Seamajor can get fucked with a pineapple


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you are very wise old bat .. I find myself at times enjoying your two cents

there is no rulebook regarding grief


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I've lost so many loved ones. The "void" dont go away, so you have to do the things that remind you of them, to fill the void. Like right now, you're at the beach, and it comforts you, because it reminds you of him. It will get easier. Just know he would want you happy, and not sad. I think if I died, and looked down on my son being sad that Im gone, would only make me sad, and then the rain would come down lol.

My lil sis loved the beach. We're suppose to take her ashes there around her birthday.

You have a beautiful soul.

(((((big hugs)))))

I get a portion of his ashes. I am doing a celebration of life. My fiancé has recommended that I get back into surfing after my shoulder is rehabilitated more and I scatter him out there. It will come to me. The process is still unraveling.


Put your glasses on!
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You have a beautiful soul.

(((((big hugs)))))

I get a portion of his ashes. I am doing a celebration of life. My fiancé has recommended that I get back into surfing after my shoulder is rehabilitated more and I scatter him out there. It will come to me. The process is still unraveling.

Awww thanks, (SQUEEZE!)

Kinda what we doing with my lil Sis. She was on the way to pick up her friends to go with her, to go to the beach, to celebrate our Mom's bday, when she died. So we doing it then, which is also around my lil sis's bday too.

Everything will happen in due time. It all does at the times we need them to. You'll be surfing before ya know it. Either way, I foresee you spending a lot of peaceful times ahead by the ocean.


Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard
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True. I have about 12 different species in my yard. They are like tropical cactus.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
True. I have about 12 different species in my yard. They are like tropical cactus.

We have cut down several and it costs a small fortune once they are the big concrete jungle size you see on the westside.

Succulents are one thing I can keep alive. My neighbor has a huge Spanish style house and her spiked cactus are gorgeous. I watched my little brother ride his bike into one way back when, so I can’t stomach them enough to plant them.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Awww thanks, (SQUEEZE!)

Kinda what we doing with my lil Sis. She was on the way to pick up her friends to go with her, to go to the beach, to celebrate our Mom's bday, when she died. So we doing it then, which is also around my lil sis's bday too.

Everything will happen in due time. It all does at the times we need them to. You'll be surfing before ya know it. Either way, I foresee you spending a lot of peaceful times ahead by the ocean.

It’s all coming together nicely. We are scattering some of him at the beach where he learned to surf. I think I have convinced my mom to join his side of the family for that. It’s also the beach where they met.

My son asked for ashes and I’m going to set aside some for both of my children. I’m excited that I will have them both in the same state as me next week.

Grieving comes in waves now. I was watching tv and burst into tears remembering a Christmas when I was little when he surprised us at my grandparent’s house with early presents.

I’m not sure how I feel about having his ashes in my house. EBS wanted a shrine, but I’m thinking more like in the closet on the top shelf.


Put your glasses on!
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It’s all coming together nicely. We are scattering some of him at the beach where he learned to surf. I think I have convinced my mom to join his side of the family for that. It’s also the beach where they met.

My son asked for ashes and I’m going to set aside some for both of my children. I’m excited that I will have them both in the same state as me next week.

Grieving comes in waves now. I was watching tv and burst into tears remembering a Christmas when I was little when he surprised us at my grandparent’s house with early presents.

I’m not sure how I feel about having his ashes in my house. EBS wanted a shrine, but I’m thinking more like in the closet on the top shelf.

Awww, that spot sounds like a good spot for the spreading.

I didnt know you had kids lol. My Son turns 24 tomorrow.

A few of us have a tiny urn of my sis's ashes too. The rest to be spread at the beach.

I feel ya, waves is how it be for a while. When my Mom passed away, I couldnt even listen to the radio for a month. So many songs would jus' make me break down in tears.

I wouldnt do a "shrine". I had a shrine for my Mom lol. But folks pointed out how it was too much of a shrine lol. It was her urn, surrounded by flowers, and several of her 8x10 pics.

