Left wing racism failing as always.



Factory Bastard
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Leftists are now denying covid treatment to white people because they are racist.

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Domestically feral
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United states
Leftists are now denying covid treatment to white people because they are racist.

Okay so you know I'm definately no defender of the left....and im not about to be here.

BUT......this isnt political or even about race in the way people are thinking

It's a medical fact that black and Hispanic people have a higher risk of severe illness. This is fully understood yet. It could be they have higher rates of pre existing medical issues.

When it comes to rationing treatments like this
.......they use a risk assessment to decide who gets it. This doesnt mean a person considered lower risk WONT get it. They just wont get it as quickly as a high risker would.

And its shown pretty clearly that black and hispanic people are a higher risk for severe illness than a while person.

Now......if you have a health black patient showing mild to zero symptoms and there is an older white patient who is getting pretty moderate symptoms....the older white lady will get it

This isnt some hard and fast rule. It's more risk guidelines. They will offer it to black and hispanic patients if they present mild symptoms to try to prevent the risk of severe illness.......but they wouldnt offer it to a white person with mild symptoms because we are NOT at a higher risk of severe illness. For whatever reason.....more black people who present with mild symptoms will end up with a severe illness than the white ones who present with mild symptoms. We are more likely to fight it off.

Make sense?

I know it looks real bad especailly given the politcs and the racially charged climate. Its soooooo not how it looks. I promise it isnt. It really is due to who is at a higher risk. Everyone who NEEDS it will get it. It's just that it will offered to those considered high risk earlier on to try to curb severe illness. Black people are definately in that category. It's not about politics at all.....there is a valid scientific reason for this one.
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Factory Bastard
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Democrats being racist yet again. Non-whites automatically qualify for anti-body treatments where as whites get denied unless they fulfill all of five different conditions. Does anyone else not want government run Healthcare when one party absolutely wants to deny or provide needed medical treatments based upon the patient's race?
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Domestically feral
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United states
So many reasons why gov ran healthcare would be very bad. Partisan politics. Corporate influence.

It would make it all vastly worse.

It amazes me that people who will fully admit they know politicains and wealthy elites are corrupt and all about their own interests but yet they argue and push to give these corrupt pricks even MORE money and power over our lives at our most vulnerable. If they were willing to compromise we could get somewhere and see that vulnerable people that need care can get it.

I dont believe it's really about that for them though. If it were, youd think they would WANT to have honest conversations about it instead of how they just start with accusations and insults.


Factory Bastard
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So, here we have a professor at UCLA who got put on unpaid administrative leave pending his firing because he refused to give black students higher grads than they had earned. After the media got ahold of this story the university reversed itself but the professor is still, rightly, suing to block such racist policies in the future.

This has been a self perpetuating downward racist spiral with left wingers. They always claim blacks can't be expect to do as well as everyone else and so we need to lower standards just for them. This is the racism of the left as always.

I wouldnt wanna be the recipient of preferential treatment like affirmative action because then a person becomes a target for abuse & their credentials questioned. I met Blacks in the States who felt people treated them less because they were admitted into University with affirmative action.

I'm not opposed to affirmative action tho because sometimes it makes sense. Ie - still need a doctor/dentist to practice in poor ghettos or native reservations ow no one would go there. And the guv ends up spending millions to fly some city doctor into these places to serve the inhabitants. So they have to give applicants from the communities a leg up so they'll at least have a local doctor to serve the people there.

But if a person is gonna get ahead with affirmative action then they ought to make working in poor disdvantagef communitis mandatory for at least 10 years than being able to set up shop in Beverley Hills.


Factory Bastard
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Democrats are just a train wreck of racist failure and it was obvious to everyone except Democrats from the very beginning. Atlantic write urges "privilaged" (read: white) people to stop getting covid tests due to shortage. This was after Democrats spent mo the fear mongering and pushing anti-scientific mandates demanding asymptomatic people constantly get tested for no good reason. Some states even mandated asymptomatic people to get tested multiple times per week just to not lose their jobs.

Now, this has back fired as there are not enough tests nor testing labs which everyone predicted yet Democrats went ahead and made those retarded and unnecessary mandates anyway. So now dems decade white people no longer get tested. These people are racist idiots.

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Factory Bastard
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So, here we have a professor at UCLA who got put on unpaid administrative leave pending his firing because he refused to give black students higher grads than they had earned. After the media got ahold of this story the university reversed itself but the professor is still, rightly, suing to block such racist policies in the future.

This has been a self perpetuating downward racist spiral with left wingers. They always claim blacks can't be expect to do as well as everyone else and so we need to lower standards just for them. This is the racism of the left as always.

