Even Marxists are turning on the extreme left...


Domestically feral
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United states
" Describing trans activism as "the most extreme totalitarian element of wokeism," Widdowson said the campaign against her began to mobilize when she organized a
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in March 2019 between trans activist Julie Rei Goldstein and Meghan Murphy, a person critical of trans activism, to discuss whether trans activism negatively impacts women's rights.

Following the debate, Widdowson said a lot of professors started to argue that trans people at MRU were saying their humanity was being denied.

"And that really put a target on me as someone who was a person who was engaged in hateful and discriminatory type of speech," she said.

"We are entering into an increasingly authoritarian phase," she said, warning that more and more people are conflating speech with violence. "People really need to take notice of what's happening. And I guess the universities were the first sign that we were in serious trouble.""

I mean.....shes exactly right.

The brainwashed psychopaths are gonna call her "teh right" and keep screaming that womens rights are anti trans and keep ignoring rape and abuse.

Every single leftist that come out pointing out how bad this is? Labeled "teh right" and shouted down.

These are the most corrosive and hateful fucking people in the world and they are dead set on destroying the rights of others. If you want your rights? You are denying them "humanity" somehow.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
" Describing trans activism as "the most extreme totalitarian element of wokeism," Widdowson said the campaign against her began to mobilize when she organized a
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in March 2019 between trans activist Julie Rei Goldstein and Meghan Murphy, a person critical of trans activism, to discuss whether trans activism negatively impacts women's rights.

Following the debate, Widdowson said a lot of professors started to argue that trans people at MRU were saying their humanity was being denied.

"And that really put a target on me as someone who was a person who was engaged in hateful and discriminatory type of speech," she said.

"We are entering into an increasingly authoritarian phase," she said, warning that more and more people are conflating speech with violence. "People really need to take notice of what's happening. And I guess the universities were the first sign that we were in serious trouble.""

I mean.....shes exactly right.

The brainwashed psychopaths are gonna call her "teh right" and keep screaming that womens rights are anti trans and keep ignoring rape and abuse.

Every single leftist that come out pointing out how bad this is? Labeled "teh right" and shouted down.

These are the most corrosive and hateful fucking people in the world and they are dead set on destroying the rights of others. If you want your rights? You are denying them "humanity" somehow.

I was chatting to a post op trans who hates all the propoganda and she said one of the problems is when they take hormone blockers they hit the buffers so to speak rather than a slow decline and become metal and aggressive, especially if mis diagnosed which many are.

btw Having my kink shamed is one of my kinks.


Factory Bastard
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Dr. Thomas Sowelll telling the truth about race hustlers.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
" Describing trans activism as "the most extreme totalitarian element of wokeism," Widdowson said the campaign against her began to mobilize when she organized a
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in March 2019 between trans activist Julie Rei Goldstein and Meghan Murphy, a person critical of trans activism, to discuss whether trans activism negatively impacts women's rights.

Following the debate, Widdowson said a lot of professors started to argue that trans people at MRU were saying their humanity was being denied.

"And that really put a target on me as someone who was a person who was engaged in hateful and discriminatory type of speech," she said.

"We are entering into an increasingly authoritarian phase," she said, warning that more and more people are conflating speech with violence. "People really need to take notice of what's happening. And I guess the universities were the first sign that we were in serious trouble.""

I mean.....shes exactly right.

The brainwashed psychopaths are gonna call her "teh right" and keep screaming that womens rights are anti trans and keep ignoring rape and abuse.

Every single leftist that come out pointing out how bad this is? Labeled "teh right" and shouted down.

These are the most corrosive and hateful fucking people in the world and they are dead set on destroying the rights of others. If you want your rights? You are denying them "humanity" somehow.

I was chatting to a post op trans who hates all the propoganda and she said one of the problems is when they take hormone blockers they hit the buffers so to speak rather than a slow decline and become metal and aggressive, especially if mis diagnosed which many are.

btw Having my kink shamed is one of my kinks.

You do see a lot of unhinged, aggressive, and even violent male to female trans. Just watch video of any of the violent Antifa riots and note how many mtf trans are there being violent. The hormones thing might be a good explanation.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
" Describing trans activism as "the most extreme totalitarian element of wokeism," Widdowson said the campaign against her began to mobilize when she organized a
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in March 2019 between trans activist Julie Rei Goldstein and Meghan Murphy, a person critical of trans activism, to discuss whether trans activism negatively impacts women's rights.

Following the debate, Widdowson said a lot of professors started to argue that trans people at MRU were saying their humanity was being denied.

"And that really put a target on me as someone who was a person who was engaged in hateful and discriminatory type of speech," she said.

"We are entering into an increasingly authoritarian phase," she said, warning that more and more people are conflating speech with violence. "People really need to take notice of what's happening. And I guess the universities were the first sign that we were in serious trouble.""