Now I have a frickin' graveyard lol. They all on one shelf. My Wife, my Mom, my Lil Sis, and 2 cats... Snowbell and Lucky lol. Plus a pic of my Mother-in-law, and a pic of my Great Grandad. My Dad's picture is over by the bar, and I toast him when I have a shot hahahaa.

I wouldnt tuck him away in the closet either. If my Son did that shit to me, I'd be PISSED!!! lol


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Awww, that spot sounds like a good spot for the spreading.

I didnt know you had kids lol. My Son turns 24 tomorrow.

A few of us have a tiny urn of my sis's ashes too. The rest to be spread at the beach.

I feel ya, waves is how it be for a while. When my Mom passed away, I couldnt even listen to the radio for a month. So many songs would jus' make me break down in tears.

I wouldnt do a "shrine". I had a shrine for my Mom lol. But folks pointed out how it was too much of a shrine lol. It was her urn, surrounded by flowers, and several of her 8x10 pics.

Now I have a frickin' graveyard lol. They all on one shelf. My Wife, my Mom, my Lil Sis, and 2 cats... Snowbell and Lucky lol. Plus a pic of my Mother-in-law, and a pic of my Great Grandad. My Dad's picture is over by the bar, and I toast him when I have a shot hahahaa.

I wouldnt tuck him away in the closet either. If my Son did that shit to me, I'd be PISSED!!! lol

hey !
what're yoiu doin here ?? looking fer shitty pinapples ? :LOL3::LOL3:


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My sorries sir .
didn't read and poasted nonsense

I have a shrine for her, anybody tells me shit they'll wish they didn't


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Awww, that spot sounds like a good spot for the spreading.

I didnt know you had kids lol. My Son turns 24 tomorrow.

A few of us have a tiny urn of my sis's ashes too. The rest to be spread at the beach.

I feel ya, waves is how it be for a while. When my Mom passed away, I couldnt even listen to the radio for a month. So many songs would jus' make me break down in tears.

I wouldnt do a "shrine". I had a shrine for my Mom lol. But folks pointed out how it was too much of a shrine lol. It was her urn, surrounded by flowers, and several of her 8x10 pics.

Now I have a frickin' graveyard lol. They all on one shelf. My Wife, my Mom, my Lil Sis, and 2 cats... Snowbell and Lucky lol. Plus a pic of my Mother-in-law, and a pic of my Great Grandad. My Dad's picture is over by the bar, and I toast him when I have a shot hahahaa.

I wouldnt tuck him away in the closet either. If my Son did that shit to me, I'd be PISSED!!! lol

Yes, I have 2 children my daughter is 27 and my son is 23. They are both out of college and living their best lives. I’m very proud. I believe I talked about my daughter during the prolife discussions here. She was a “whoopsie” baby and thee BEST decision I’ve ever made.

LoL @ you would be pissed. Where else do you put something like this? I don’t want it on the fireplace mantle so it’s the first thing I see every time I walk in the house. That sounds morbidly depressing.

Maybe I’ll find a nice single shelf for him to float somewhere to display him. EBS is handy with lighting too. I thought about putting him in my grandmother’s China cabinet, but my dishes :Whaa?:

I keep EBS’s mom in a cabinet (his glove from carrying her coffin, an ornament that was given to him by the priest, photos and a few other trinkets of hers) in our den and was planning on setting up an alter for her when the house is done and I can find a quiet corner for her. But that’s their culture. *** For the newbies EBS = El Big Sexy = my fiancé.

If I put my dad on a table somewhere in this house, my family is going to look at me weird.

This reminds me of a funny morbid story ~ we are British and Irish on my fathers side so the humor is wicked twisted. My nana got really difficult in her old age and my grandfather had been gone for nearly a decade. My father picked up most of the slack with her and at one point got so frustrated when she recommended we sprinkle my grandfather’s ashes in the garden that he said he was going to flush her down the toilet. I screamed in terror and scolded him, but it was frickin hilarious tbh.

