Could the Democrats face a wipeout in 2022 & Beyond?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
They have been so evil and incompetent that the Dems do deserve to lose all power.

Yet let's keep the ethical, compassionate, and just RepubliCons in office, because the country will become Utopia if they are in control of everything.
LoLz - Lotus it.

There folks - I pointed it out for you so you won't have to ask if she was joking.

See, that sounds like sarcasm to me. I do approve of her use of it. Overdone is an idiot.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I think if Trump runs in 2024..He will lose.. People don't like him.. Fuck.. I didn't like his rhetoric and his narcissism .. I voted for him because I've never liked Biden and he hadn't done shit fuck in over 40 years.. The Republican Party needs to start looking for an electable candidate.. imo

Voting based on rhetoric is why we are in this position.

What we need is to look at what these elected officials DO.

One thing really highlighted by the Trump administration is how what people THINK is being said is more important than the policies that impact our LIVES. And the media is absolute partisan trash.

The "Republican party" barely even exists, Raven. They are mostly controlled opposition for the democrats. The "democrat party" barely exists.

What we have is a bunch of treasonous lying fucks who put on political theater so they can influence voters. And then sit in there collecting dust and screwing over regular Anericans.

We need an actual Republican party. We should judge them based on what they do. And hold them accountable.

Because right now they do whatever the fuck they want. Corporate media and wealthy elites and the government do what they need to do to keep fueling division and hate amongst the people while they all benefit off of it.

We have people who are cheering on coerced/forced vaccines, even though its established that even fully vaccinated people still spread it. Even though a universal mandate makes no medical sense and can be unnecessarily harmful. Even thought people who already had it have a robust and superior immunity.

And that's just one example.

We deserve what are getting. For being stupid enough to fall for old tricks. For allowing this monster to get as big as it has.

We need to break apart that fascist marriage between government/corps/media. Get rid of lobbying. Not allow government officials to even participate in the stock market. Anything wr need to do to make sure they only benefit when they actually serve the people.

And we will never be unified enough to accomplish this. Dem/prog voters would rather align with that machine and let our rights be stomped and let regular working Americans lives be destroyed. They hate us more than anything.

It's the emotional impact of being propagandized.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I understand what you are saying, Dovey.. I just don't think Trump is electable. Do you? :)


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
They have been so evil and incompetent that the Dems do deserve to lose all power.

Yet let's keep the ethical, compassionate, and just RepubliCons in office, because the country will become Utopia if they are in control of everything.
LoLz - Lotus it.

There folks - I pointed it out for you so you won't have to ask if she was joking.

I know if I relapsed and ended up on the streets and needed help who would be there.

Maybe people who have never been in a very rough dire straights situation will buy this "leftwing compassion" shit, but I know who the only people out there using thier time and resources to help others ARE.

And its definately not you big government Robinhood wanna bes.

And it really is a damn shame because when your establishment goons tell you its time to raise money for some partisan self promoting bullshit....millions fly in.

NONE of which EVER go towards communities or helping anyone. Not even the ones your own "movement" harmed or destroyed.

No one wants "compassion" from people they know look down on them who work for years to get the state to do thier charity with other peoples money.

You guys were not compassion before Trump. Now you guys are just pure hatred.

It's good YOU guys see yourselves as "compassionate" but everyone else(including other dem voters who have walked away) see you as elitest, dishonest hate mongers who bully, attack and spew. And who like to control.
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I understand what you are saying, Dovey.. I just don't think Trump is electable. Do you? :)

I absolutely do. But I'm basing that on policies.

Most of the rhetoric was entirely media propaganda and when you look into it....its not even what he actually said.

I dont like how he banned bump stocks, or how he listened to Fauci on the lockdowns and all that mess.

You know, ANYONE who gets in there who wasnt supposed to and who is actually working to improve the lives of regular Americans is absolutely going to be smeared and attacked.

If Trump runs in 2024, I genuinely think (especailly after Biden) he has a very strong chance of winning. I cant say right now if I would vote for him.....because I dont know who else will be running. If there is someone who I believe would be better(in terms of serving Anericans) I would vote for them.

But again until we deal with lobbying and the media, we are just trying to empty a sinking ship with a shot glass.

It doesn't matter how good of a president we have when the establishment is successfully starting civil war and inspiring hate so deep that people are losing humanity.