I mean.....shes exactly right.

The brainwashed psychopaths are gonna call her "teh right" and keep screaming that womens rights are anti trans and keep ignoring rape and abuse.

Every single leftist that come out pointing out how bad this is? Labeled "teh right" and shouted down.

These are the most corrosive and hateful fucking people in the world and they are dead set on destroying the rights of others. If you want your rights? You are denying them "humanity" somehow.

I was chatting to a post op trans who hates all the propoganda and she said one of the problems is when they take hormone blockers they hit the buffers so to speak rather than a slow decline and become metal and aggressive, especially if mis diagnosed which many are.

btw Having my kink shamed is one of my kinks.

You do not even NEED a real diagnosis now. Anyone who says it must be treated as such.

Do you know the vast amount of "gender dysphoric" children will straight up out grow out it during puberty? And that blocking puberty is exactly what these "gender clinics" do to the kids?

We only have a small window of puberty to go through so much critical growth. Puberty isnt just sexual development. Its everywhere including the brain development.

You literally sterilize and stunt the growth of these kids putting them on blockers that stop their puberty. They dont make up that lost time, either. That window will shut.

So if you stop a year of a childs puberty? That's a year of critical growth they will never get back. You can take them off the blockers and puberty will resume but you wont have a full puberty period.

This is serious abuse and its unethical and disgusting. I cant even believe it's being allowed. I guess if we have "doctors" willing to dismember a living human being in utero, than there are "doctors" who are perfectly fine fucking up children's growth, stunting it, making them permanent medical patients and sterilizing them without proper ethical consents. Sterilizing and experimenting on children is an actual human rights violation.

The left loves their hate and their human rights abuses.

And wonderful! I figured there would be at a least a few of you. Have you been getting into those cookies before breakfast again? So shameful.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
" Describing trans activism as "the most extreme totalitarian element of wokeism," Widdowson said the campaign against her began to mobilize when she organized a
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in March 2019 between trans activist Julie Rei Goldstein and Meghan Murphy, a person critical of trans activism, to discuss whether trans activism negatively impacts women's rights.

Following the debate, Widdowson said a lot of professors started to argue that trans people at MRU were saying their humanity was being denied.

"And that really put a target on me as someone who was a person who was engaged in hateful and discriminatory type of speech," she said.

"We are entering into an increasingly authoritarian phase," she said, warning that more and more people are conflating speech with violence. "People really need to take notice of what's happening. And I guess the universities were the first sign that we were in serious trouble.""

I mean.....shes exactly right.

The brainwashed psychopaths are gonna call her "teh right" and keep screaming that womens rights are anti trans and keep ignoring rape and abuse.

Every single leftist that come out pointing out how bad this is? Labeled "teh right" and shouted down.

These are the most corrosive and hateful fucking people in the world and they are dead set on destroying the rights of others. If you want your rights? You are denying them "humanity" somehow.

I was chatting to a post op trans who hates all the propoganda and she said one of the problems is when they take hormone blockers they hit the buffers so to speak rather than a slow decline and become metal and aggressive, especially if mis diagnosed which many are.

btw Having my kink shamed is one of my kinks.

You do see a lot of unhinged, aggressive, and even violent male to female trans. Just watch video of any of the violent Antifa riots and note how many mtf trans are there being violent. The hormones thing might be a good explanation.

Have you seen their tweets I posted with them being violent and unhinged psychopaths talking about violence against women( the ones they call terfs and transphobes)?

Their hysterics and lies and their justifications? It's okay to call for violence and threaten "terfs" and rape them with their "lady dicks" because "terfs are not real people and have no rights"?

They are absolutely no different from incels. In fact they might actually be worse than incels. Imagine if incels had political and cultural validation? Youd have the trans "movement".


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lol look at H pretending he opposes the "woke" and claiming conservatives are the same authoritarian psychos as the woke.

It's like he is so absorbed in his own irrational hatred of other Americans he is mentally crippled.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
Site Supporter ☠️
TERF Island.
And wonderful! I figured there would be at a least a few of you. Have you been getting into those cookies before breakfast again? So shameful.

Thanks for reminding me, I have a millionaire style Vienna whirl in my draw, its 10.55am and me peckish.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
Site Supporter ☠️
TERF Island.
" Describing trans activism as "the most extreme totalitarian element of wokeism," Widdowson said the campaign against her began to mobilize when she organized a
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in March 2019 between trans activist Julie Rei Goldstein and Meghan Murphy, a person critical of trans activism, to discuss whether trans activism negatively impacts women's rights.

Following the debate, Widdowson said a lot of professors started to argue that trans people at MRU were saying their humanity was being denied.