Both of my grands were scattered on the ocean. Now my father… and I will be as well. I have it written in my will that the children are to blow bubbles on the boat ride back lol
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Put your glasses on!
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Yes, I have 2 children my daughter is 27 and my son is 23. They are both out of college and living their best lives. I’m very proud. I believe I talked about my daughter during the prolife discussions here. She was a “whoopsie” baby and thee BEST decision I’ve ever made.

LoL @ you would be pissed. Where else do you put something like this? I don’t want it on the fireplace mantle so it’s the first thing I see every time I walk in the house. That sounds morbidly depressing.

Maybe I’ll find a nice single shelf for him to float somewhere to display him. EBS is handy with lighting too. I thought about putting him in my grandmother’s China cabinet, but my dishes :Whaa?:

I keep EBS’s mom in a cabinet (his glove from carrying her coffin, an ornament that was given to him by the priest, photos and a few other trinkets of hers) in our den and was planning on setting up an alter for her when the house is done and I can find a quiet corner for her. But that’s their culture. *** For the newbies EBS = El Big Sexy = my fiancé.

If I put my dad on a table somewhere in this house, my family is going to look at me weird.

This reminds me of a funny morbid story ~ we are British and Irish on my fathers side so the humor is wicked twisted. My nana got really difficult in her old age and my grandfather had been gone for nearly a decade. My father picked up most of the slack with her and at one point got so frustrated when she recommended we sprinkle my grandfather’s ashes in the garden that he said he was going to flush her down the toilet. I screamed in terror and scolded him, but it was frickin hilarious tbh.

Both of my grands were scattered on the ocean. Now my father… and I will be as well. I have it written in my will that the children are to blow bubbles on the boat ride back lol

You got a 27 year old? Hell, I thought you were younger than me lol. Im proud of my Son too.

I would be pissed haha!!! I dont wanna be forgotten about lol, or hidden away. Im not someone to be ashamed of damn it!!! lol

My friend lost her Dad last year, they have him on the mantle. Its a HUGE urn too, cause dude was a Sportsman at Scottish games, and hurl those huge ass boulders lol.

I dont think it would be depressing. To me, it comforted me, to see my Mom, and be able to talk to her in a sense.

I've had many thoughts of where I would want to be. I got a special spot, way up on the mountain, beside a stream, that I backpack to every year. I've thought of having some of my ashes spread there. I've also thought about being buried in an urn, beside my Great Great Grandpa. He was an honorable Southern Man. And I like where he is buried, in the old section, where most my old family is buried, and it seems like there is room for me beside him lolol. Though, I doubt I could get away with it lol.

"But my dishes" hahahaha. Dont overthink it. His proper place will come to you, when you are ready. Just honor him, and dont cast him aside lol.

"Flush her down the toilet" hahahahaha. Awwww blow bubbles on the ride back.


Have kink will travel.
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How is Murdy going to get Michael Jackson's chimpanzee to sit quietly on a boat?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
You got a 27 year old? Hell, I thought you were younger than me lol. Im proud of my Son too.

I would be pissed haha!!! I dont wanna be forgotten about lol, or hidden away. Im not someone to be ashamed of damn it!!! lol

My friend lost her Dad last year, they have him on the mantle. Its a HUGE urn too, cause dude was a Sportsman at Scottish games, and hurl those huge ass boulders lol.

I dont think it would be depressing. To me, it comforted me, to see my Mom, and be able to talk to her in a sense.

I've had many thoughts of where I would want to be. I got a special spot, way up on the mountain, beside a stream, that I backpack to every year. I've thought of having some of my ashes spread there. I've also thought about being buried in an urn, beside my Great Great Grandpa. He was an honorable Southern Man. And I like where he is buried, in the old section, where most my old family is buried, and it seems like there is room for me beside him lolol. Though, I doubt I could get away with it lol.

