Will there be peace kn the middle east?


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
Why all of a sudden "piece in the middle east" is not present in the liberal media complex?

Remember in the 90s and 2000s? CNN was always full of it. I remember when I always watched western news like a good boi.

When I think about it.

Now you have nWo agendas, Covaids, NATO provocation against Russia which led to war, recession, etc.

But nothing about The peace in the middle east. Where is the roadmap? It was important back in the day.

What happened and why did the nWo decided to drop the ball and focus on other things?


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Wrong forum, doof.

I wouldn't say it's in the wrong forum but it asks the kind of question people write entire books trying to answer.

Even if he does get an explanation it's either going to be so long and boring no one will read it or so oversimplified it's entirely incorrect. That's true no matter where a question like that gets posted with the possible exception of a discussion forum specifically tasked with debating middle eastern issues.

He may as well ask us to explain quantum embedded superstates.

If we smooshed all our IQs into a blob of think we still wouldn't have enough to make one Einstein. What DoOF is apparently trying to do is trick someone into hurting themselves when overworked synapses start going "ping!".

It's just plain cruel.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
There'll never be peace in the Middle East while it's full of primitive towel heads who follow Islam.

Creating the jewish homeland slap bang in the middle of it didn't help matters either.