"And that really put a target on me as someone who was a person who was engaged in hateful and discriminatory type of speech," she said.

"We are entering into an increasingly authoritarian phase," she said, warning that more and more people are conflating speech with violence. "People really need to take notice of what's happening. And I guess the universities were the first sign that we were in serious trouble.""

I mean.....shes exactly right.

The brainwashed psychopaths are gonna call her "teh right" and keep screaming that womens rights are anti trans and keep ignoring rape and abuse.

Every single leftist that come out pointing out how bad this is? Labeled "teh right" and shouted down.

These are the most corrosive and hateful fucking people in the world and they are dead set on destroying the rights of others. If you want your rights? You are denying them "humanity" somehow.

I was chatting to a post op trans who hates all the propoganda and she said one of the problems is when they take hormone blockers they hit the buffers so to speak rather than a slow decline and become metal and aggressive, especially if mis diagnosed which many are.

btw Having my kink shamed is one of my kinks.

You do see a lot of unhinged, aggressive, and even violent male to female trans. Just watch video of any of the violent Antifa riots and note how many mtf trans are there being violent. The hormones thing might be a good explanation.

Have you seen their tweets I posted with them being violent and unhinged psychopaths talking about violence against women( the ones they call terfs and transphobes)?

Their hysterics and lies and their justifications? It's okay to call for violence and threaten "terfs" and rape them with their "lady dicks" because "terfs are not real people and have no rights"?

They are absolutely no different from incels. In fact they might actually be worse than incels. Imagine if incels had political and cultural validation? Youd have the trans "movement".

These clowns rolled up on the BDSM scene around 2005 or earlier, one of the reasons I left. I have been fighting this battle and am better informed than you for a long time.

If you wise up quickly on line you can go after and break up their gangs on forums using muh jedi troll skills when they start targetting people.

By people I mean generally, Female with few publicly displayed friends and appears socially awkward. oh and me as I wont stand for BS bullying regardless on numbers.

It got so bad in one war online that a group confronted one of them in a club who fessed up everything that I was claiming online, that it was organised in pm's and targetting individuals. Got the site owner to break the gang up as well lol.

Its obvious to most on the scene that it doesn't matter what you are into but when you start focussing on children or dog pilling people youve crossed a line.

2 Things need to be learned. Those with authority and do nothing need to be targetted just as much even more, this is where I find parents taking on school boards in the USA gives hope.

Oh and not all perverts are your enemies.

When I meet kinksters now and reveal my ID I find that I am considered a fucking legend outside of the London scene. For every enemy you battle there ares dozens rooting for you and to scared to stick their head up. Eventually they will.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
" Describing trans activism as "the most extreme totalitarian element of wokeism," Widdowson said the campaign against her began to mobilize when she organized a
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in March 2019 between trans activist Julie Rei Goldstein and Meghan Murphy, a person critical of trans activism, to discuss whether trans activism negatively impacts women's rights.

Following the debate, Widdowson said a lot of professors started to argue that trans people at MRU were saying their humanity was being denied.

"And that really put a target on me as someone who was a person who was engaged in hateful and discriminatory type of speech," she said.

"We are entering into an increasingly authoritarian phase," she said, warning that more and more people are conflating speech with violence. "People really need to take notice of what's happening. And I guess the universities were the first sign that we were in serious trouble.""

I mean.....shes exactly right.

The brainwashed psychopaths are gonna call her "teh right" and keep screaming that womens rights are anti trans and keep ignoring rape and abuse.

Every single leftist that come out pointing out how bad this is? Labeled "teh right" and shouted down.

These are the most corrosive and hateful fucking people in the world and they are dead set on destroying the rights of others. If you want your rights? You are denying them "humanity" somehow.

I was chatting to a post op trans who hates all the propoganda and she said one of the problems is when they take hormone blockers they hit the buffers so to speak rather than a slow decline and become metal and aggressive, especially if mis diagnosed which many are.

btw Having my kink shamed is one of my kinks.

You do see a lot of unhinged, aggressive, and even violent male to female trans. Just watch video of any of the violent Antifa riots and note how many mtf trans are there being violent. The hormones thing might be a good explanation.

Have you seen their tweets I posted with them being violent and unhinged psychopaths talking about violence against women( the ones they call terfs and transphobes)?

Their hysterics and lies and their justifications? It's okay to call for violence and threaten "terfs" and rape them with their "lady dicks" because "terfs are not real people and have no rights"?

They are absolutely no different from incels. In fact they might actually be worse than incels. Imagine if incels had political and cultural validation? Youd have the trans "movement".

These clowns rolled up on the BDSM scene around 2005 or earlier, one of the reasons I left. I have been fighting this battle and am better informed than you for a long time.