"But my dishes" hahahaha. Dont overthink it. His proper place will come to you, when you are ready. Just honor him, and dont cast him aside lol.

"Flush her down the toilet" hahahahaha. Awwww blow bubbles on the ride back.

Could you imagine???? Can you please pass the gravy boat, it’s next to grandpa’s remains. Thanks.

Omg it’s so cringe.

Most of him is being left on that beach. My goal is to eventually paddle out and leave the rest of him where he wants to be.

I’m curious to see where my brothers place their portions of him. I’m thinking the river we played in as children will be the place my youngest chooses.

PS I think we are the same age tbh. I had her when I was 18.


Put your glasses on!
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Could you imagine???? Can you please pass the gravy boat, it’s next to grandpa’s remains. Thanks.

Omg it’s so cringe.

Most of him is being left on that beach. My goal is to eventually paddle out and leave the rest of him where he wants to be.

I’m curious to see where my brothers place their portions of him. I’m thinking the river we played in as children will be the place my youngest chooses.

PS I think we are the same age tbh. I had her when I was 18.

lol, I use to joke about mixing my ashes with some potting soil, planting some pot seeds, and when it blooms out nice, you can smoke a lil Blaze lol.

Yeah we same age lol.


Factory Bastard
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I buy my Pineapples along with avocado, Mellon from a vender on the corner. Always the freshest.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
It’s all coming together nicely. We are scattering some of him at the beach where he learned to surf. I think I have convinced my mom to join his side of the family for that. It’s also the beach where they met.

My son asked for ashes and I’m going to set aside some for both of my children. I’m excited that I will have them both in the same state as me next week.

Grieving comes in waves now. I was watching tv and burst into tears remembering a Christmas when I was little when he surprised us at my grandparent’s house with early presents.

I’m not sure how I feel about having his ashes in my house. EBS wanted a shrine, but I’m thinking more like in the closet on the top shelf.

So, a family friend, he was just 2 when I met him when I was a senior in college, is irreverent as his father taught him to be. His childhood dog died years ago and was cremated. Dog's remains remained in the trunk of the car for several years. Can't remember dog's name. My kids and this young man are like siblings. Their fathers were bff's. My kids would razz him about dog in the trunk. When and where are you going to put the dog...? He'd take the jokes and make more jokes about the situation.

This young man's father died about 8 months before my kid's dad died too. Both from cancer. His dad was cremated too, and yep, he was put in the trunk. The joke my kids made was about the dog and the dad being reunited. All in humor, probably to mask the pain, but nevertheless these jokes continue back and forth.

And my daughter has her dad in her closet. She is thinking about taking spreading some of his ashes at his parents grave, but taking the rest to Chile to release them into the Pacific in the port city where he was from.

There is no rush, process the pain first.


Put your glasses on!
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So, a family friend, he was just 2 when I met him when I was a senior in college, is irreverent as his father taught him to be. His childhood dog died years ago and was cremated. Dog's remains remained in the trunk of the car for several years. Can't remember dog's name. My kids and this young man are like siblings. Their fathers were bff's. My kids would razz him about dog in the trunk. When and where are you going to put the dog...? He'd take the jokes and make more jokes about the situation.

This young man's father died about 8 months before my kid's dad died too. Both from cancer. His dad was cremated too, and yep, he was put in the trunk. The joke my kids made was about the dog and the dad being reunited. All in humor, probably to mask the pain, but nevertheless these jokes continue back and forth.

And my daughter has her dad in her closet. She is thinking about taking spreading some of his ashes at his parents grave, but taking the rest to Chile to release them into the Pacific in the port city where he was from.

There is no rush, process the pain first.

Lol, thats cute on "reunited" lol.

When I got my lil Sis's tiny urn with her ashes in it, I let her ride with me in the Jeep, in my cupholder, for a month lol. "Lil Sis riding with me" lol.