Okay - so after a quick dip in my Olympic size swimming pool I was feeling cute so I clicked on a blandscape voocaroo

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Yes, I know I shouldn't have but I did.

And aside from the fact that he appears to be speaking in some form of Klingon dialect, the really primitive one -- the one used BEFORE they evolved into the use of hiccups and clicking sounds to communicate with one another. - one of the things I found most haunting about the whole experience was that fucking clock ticking in the background.

What the fuck is with that? This isn't Millers planet you fucking moth ball gargling dipshit on drugs. Do you harbor some insane belief in your pinsized drug riddled head that we are on some far away planet orbiting a blackhole in search of astronaut wreckage trying to avoid your next tsunami of incoherent drivel you stupid soiled panty beast?

I'm really trying to understand this animal here but it appears I will have flood my brain with copious amounts of airplane glue and other substances both legal and not just to get where this pint sized dork is coming from.

And I don't want to do that.

For reference:

P.S - if you're on my ignore list it is because you are sub-human trash who isn't worth reading in the first place. So kindly fuck off back into whatever dumpster you crawled out of and flood YOUR brain with as much CS gas and other poisonous substances as you can get your hands on.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Oh that Pygmy!