If you wise up quickly on line you can go after and break up their gangs on forums using muh jedi troll skills when they start targetting people.

By people I mean generally, Female with few publicly displayed friends and appears socially awkward. oh and me as I wont stand for BS bullying regardless on numbers.

It got so bad in one war online that a group confronted one of them in a club who fessed up everything that I was claiming online, that it was organised in pm's and targetting individuals. Got the site owner to break the gang up as well lol.

Its obvious to most on the scene that it doesn't matter what you are into but when you start focussing on children or dog pilling people youve crossed a line.

2 Things need to be learned. Those with authority and do nothing need to be targetted just as much even more, this is where I find parents taking on school boards in the USA gives hope.

Oh and not all perverts are your enemies.

When I meet kinksters now and reveal my ID I find that I am considered a fucking legend outside of the London scene. For every enemy you battle there ares dozens rooting for you and to scared to stick their head up. Eventually they will.

I'm not worried about perverts on the internet at all.

What concerns me is their identity politcs being written into legislation that impacts us all. Because of Biden, men are permitted to only SELF idenity as women in order to gain access to all womens single sex spaces. Including womens prisons and domestic violence shelters.

And as a result women are being raped, beaten and abused in prisons by these predatory men who know they can just say they are women and be placed there with the women.

There are 150 male prisoners expected to be transferred to womens prison.

They dont have to do anything to try to "pass". They can self identify.

The sports and competitions that men are taking away is bad.....but the prisons and shelters are worse. Housing men in there is a human rights violation. Forcing women to share cells with male rapists and murderers is ghoulish fucking cruelty towards women.

And another thing that is very alarming is that in CA, OR and WA, once a child turns 13 they can make the decision to transition and go on the medical pathway without any parental knowledge. And if teachers or therapists or whoever suggests the child is trans and parents do not take their child to a gender clinic, CPS can remove that child and place him/her in a state funded "youth center" that houses 11 year olds through 22 year olds. All together. Male and female mixed. And socail workers can help these kids seek emancipation on the grounds of abuse (abuse is basically anything from rules about the internet to not allowing a KID medical transition procedures....its a very large umbrella)

Girls as young as 13 are getting double mastectomies and it's not called "top surgery".

If you dont allow your child to transition, its abuse according to the state and they can and do intervene and get the kid on the medical pathway. Its SO fucking disturbing. It's another human rights violation. Sterilizing children(puberty blockers cause sterilization and stunt healthy growth) and medical mauling and abuse like this is a human rights violation.

You know I'm pretty open minded. I'm a live let live person. I dont belittle or hate other humans. But I've always bullied the bullies....and this trans rights movement is the epitome of abusive bully and they are getting legislation passed that removes the rights of women and promotes and enables the abuse of children. Making these kids life long medical patients.

Floors me how the same people who once opposed establishment wars and big corps and pharmaceutical companies hurting people for profit are now so intensely FOR all of that.

It just shows that they never actually had any convictions at all. Whatever their opposition does is what they oppose and demand the opposite of. So now they are pro war, pro corps, and pro destroying womens rights and pharma making money off vulnerable and confused children by permanently destroying their bodies and health.

TX now has a law protecting children and minors from any medical transition procedures
.....as it SHOULD be age restricted....and these fuckheads attack that as "anti trans legislation" because they do not care who gets hurt. They just dont.

When I show the trans group twitter posts.....its just to show how incredibly hateful and violent they are and the disturbing shit they spew about women who defend their sex based rights or advocate for themselves. They are violent, murderous psychopaths who are a few steps beyond the incels. And the leftists who whine about "hate" support these fucking people.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The very people who court the woke leftist mob will find it will turn on them for something trivial and the mob will devour them.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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The very people who court the woke leftist mob will find it will turn on them for something trivial and the mob will devour them.
They always turn on their own when there is no one left on the other side to turn on.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
Site Supporter ☠️
TERF Island.
The very people who court the woke leftist mob will find it will turn on them for something trivial and the mob will devour them.

One of these was devoured the other day, lost all his sponsors, cancelled for "homophobia". Cant remember his name, was featured on the Lotus Eaters.


Factory Bastard
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Meanwhile libs are fleeing the boards in droves...

Wokeness is definitely distracting from the important economic issues, which are paramount in all this BS. I've been saying this for years, also, and I've gotten a lot of shit on the boards for it.

@Cookie Monster, you seem to be posting in the wrong thread. Wake up!!!

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The very people who court the woke leftist mob will find it will turn on them for something trivial and the mob will devour them.

One of these was devoured the other day, lost all his sponsors, cancelled for "homophobia". Cant remember his name, was featured on the Lotus Eaters.

Ethan Klein. Who is a complete lying piece of shit.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
Site Supporter ☠️
TERF Island.