. PSA:

Say - anyone thinking folks are so ruff on their delicate asses that they might break down and need rescue should maybe heed sound advice and bugger off posting.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It wasn't media propaganda, tho, Dovey lol I listened for myself.. He could have the BEST policies and it wouldn't matter.. He was a big mouth and a complete asswipe.. :/ They need to find a candidate if there is to be any hope of winning.. That is my opinion :)


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
They have been so evil and incompetent that the Dems do deserve to lose all power.

Yet let's keep the ethical, compassionate, and just RepubliCons in office, because the country will become Utopia if they are in control of everything.
LoLz - Lotus it.

There folks - I pointed it out for you so you won't have to ask if she was joking.

I know if I relapsed and ended up on the streets and needed help who would be there.

Maybe people who have never been in a very rough dire straights situation will buy this "leftwing compassion" shit, but I know who the only people out there using thier time and resources to help others ARE.

And its definately not you big government Robinhood wanna bes.

And it really is a damn shame because when your establishment goons tell you its time to raise money for some partisan self promoting bullshit....millions fly in.

NONE of which EVER go towards communities or helping anyone. Not even the ones your own "movement" harmed or destroyed.

No one wants "compassion" from people they know look down on them who work for years to get the state to do thier charity with other peoples money.

You guys were not compassion before Trump. Now you guys are just pure hatred.

It's good YOU guys see yourselves as "compassionate" but everyone else(including other dem voters who have walked away) see you as elitest, dishonest hate mongers who bully, attack and spew. And who like to control.

Please stop with these absolute lies. You have no idea what my life or anyone else's life that you've never met consists of, and you have no idea how many people any of us have helped.


They have been so evil and incompetent that the Dems do deserve to lose all power.

Yet let's keep the ethical, compassionate, and just RepubliCons in office, because the country will become Utopia if they are in control of everything.
LoLz - Lotus it.

There folks - I pointed it out for you so you won't have to ask if she was joking.

I know if I relapsed and ended up on the streets and needed help who would be there.

Maybe people who have never been in a very rough dire straights situation will buy this "leftwing compassion" shit, but I know who the only people out there using thier time and resources to help others ARE.

And its definately not you big government Robinhood wanna bes.

And it really is a damn shame because when your establishment goons tell you its time to raise money for some partisan self promoting bullshit....millions fly in.

NONE of which EVER go towards communities or helping anyone. Not even the ones your own "movement" harmed or destroyed.

No one wants "compassion" from people they know look down on them who work for years to get the state to do thier charity with other peoples money.

You guys were not compassion before Trump. Now you guys are just pure hatred.

It's good YOU guys see yourselves as "compassionate" but everyone else(including other dem voters who have walked away) see you as elitest, dishonest hate mongers who bully, attack and spew. And who like to control.

Please stop with these absolute lies. You have no idea what my life or anyone else's life that you've never met consists of, and you have no idea how many people any of us have helped.
..but a lot of people know what they've been told by conservatard lame stream media.
That has to count !


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
They have been so evil and incompetent that the Dems do deserve to lose all power.

Yet let's keep the ethical, compassionate, and just RepubliCons in office, because the country will become Utopia if they are in control of everything.
LoLz - Lotus it.

There folks - I pointed it out for you so you won't have to ask if she was joking.

I know if I relapsed and ended up on the streets and needed help who would be there.

Maybe people who have never been in a very rough dire straights situation will buy this "leftwing compassion" shit, but I know who the only people out there using thier time and resources to help others ARE.

And its definately not you big government Robinhood wanna bes.

And it really is a damn shame because when your establishment goons tell you its time to raise money for some partisan self promoting bullshit....millions fly in.

NONE of which EVER go towards communities or helping anyone. Not even the ones your own "movement" harmed or destroyed.

No one wants "compassion" from people they know look down on them who work for years to get the state to do thier charity with other peoples money.

You guys were not compassion before Trump. Now you guys are just pure hatred.

It's good YOU guys see yourselves as "compassionate" but everyone else(including other dem voters who have walked away) see you as elitest, dishonest hate mongers who bully, attack and spew. And who like to control.

Please stop with these absolute lies. You have no idea what my life or anyone else's life that you've never met consists of, and you have no idea how many people any of us have helped.
..but a lot of people know what they've been told by conservatard lame stream media.
That has to count !

Yeah. And also, a lot of people have no regard for evidence. They've already got a story to cover why righties go out and kill people, and they're sticking to it, evidence be damned (Zimmerman and Rittenhouse, to name just two of these murderers.).


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
They have been so evil and incompetent that the Dems do deserve to lose all power.

