Left wing racism failing as always.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Who sponsored it?

Second, the 1994 law shaped Democratic Party politics for years to come. Under the leadership of Bill Clinton, Democrats wanted to wrest control of crime issues from Republicans,

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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Who sponsored it?

Second, the 1994 law shaped Democratic Party politics for years to come. Under the leadership of Bill Clinton, Democrats wanted to wrest control of crime issues from Republicans,

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"Sponsored by
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the bill was passed by
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and signed into law by
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"A majority of The
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voted for the bill.
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A Gallup survey in 1994 found that '58% of African Americans supported the crime bill, compared to 49% of white Americans.'"
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Is it racist if more blacks than white supported the crime bill?

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
For the record......@Lily used the suck it emoji......therefore recognizing I am right and she is wrong.......rather tgan engaging intelligently in the discussion

Its not even enjoyable confronting such a weak ninded individual

I feel sorry for it really


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
For the record......@Lily used the suck it emoji......therefore recognizing I am right and she is wrong.......rather tgan engaging intelligently in the discussion

Its not even enjoyable confronting such a weak ninded individual

I feel sorry for it really

For the record, you are full of shit. I answered your question, who sponsored it and who supported it. It had more African American support than Caucasian.

So, do you still maintain that it was racist? You are the one that has no argument.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
"Sponsored by
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the bill was passed by
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and signed into law by
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"A majority of The
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voted for the bill.
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A Gallup survey in 1994 found that '58% of African Americans supported the crime bill, compared to 49% of white Americans.'"
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Is it racist if more blacks than white supported the crime bill?
As fucked up as leftie whites turning on themselves in 2020

But human libtard weakness has no bounds

As farcas the black leaders......perhaps they were hoping to help those in the black community thatcdid not deserve a violent community......look at all what obama did for the community


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Directly out of Killary's mouth........if only she could figure out a use for that mouth other tgan hate speech.......accusing young black men of violence.......at least ol' Slick Willy got them prisons built

This is the Leftist legacy.....supporting mass imprisonment of young blacks.

Oh well.....very sad really

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Here's RW Darling Charlie Kirkus not trusting black professionals.


Charlie Kirk: “I’m sorry. If I see a Black pilot, I’m going to be like, ‘Boy, I hope he’s qualified.’”


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
As fucked up as leftie whites turning on themselves in 2020

But human libtard weakness has no bounds

As farcas the black leaders......perhaps they were hoping to help those in the black community thatcdid not deserve a violent community......look at all what obama did for the community

I enjoy seeing you flailing and falling flat on your face. This is why I don't usually bother with you, clown.

Now go away, failure.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
"Overall, though, the law is now seen by many as a major driver of mass incarceration. For that reason, policymakers who played a role in pushing it forward, including presidential candidates
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and former
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, have been attacked for supporting it."

The sitting Resident of the White House

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'President Bill Clinton extolled the crime-fighting potential in the
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, now commonly referred to as the 1994 crime bill"

Ahhhhhh yes.......and Trump is the racist!

"In 1968, President Lyndon Johnson signed the most sweeping federal crime bill that Congress had ever passed."

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
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Here's RW Darling Charlie Kirkus not trusting black professionals.


Charlie Kirk: “I’m sorry. If I see a Black pilot, I’m going to be like, ‘Boy, I hope he’s qualified.’”
Is Charlie Kirk a Democratic leader representing all voters who placed their ballot with him......no.....he is not......he is a commentator without the means to send millions of blacks to prison.

Try again Failboi


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Is it racist if more blacks than white supported the crime bill?

To be fair, that's not a reliable metric unless you assume the congressional black caucus is immune to selling out and acting as one propaganda arm of the DNC. Any such notion should have been dissolved in 2016 and rendered absurd in 2020 when they endorsed and supported Hilary/Joe, both of whom had atrocious civil rights records, against Sanders who had a bonafide history of marching for and championing civil rights issues.

If you want to know what real people think of Clyburn and his ilk try this:



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
To be fair, that's not a reliable metric unless you assume the congressional black caucus is immune to selling out and acting as one propaganda arm of the DNC. Any such notion should have been dissolved in 2016 and rendered absurd in 2020 when they endorsed and supported Hilary/Joe, both of whom had atrocious civil rights records, against Sanders who had a bonafide history of marching for and championing civil rights issues.

If you want to know what real people think of Clyburn and his ilk try this:

I was referring to polls where more black folks supported the idea at the time. After all, it is they that were dealing with the impact of the crime rate.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
I was referring to polls where more black folks supported the idea at the time. After all, it is they that were dealing with the impact of the crime rate.

If true I suspect it's because, as usual, they were lied to about what the bill actually did and the people lying to them were the media and their so-called "leaders" whose job was and still is to prevent seeking remedies anywhere except within the wholly corrupt duopoly that doesn't and never will represent people instead of their own greed and the interests of the donor class.

