gaza who were kidnapped during the Hamas attack for Palestinian prisoners.
“Amit Soussana’s courageous testimony detailing her horrific captivity is one of many harrowing accounts from hostages held by Hamas,” the Hostages Families Forum said in a statement.
It added, “Amit is a hero, as are all hostages enduring this living hell for 172 agonizing days. We must bring these brave women and men home before it is too late.”
Soussana’s eight hours of interviews with The New York Times shed light on the psychological and physical torment she said she experienced at the hands of her captors, offering extensive details of her ordeal across several locations in Gaza, including in private homes and a subterranean tunnel.
Several days into her captivity, she said, her guard began asking about her sex life.
Soussana said she was held alone in a child’s bedroom, chained by her left ankle. Sometimes, the guard would enter, sit beside her on the bed, lift her shirt and touch her, she told The New York Times.
Soussana added that the guard repeatedly asked when her period was due. When her period ended, around Oct. 18, she tried to put him off by pretending that she was bleeding for nearly a week.
Around October 24, the guard, who called himself Muhammad, attacked her, she said.
Early that morning, she said, Muhammad unlocked her chain and left her in the bathroom. After she undressed and began washing herself in the bathtub, Muhammad returned and stood in the doorway, holding a pistol.
“He came towards me and shoved the gun at my forehead,” Soussana recalled. After hitting Soussana and forcing her to remove her towel, “Muhammad groped her, sat her on the edge of the bathtub and hit her again,” The New York Times reported, citing Soussana.
A view from inside the destroyed house of released hostage Amit Soussana, kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack by Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, at the Kibbutz Kfar Aza in Israel on January 29, 2024. - Alexandre Meneghini/Reuters/File

A view from inside the destroyed house of released hostage Amit Soussana, kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack by Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, at the Kibbutz Kfar Aza in Israel on January 29, 2024. - Alexandre Meneghini/Reuters/File
Dr. Ayelet Levy Shachar, mother of 19-year-old hostage Naama Levy, who was captured on video being dragged by her hair from the back of a Jeep at gunpoint in Gaza, her sweatpants stained with blood said, “Amit’s horrifying testimony is more proof that our loved ones in Gaza endure physical, sexual, and psychological torture every single day. Each day there is like an eternity.”
She said what happened to Amit “is the same nightmare so many other hostages, women and men, are facing every day in captivity. Maybe even at this very moment. We are begging – their lives hang in the balance. Bring our daughters and all our loved ones back to us now – before it is too late”.
Earlier in March, the United Nations published a report indicating that rape and gang rape, among other acts of sexual violence, likely occurred during the October 7 Hamas attack and said there was “clear and convincing” evidence that hostages were raped while being held in Gaza, and that those currently held captive are still facing such abuse.
Hamas official Basem Naim denied the UN report of sexual assaults in an
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earlier this month.
On Tuesday, Israeli President Isaac Herzog said that Soussana “speaks for all those who cannot speak. She speaks for all the victims of Hamas’ despicable sexual crimes and abuse. She speaks for all women everywhere,” according to a post on his X account commenting on The New York Times’ article.
Dem jooos tell the truth all the time don’t they fuckhead LOL


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And this is what I'm being attacked about with reaper... all I said was do your research. I never said it didn't happen. Where is the proof. There is nothing.

I have blocked him here. He said he hopes I die and my kids get raped and murdered.
Tell the dirty fucker to suck on a peanutty log of shit, I feel like he fingers his own ass
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
I’m gonna play devil’s advocate….