The big problem I see with the Democratic Party right now is they're not paying attention to bread and butter issues like people having enough food on the table, being able to pay their rent, inflation, price of fuel, rising rents, etc.

And unless they get their asses in gear & back to the basics, I think they're in trouble next year. If Biden has any marbles left, he'll pass some stimulus programs to address those issues.

Seems the Democrats are forgetting their working class base. When a right wing news network like Fox is pointing these deficiencies the Democrats are failing to address, then they should be worried.

It's actually not to late for them to change course, but if they don't then they're like a rudderless ship.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
If Trump keeps telling all Republicans not to vote until 2020 is "resolved", enough idiots will follow him to make a difference in the elections.

I think that most will ignore his demand that they not vote, but there are enough idiots in the thousands in each state to tip the election to the Democrats.

They need to resoundingly reject him for their own good.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
They have been so evil and incompetent that the Dems do deserve to lose all power.

Yet let's keep the ethical, compassionate, and just RepubliCons in office, because the country will become Utopia if they are in control of everything.
LoLz - Lotus it.

There folks - I pointed it out for you so you won't have to ask if she was joking.

I know if I relapsed and ended up on the streets and needed help who would be there.

Maybe people who have never been in a very rough dire straights situation will buy this "leftwing compassion" shit, but I know who the only people out there using thier time and resources to help others ARE.

And its definately not you big government Robinhood wanna bes.

And it really is a damn shame because when your establishment goons tell you its time to raise money for some partisan self promoting bullshit....millions fly in.

NONE of which EVER go towards communities or helping anyone. Not even the ones your own "movement" harmed or destroyed.

No one wants "compassion" from people they know look down on them who work for years to get the state to do thier charity with other peoples money.

You guys were not compassion before Trump. Now you guys are just pure hatred.

It's good YOU guys see yourselves as "compassionate" but everyone else(including other dem voters who have walked away) see you as elitest, dishonest hate mongers who bully, attack and spew. And who like to control.

Please stop with these absolute lies. You have no idea what my life or anyone else's life that you've never met consists of, and you have no idea how many people any of us have helped.
..but a lot of people know what they've been told by conservatard lame stream media.
That has to count !

Yeah. And also, a lot of people have no regard for evidence. They've already got a story to cover why righties go out and kill people, and they're sticking to it, evidence be damned (Zimmerman and Rittenhouse, to name just two of these murderers.).

Lotusbud is always guilty of the things she accuses others of doing. It is classic projection and we saw it in the Rittenhouse thread.


If Trump keeps telling all Republicans not to vote until 2020 is "resolved", enough idiots will follow him to make a difference in the elections.

I think that most will ignore his demand that they not vote, but there are enough idiots in the thousands in each state to tip the election to the Democrats.

They need to resoundingly reject him for their own good.
I think there is something much more insidious going on here.
.Remembering that Trump is heavy into the Russians

He has been selling the idea that democracy is not reliable..
only civil war and autocracy (his rule) will do.

He being a Putin puppet - Trumputinism means being a Soviet satellite country.
. That's what is being aimed for.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
If Trump keeps telling all Republicans not to vote until 2020 is "resolved", enough idiots will follow him to make a difference in the elections.

I think that most will ignore his demand that they not vote, but there are enough idiots in the thousands in each state to tip the election to the Democrats.

They need to resoundingly reject him for their own good.
I think there is something much more insidious going one here.
.Remembering that Trump is heavy into the Russians

He has been selling the idea that democracy is not reliable..
only civil war and autocracy (his rule) will do.

He being a Putin puppet - Trumputinism means being a Soviet satellite country.
. That's what is being aimed for.

There might be something to that.


If Trump keeps telling all Republicans not to vote until 2020 is "resolved", enough idiots will follow him to make a difference in the elections.

I think that most will ignore his demand that they not vote, but there are enough idiots in the thousands in each state to tip the election to the Democrats.

They need to resoundingly reject him for their own good.
I think there is something much more insidious going one here.
.Remembering that Trump is heavy into the Russians

He has been selling the idea that democracy is not reliable..
only civil war and autocracy (his rule) will do.

He being a Putin puppet - Trumputinism means being a Soviet satellite country.
. That's what is being aimed for.

There might be something to that.
..and there is.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It wasn't media propaganda, tho, Dovey lol I listened for myself.. He could have the BEST policies and it wouldn't matter.. He was a big mouth and a complete asswipe.. :/ They need to find a candidate if there is to be any hope of winning.. That is my opinion :)

Well it was a lie that he called Mexicans rapists

It was a lie he called neonazis "good people"(and that he never condemned white supremacy). It was a lie he mocked a disabled reporter.