I wouldnt wanna be the recipient of preferential treatment like affirmative action because then a person becomes a target for abuse & their credentials questioned. I met Blacks in the States who felt people treated them less because they were admitted into University with affirmative action.

I'm not opposed to affirmative action tho because sometimes it makes sense. Ie - still need a doctor/dentist to practice in poor ghettos or native reservations ow no one would go there. And the guv ends up spending millions to fly some city doctor into these places to serve the inhabitants. So they have to give applicants from the communities a leg up so they'll at least have a local doctor to serve the people there.

But if a person is gonna get ahead with affirmative action then they ought to make working in poor disdvantagef communitis mandatory for at least 10 years than being able to set up shop in Beverley Hills.

Affirmative action is just racism. Full stop.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I met Blacks in the States who felt people treated them less because they were admitted into University with affirmative action.

You seem to meet people where ever you go and get into these deep personal conversations that just coincidentally fit in perfectly to the point you want to make in a conversation.

I am not saying you are lying. It is possible that you have a vivid imagination and can convince yourself that these things really happened.

Or....you might just be a full blown liar.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
So, here we have a professor at UCLA who got put on unpaid administrative leave pending his firing because he refused to give black students higher grads than they had earned. After the media got ahold of this story the university reversed itself but the professor is still, rightly, suing to block such racist policies in the future.

This has been a self perpetuating downward racist spiral with left wingers. They always claim blacks can't be expect to do as well as everyone else and so we need to lower standards just for them. This is the racism of the left as always.

I wouldnt wanna be the recipient of preferential treatment like affirmative action because then a person becomes a target for abuse & their credentials questioned. I met Blacks in the States who felt people treated them less because they were admitted into University with affirmative action.

I'm not opposed to affirmative action tho because sometimes it makes sense. Ie - still need a doctor/dentist to practice in poor ghettos or native reservations ow no one would go there. And the guv ends up spending millions to fly some city doctor into these places to serve the inhabitants. So they have to give applicants from the communities a leg up so they'll at least have a local doctor to serve the people there.

But if a person is gonna get ahead with affirmative action then they ought to make working in poor disdvantagef communitis mandatory for at least 10 years than being able to set up shop in Beverley Hills.

Affirmative action is just racism. Full stop.

But wouldn't you agree it should be allowed in certain cases if the intent is to have a non white doctor practice in areas where Whites aren't welcome? Ie Black ghettos or Native Reservations. Makes sense to train doctors from those communities to service their own people.

I'm just saying they couldn't just practice anywhere but would be obligated to go where they're needed if they chose to be recipients of affirmative action. This isn't being discriminatory or unfair since immigrants to Canada need to go to less desirable places before they can move to better parts of the country.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I met Blacks in the States who felt people treated them less because they were admitted into University with affirmative action.

You seem to meet people where ever you go and get into these deep personal conversations that just coincidentally fit in perfectly to the point you want to make in a conversation.

I am not saying you are lying. It is possible that you have a vivid imagination and can convince yourself that these things really happened.

Or....you might just be a full blown liar.

What i did meet when I was in the States were a lot of young men who had been to prison @The Prowler. Way more than Canada on a proportionAL basis. And they weren't even shy about admitting it.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Send the incompetent doctors into the black neighbourhoods. Haha!!

Indian Reserves do not need the medicine of the white man. They have natural medicine. They do not need science. They have way of knowing.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What i did meet when I was in the States were a lot of young men

Knew it.

FYI, you're 7X more likely than most countries to meet a person who has been to prison in the United States @The Prowler.

I'm not making it up.


Do a Google search on 'prison population by country'and you'll find out yourself, ya dummy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
So, here we have a professor at UCLA who got put on unpaid administrative leave pending his firing because he refused to give black students higher grads than they had earned. After the media got ahold of this story the university reversed itself but the professor is still, rightly, suing to block such racist policies in the future.

This has been a self perpetuating downward racist spiral with left wingers. They always claim blacks can't be expect to do as well as everyone else and so we need to lower standards just for them. This is the racism of the left as always.

I wouldnt wanna be the recipient of preferential treatment like affirmative action because then a person becomes a target for abuse & their credentials questioned. I met Blacks in the States who felt people treated them less because they were admitted into University with affirmative action.

I'm not opposed to affirmative action tho because sometimes it makes sense. Ie - still need a doctor/dentist to practice in poor ghettos or native reservations ow no one would go there. And the guv ends up spending millions to fly some city doctor into these places to serve the inhabitants. So they have to give applicants from the communities a leg up so they'll at least have a local doctor to serve the people there.