Jews are more tolerable than the Muslims and that’s why the conservatives are backing Israel.
Jews may well be more tolerable, but if it was about conservatism then they would be backing muslims who are far more radically conservative than Jews....
...and modern Nazis certainly aren't backing Jews (unless into an incinerator). How much more conservative can one get than a Nazi?
. No, the reason religious conservatives back them is that Judaism is fundamental to xtianity in their view. That's what happens when you mix religion into some sort of soup. islam, being a later concoction isn't seen as a true part of the lineage by the faithful even though its nutballery is indeed more similar say to the folks buying the Trump bible.
.. Jews do consider themselves genetically linked to their ancestor Hebrews, but like with muslims it is the cultural heritage that defines them, and what binds that heritage is the religion. So if land is being fought over, who is fighting over it but people who define themselves primarily by their religion, and the land had already been conquered and colonized (7th,8th century CE). If Israel you see as colonizers (LoLz) then what is it if not countercolonization. It's easy for certain individuals to see Jews (who they see as the white people), as the colonizers, because only white people can be colonizers in the modern racist sense, even though historically it is the Arab muslims who are the conquerors and colonizers. Don't be shocked - brown people can also be colonizers.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
Don't read this - it's bad for you.

(hmmmm, "palestine is only for arab muslims - all others must be killed sayeth Allah !)
The Hamas Charter:
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As elsewhere reported, Hamas specifically attacked Israel on Oct 7 to derail peace talks between the US, Saudis and Israel aimed at normalizing relations. Hamas has said that they do not care how many "palestinians" die so long as their mission is fulfilled.
Interesting article:
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Apparatus Of Satan
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Rockford, IL
If Israel you see as colonizers (LoLz) then what is it if not countercolonization. It's easy for certain individuals to see Jews (who they see as the white people), as the colonizers, because only white people can be colonizers in the modern racist sense, even though historically it is the Arab muslims who are the conquerors and colonizers. Don't be shocked - brown people can also be colonizers.
It depends on what type of colonialism you are talking about. If you mean exploitative colonialism, AFAIK that was almost exclusively practiced by western Europeans and the Muscovites.
If you are talking about settler colonialism, that was also practiced by Europeans, also by Arabs during the 7th-12th centuries AD.
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Factory Bastard
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Many born again Christians believe that Armageddon is going to happen in Jerusalem, so they want that area protected as holy ground. They believe the temple has to be rebuilt there in order for Armageddon to happen. These people are very pro Israel for this very selfish reason.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
Many born again Christians believe that Armageddon is going to happen in Jerusalem, so they want that area protected as holy ground. They believe the temple has to be rebuilt there in order for Armageddon to happen. These people are very pro Israel for this very selfish reason.
Apocalyptic x-tians may be the scariest, since some may not be content to wait for the great conflagration to come by it's own natural course, but rather choose to act as facilitators - that at least if you can believe some modern movies and stuff on popular bookstore shelves. I'm sure there must be some very educational youtubes on that that as well, and where better to get the best and latest info of an impeccable sort than youtube. Alas, I am not you best local contact for that.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Apocalyptic x-tians may be the scariest, since some may not be content to wait for the great conflagration to come by it's own natural course, but rather choose to act as facilitators - that at least if you can believe some modern movies and stuff on popular bookstore shelves. I'm sure there must be some very educational youtubes on that that as well, and where better to get the best and latest info of an impeccable sort that youtube. Alas, I am not you best local contact for that.
I know about this shit from real life people who believe it. Never heard about any of it on the innernets.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Gotta be. The internets has it whether you heard of it or not. Anything.
I know they do. I just never bothered to look it up because Southern California is dirty with born agains. I heard this enough from crazy people masquerading as sane and normal. Wasn't interested in hearing the unleashed nuts on youtube.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
I know they do. I just never bothered to look it up because Southern California is dirty with born agains. I heard this enough from crazy people masquerading as sane and normal. Wasn't interested in hearing the unleashed nuts on youtube.
...but if you did want to know about it, or anything about religion, or what's REALLY going on in the ME, then the only trustworthy place to go would be youtube. That's all I was saying.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
With ya so far.

What. The. Entire. Fuck.

Turn off your television.


It may already be too late for you, but you might get lucky.


More like a history book…. Israel predates Palestine by about 1,000 years. The Jews disbursed from
their homeland and Palestine became mostly Arab.

There have been 16 wars between them since.