Russian collusion was a lie. The inject bleach was a lie. Most everything said that he said was a lie.

I've checked these claims everytime I saw one was distortions and lies every single time.

There is a guy who made two videos, walking through each corporate media claim about Trump(and Trumps statements) that was untrue and he presented the facts to show it.

They are long(there was a lot) but here they are. And until we deal with the corporate media distorting and lying in order to influence the peoples votes, and the lobbying.....this country is screwed.

He not only shows what the distortions were but anyone can check it themselves.

It is a huge problem that this is allowed to occur unchecked.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
If Trump keeps telling all Republicans not to vote until 2020 is "resolved", enough idiots will follow him to make a difference in the elections.

I think that most will ignore his demand that they not vote, but there are enough idiots in the thousands in each state to tip the election to the Democrats.

They need to resoundingly reject him for their own good.
I think there is something much more insidious going on here.
.Remembering that Trump is heavy into the Russians

He has been selling the idea that democracy is not reliable..
only civil war and autocracy (his rule) will do.

He being a Putin puppet - Trumputinism means being a Soviet satellite country.
. That's what is being aimed for.

You understand the Russiagate bullshit has been established to be a lie planted by a Clinton campaigner? As well its been established to be a lie that Hunters emails were "Russian disinfo"?

Who am I kidding. You guys dont give a fuck what's true. You love your hate and lies.

You guys are a huge part of why we are losing the country.

And irony. You guys are directly destroying democracy and fighting for a one party authoritarian state. And we are a Republic. What we have as far as democratic process YOU guys are destroying.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
They have been so evil and incompetent that the Dems do deserve to lose all power.

Yet let's keep the ethical, compassionate, and just RepubliCons in office, because the country will become Utopia if they are in control of everything.
LoLz - Lotus it.

There folks - I pointed it out for you so you won't have to ask if she was joking.

I know if I relapsed and ended up on the streets and needed help who would be there.

Maybe people who have never been in a very rough dire straights situation will buy this "leftwing compassion" shit, but I know who the only people out there using thier time and resources to help others ARE.

And its definately not you big government Robinhood wanna bes.

And it really is a damn shame because when your establishment goons tell you its time to raise money for some partisan self promoting bullshit....millions fly in.

NONE of which EVER go towards communities or helping anyone. Not even the ones your own "movement" harmed or destroyed.

No one wants "compassion" from people they know look down on them who work for years to get the state to do thier charity with other peoples money.

You guys were not compassion before Trump. Now you guys are just pure hatred.

It's good YOU guys see yourselves as "compassionate" but everyone else(including other dem voters who have walked away) see you as elitest, dishonest hate mongers who bully, attack and spew. And who like to control.

Please stop with these absolute lies. You have no idea what my life or anyone else's life that you've never met consists of, and you have no idea how many people any of us have helped.
..but a lot of people know what they've been told by conservatard lame stream media.
That has to count !

Yeah. And also, a lot of people have no regard for evidence. They've already got a story to cover why righties go out and kill people, and they're sticking to it, evidence be damned (Zimmerman and Rittenhouse, to name just two of these murderers.).

This is projection of the WORST kind. This is literally exactly what YOU do.

Dude you straight up call things a lie if its evidence you are wrong. You claim you watched the videos and you are the ONLY person who doesnt clearly see Kyle being chased. Anything a Republican is accused of you accept with nothing whatsoever. But a rape kit done a GIRL who was anally raped....that confirms she was claim is "not true"

YOU have no regard for evidence. Gtfo....we all see you doing EXACTLY this. When we claim something we bring exactly the evidence that convinced us. You just saying "bullshit" doesn't mean we dont have evidence.

It just you are so partisan you'll never admit when anyone associated with your "side" does something horrible.

Which is EXACTLY why none of you should ever have any position of power over other people. You ONLY see what you want.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Even all the corporate media sources are admitting the Russia lie

"'Clinton indictment' blows Russia collusion conspiracy wide open, top GOP investigator says"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

"Clinton-linked lawyer charged for lying in Trump-Russia origins probe - BBC News"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

"Did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians to get ‘dirt’ on Trump to feed it to the FBI? - The Washington Post"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

I swear. These people always accuse us of everything only they are actually doing.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It wasn't media propaganda, tho, Dovey lol I listened for myself.. He could have the BEST policies and it wouldn't matter.. He was a big mouth and a complete asswipe.. :/ They need to find a candidate if there is to be any hope of winning.. That is my opinion :)

Well it was a lie that he called Mexicans rapists

It was a lie he called neonazis "good people"(and that he never condemned white supremacy). It was a lie he mocked a disabled reporter.