Now that we're not reliant on legacy media and captured pundits for our information there's no excuse for continuing to believe the establishment liars and stenographers for the professional managerial class.

Since when do we blame the victims?
Surely you're not implying black and brown people deserved to be subjected to mass incarceration because they were lied to by the people who were supposed to be protecting and representing them?

That's not unfortunate. It's unforgivably infuriating.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
If true I suspect it's because, as usual, they were lied to about what the bill actually did and the people lying to them were the media and their so-called "leaders" whose job was and still is to prevent seeking remedies anywhere except within the wholly corrupt duopoly that doesn't and never will represent people instead of their own greed and the interests of the donor class.

Now that we're not reliant on legacy media and captured pundits for our information there's no excuse for continuing to believe the establishment liars and stenographers for the professional managerial class.

Since when do we blame the victims?
Surely you're not implying black and brown people deserved to be subjected to mass incarceration because they were lied to by the people who were supposed to be protecting and representing them?

That's not unfortunate. It's unforgivably infuriating.
Of course not. It was bad policy, however I do remember the devastation of the crack epidemic in that era. It's not as if this country was then, as it still isn't now, ready to redress the wrongs of our past. Sometimes people just want things fixed. It's not as if Black and brown people actually believe racism will be fixed.
Those are politicians in Congress, they're not social workers and sociologists. They have very little idea of what they're doing.

Hell, we have politicians, today, that say this was never a racist country.

They are Republican.


Factory Bastard
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If true I suspect it's because, as usual, they were lied to about what the bill actually did and the people lying to them were the media and their so-called "leaders" whose job was and still is to prevent seeking remedies anywhere except within the wholly corrupt duopoly that doesn't and never will represent people instead of their own greed and the interests of the donor class.

Now that we're not reliant on legacy media and captured pundits for our information there's no excuse for continuing to believe the establishment liars and stenographers for the professional managerial class.

Since when do we blame the victims?
Surely you're not implying black and brown people deserved to be subjected to mass incarceration because they were lied to by the people who were supposed to be protecting and representing them?

That's not unfortunate. It's unforgivably infuriating.

Does Gary appreciate convicted rapist too?


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
It was bad policy, however I do remember the devastation of the crack epidemic in that era.

Yet no mention of *how* that crack made its way to the streets which conveniently led to the bad policies being implemented?


I guess it was all just a long string of unfortunate coincidences. /shrug


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Yet no mention of *how* that crack made its way to the streets which conveniently led to the bad policies being implemented?


I guess it was all just a long string of unfortunate coincidences. /shrug

Oh, I'm not writing books here, but yeah, the CIA was bringing it in. Or at least facilitating it.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Utah women's basketball team forced to change hotels after 'racial hate crimes'​

Northern Idaho is home to a fetid nest of white supremacists

Utah shared more specifics about what its women's basketball team endured on Tuesday evening in a joint statement released by Roberts, athletic director Mark Harlan and deputy athletic director Charmelle Greene. The statement said that "a vehicle drove by and occupants shouted racial epithets" at the basketball team and the rest of Utah's traveling party as they walked from the hotel to have dinner at a Coeur d'Alene restaurant.

The Utah contingent ate dinner, only to face a similar situation when they left the restaurant. A vehicle, according to the Utah statement, slowly passed the group, "revving its engine with its occupants again shouting racially disparaging words and threats."

"As can be imagined, many students, staff and other members of the traveling party were deeply disturbed and fearful after the incidents, in what should be a safe and enjoyable experience," the Utah statement read. "Out of concern for their well-being and safety, we worked with Gonzaga and the NCAA to move to alternate accommodations in Spokane."

Tony Stewart, an official with the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, told Yahoo Sports that Utah's version of events matched what he had heard from executives at the Coeur d’Alene Resort and other third-party sources. The truck that first harassed the team displayed a Confederate flag*, according to Stewart. When the team left the restaurant, Stewart said that same driver “was still there but he’d recruited reinforcements.”

“It’s very clear what they were up to,” Stewart said. “They’re bigoted racists and they want to drive minorities away.”

Officials from Coeur d'Alene
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on Tuesday morning addressing the allegations of racism. Mayor Jim Hammond apologized directly "to the young women who endured racial slurs while visiting," adding that incidents like these "should never happen" and are "totally unacceptable."

Coeur d'Alene police chief Lee White said that his department was contacted Thursday night at 10 p.m. about an incident that happened four hours earlier. The Coeur d'Alene police department is attempting to speak to victims, to obtain video of the incident and to locate the individuals who yelled the racial slurs.

"Until we speak with the victims of this incident and more witnesses," White said, "it’s difficult for us to determine if a state or federal crime

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*Muh heritage not h8t!