But if a person is gonna get ahead with affirmative action then they ought to make working in poor disdvantagef communitis mandatory for at least 10 years than being able to set up shop in Beverley Hills.

Affirmative action is just racism. Full stop.

But wouldn't you agree it should be allowed in certain cases if the intent is to have a non white doctor practice in areas where Whites aren't welcome? Ie Black ghettos or Native Reservations. Makes sense to train doctors from those communities to service their own people.

I'm just saying they couldn't just practice anywhere but would be obligated to go where they're needed if they chose to be recipients of affirmative action. This isn't being discriminatory or unfair since immigrants to Canada need to go to less desirable places before they can move to better parts of the country.

No, there is no excuse for government mandated racism. Qualified people will get into medical schools can indeed start private practices or partnerships where ever they wish.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Less than 1 in 143 people and Joe claims to have run into a bunch of them.

What i did meet when I was in the States were a lot of young men


One I had a roommate who lived with his girlfriend and she lived in the house too. He wentered to prison for assaulting a police officer when they caught him for dui.

He was Blond & White.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So, here we have a professor at UCLA who got put on unpaid administrative leave pending his firing because he refused to give black students higher grads than they had earned. After the media got ahold of this story the university reversed itself but the professor is still, rightly, suing to block such racist policies in the future.

This has been a self perpetuating downward racist spiral with left wingers. They always claim blacks can't be expect to do as well as everyone else and so we need to lower standards just for them. This is the racism of the left as always.

I wouldnt wanna be the recipient of preferential treatment like affirmative action because then a person becomes a target for abuse & their credentials questioned. I met Blacks in the States who felt people treated them less because they were admitted into University with affirmative action.

I'm not opposed to affirmative action tho because sometimes it makes sense. Ie - still need a doctor/dentist to practice in poor ghettos or native reservations ow no one would go there. And the guv ends up spending millions to fly some city doctor into these places to serve the inhabitants. So they have to give applicants from the communities a leg up so they'll at least have a local doctor to serve the people there.

But if a person is gonna get ahead with affirmative action then they ought to make working in poor disdvantagef communitis mandatory for at least 10 years than being able to set up shop in Beverley Hills.

A lot of black people do feel patronized. As they should because that's exactly what it is.

They are treated as less because they left VIEWS them as less.

And those of us who DONT view them as less are called racists because we stand that black people are every bit as capable as any other human being. They dont need to be babied. This attitude towards black people is the only racism in this country. Rando white racists are always going to exist.....but they have no power or influence and these white racist dems/progs shouldnt have any either. They are dragging everyone backwards.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
So, here we have a professor at UCLA who got put on unpaid administrative leave pending his firing because he refused to give black students higher grads than they had earned. After the media got ahold of this story the university reversed itself but the professor is still, rightly, suing to block such racist policies in the future.

This has been a self perpetuating downward racist spiral with left wingers. They always claim blacks can't be expect to do as well as everyone else and so we need to lower standards just for them. This is the racism of the left as always.

I wouldnt wanna be the recipient of preferential treatment like affirmative action because then a person becomes a target for abuse & their credentials questioned. I met Blacks in the States who felt people treated them less because they were admitted into University with affirmative action.

I'm not opposed to affirmative action tho because sometimes it makes sense. Ie - still need a doctor/dentist to practice in poor ghettos or native reservations ow no one would go there. And the guv ends up spending millions to fly some city doctor into these places to serve the inhabitants. So they have to give applicants from the communities a leg up so they'll at least have a local doctor to serve the people there.

But if a person is gonna get ahead with affirmative action then they ought to make working in poor disdvantagef communitis mandatory for at least 10 years than being able to set up shop in Beverley Hills.

Affirmative action is just racism. Full stop.

But wouldn't you agree it should be allowed in certain cases if the intent is to have a non white doctor practice in areas where Whites aren't welcome? Ie Black ghettos or Native Reservations. Makes sense to train doctors from those communities to service their own people.

I'm just saying they couldn't just practice anywhere but would be obligated to go where they're needed if they chose to be recipients of affirmative action. This isn't being discriminatory or unfair since immigrants to Canada need to go to less desirable places before they can move to better parts of the country.

No, there is no excuse for government mandated racism. Qualified people will get into medical schools can indeed start private practices or partnerships where ever they wish.

Well them what do you do about doctor nurse or dentist shortages in thesearch poor communities? Ow the government ends up flying in city doctors which of course costs the taxpayers a lot of money.

I've seen this in Canada but flying health professionals to these places costs a shitload. And they aren't even stay there for very long.