Russian collusion was a lie. The inject bleach was a lie. Most everything said that he said was a lie.

I've checked these claims everytime I saw one was distortions and lies every single time.

There is a guy who made two videos, walking through each corporate media claim about Trump(and Trumps statements) that was untrue and he presented the facts to show it.

They are long(there was a lot) but here they are. And until we deal with the corporate media distorting and lying in order to influence the peoples votes, and the lobbying.....this country is screwed.

He not only shows what the distortions were but anyone can check it themselves.

It is a huge problem that this is allowed to occur unchecked.

I've never been much a fan of Trump but the one thing he was good was addressing the bread & butter issues of the American working class. Even it was a superficial gesture , it resonated with them.

So if the Democrats don't get off their high horses soon and start addressing these concerns, they may not last long in power.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Even all the corporate media sources are admitting the Russia lie

"'Clinton indictment' blows Russia collusion conspiracy wide open, top GOP investigator says"
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"Clinton-linked lawyer charged for lying in Trump-Russia origins probe - BBC News"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

"Did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians to get ‘dirt’ on Trump to feed it to the FBI? - The Washington Post"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

I swear. These people always accuse us of everything only they are actually doing.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Even all the corporate media sources are admitting the Russia lie

"'Clinton indictment' blows Russia collusion conspiracy wide open, top GOP investigator says"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

"Clinton-linked lawyer charged for lying in Trump-Russia origins probe - BBC News"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

"Did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians to get ‘dirt’ on Trump to feed it to the FBI? - The Washington Post"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

I swear. These people always accuse us of everything only they are actually doing.


You never do, unless your hive masters are speaking.

It's not something you should be proud of.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Yep. The best thing would be a national divorce. But the establishment party would just start trying to subvert and take over the other part to push thier fascist big government bullshit and thier nonstop hate.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Even all the corporate media sources are admitting the Russia lie

"'Clinton indictment' blows Russia collusion conspiracy wide open, top GOP investigator says"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

"Clinton-linked lawyer charged for lying in Trump-Russia origins probe - BBC News"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

"Did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians to get ‘dirt’ on Trump to feed it to the FBI? - The Washington Post"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

I swear. These people always accuse us of everything only they are actually doing.


You never do, unless your hive masters are speaking.

It's not something you should be proud of.
Summation or cliffs notes?


LoLz @ desperate trollism

PS Allow a humble poster suggest that psychotic trumputinist resign and seek help from the church that obviously failed them.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Even all the corporate media sources are admitting the Russia lie

"'Clinton indictment' blows Russia collusion conspiracy wide open, top GOP investigator says"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

"Clinton-linked lawyer charged for lying in Trump-Russia origins probe - BBC News"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

"Did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians to get ‘dirt’ on Trump to feed it to the FBI? - The Washington Post"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

I swear. These people always accuse us of everything only they are actually doing.


You never do, unless your hive masters are speaking.

It's not something you should be proud of.
Summation or cliffs notes?

So you can read these sources normally and get all your info from them but I link 3 of them suddenly you need cliff notes?

Russia collusion was a lie started by the Clinton campaign and her lawyer was charged.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Even all the corporate media sources are admitting the Russia lie

"'Clinton indictment' blows Russia collusion conspiracy wide open, top GOP investigator says"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

"Clinton-linked lawyer charged for lying in Trump-Russia origins probe - BBC News"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

"Did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians to get ‘dirt’ on Trump to feed it to the FBI? - The Washington Post"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

I swear. These people always accuse us of everything only they are actually doing.


You never do, unless your hive masters are speaking.

It's not something you should be proud of.
Summation or cliffs notes?

Has anyone ever told you that you suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

I bet you are divorced and still single. Just a feeling. I bet one of the complaints attached to said was mental/emotional abuse.

This seems to be a theme with establishment loyalists. Thinking abnormally high of yourself. Lying. Gaslighting. Not being able to admit you are blatantly wrong. Irrational hate and contempt. Yep.

I'm going to enjoy watching you guys suffer the consequences you intended for others who wanted to protect thier rights, liberties and livelihoods. You guys will NEVER be the ruling class. You will be peasents like everyone else.