I agree tho that affirmative action recipients should have to sign a contract obligation them no less than 10 years for their communities.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
One I had a roommate who lived with his girlfriend and she lived in the house too. He wentered to prison for assaulting a police officer when they caught him for dui.

He was Blond & White.

Get the marbles out of your mouth, Joe.

I think you are trying to say you lived with a loser and his girlfriend.

Great story.


The Prowler

Factory Bastard
A lot of black people do feel patronized. As they should because that's exactly what it is.

They are treated as less because they left VIEWS them as less.

Joe thinks they should let dumb blacks become doctors so they can work in the ghetto.

Because the ghetto will not let white doctors work there.

And blacks are all too dumb to get into university without affirmative action.

He actually said that. Hahahaha!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Maybe poor Whites should be eligible for affirmative action too. Ie a poor White form a poor state like West Virginia would also be eligible as long as he signed a contract to work in a poor area after graduation where he was from.

Those who got affirmative action couldnt just go where they felt like it.

But if a Black got in without Affirmative Action he or she would not be stuck with requirements where they could work.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I've seen this in Canada but flying health professionals to these places costs a shitload.

I should explain to the Americans that all our ghettos in Canada are in the deep wilderness. We have to fly "city doctors" in to care for the ghetto folk.

In the deep wilderness.

And they aren't even stained there for very long.

And we stain them with....stain.

But not for long.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Maybe poor Whites should be eligible for affirmative action too. Ie a poor White form a poor state like West Virginia would also be eligible as long as he signed a contract to work in a poor area after graduation where he 2as from.

I think everybody might be getting the picture that Joe has a very unrealistic picture of the world and gets most of his information from bad movies.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Maybe poor Whites should be eligible for affirmative action too. Ie a poor White form a poor state like West Virginia would also be eligible as long as he signed a contract to work in a poor area after graduation where he 2as from.

I think everybody might be getting the picture that Joe has a very unrealistic picture of the world and gets most of his information from bad movies.

I believe Native people in Canada already receive affirmative action for admission to medical school Prowler. SO do Whites from poor remote underserviced Northern communities. Obviously the government wants these people to stay where they're from so these places have a local doctor.

As you're probably aware there aren't enough doctors in these remote communities.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
A lot of black people do feel patronized. As they should because that's exactly what it is.

They are treated as less because they left VIEWS them as less.

Joe thinks they should let dumb blacks become doctors so they can work in the ghetto.

Because the ghetto will not let white doctors work there.

And blacks are all too dumb to get into university without affirmative action.

He actually said that. Hahahaha!!!

Well. People who lean left have a very low view of black people. We see this all the time. From the voter ID to pretty much everything they argue.

I mean....how about we just have School Choice, let black mothers send their children to better schools so they can get a proper education and let the kids excell as they are? They certainly COULD.

We dont HAVE to have ghettos. Democrats use them for vote harvesting they literally drive the cycles of crime and poverty. And if too much scrunity comes on them and their policies? They just go off attacking and smearing the other parties so they can win like that.

It's just sick and sad. Frustrating. Really nothing we can do about it outside of doing our best to inform others, voting and getting involved in local politics and support all efforts to combat this ongoing abuse of the people.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Maybe poor Whites should be eligible for affirmative action too. Ie a poor White form a poor state like West Virginia would also be eligible as long as he signed a contract to work in a poor area after graduation where he 2as from.

I think everybody might be getting the picture that Joe has a very unrealistic picture of the world and gets most of his information from bad movies.

I believe Native people in Canada already receive affirmative action for admission to medical school Prowler. SO do Whites from poor remote underserviced Northern communities. Obviously the government wants these people to stay where they're from so these places have a local doctor.

As you're probably aware there aren't enough doctors in these remote communities.

Isnt there a lot of alcoholism, drug addiction and child neglect and abuse on Canadian reservations? Crappy food choices for them? I hear people say that the government reperations and benefits has destroyed their culture and people in general. I hear that from natives here in Michigan. And some people I know who live in Canada.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Maybe poor Whites should be eligible for affirmative action too. Ie a poor White form a poor state like West Virginia would also be eligible as long as he signed a contract to work in a poor area after graduation where he 2as from.

I think everybody might be getting the picture that Joe has a very unrealistic picture of the world and gets most of his information from bad movies.

I believe Native people in Canada already receive affirmative action for admission to medical school Prowler. SO do Whites from poor remote underserviced Northern communities. Obviously the government wants these people to stay where they're from so these places have a local doctor.

As you're probably aware there aren't enough doctors in these remote communities.

Questrade might have a $1000 minimum balance requirement, Joe.

You might have to look elsewhere, Joe.