Irrelevant Raven or whatever your name is..


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.

Big blubbering baby.
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And you're not?


"Waaaaaaaaaaaaah" is 75% of your content.


and a 1000 percent of yours SUCK AND ARE BORING of course counting only the time CW isn't herted yer feelZ :LOL3:


An Claidheam Anam
I joined this forum last December and every fucking day all I ever read was "Admin sucks cock", "Leftard", "Fucktard", Biggie trolling other members in and out of the Meltdown and fucking stupid political topics that caused fights. This forum isn't fucked up. It's just as active and entertaining as it used to be, except that now the dipshits who thought they walked on water and were above the law because they felt that the activity they generated would make them immune to punishment are gone, and it's a heavy blow to their egos.

Staff was more than fair with you bunch. If I had of been staff at the time all of you self-righteous fuckers would've been gone much sooner. Like I said yesterday if staff decided to publish the info on some of you who were banned crying to get back in, you all on the TBC would be singing a different tune. You all don't know each other as well as you think. If this place is so fucked up then by all means stay on TBC, continue whining about being spanked and sucking up to Biggie. You don't contribute a Goddamn thing to this place, so what you have to say about it means nothing, now go on suck Biggie's cock like the rest of you pussies on TBC.
Look what I made Alty do! Did you put on a cute little cheerleader outfit and practice in front of a mirror before you wrote that? And I'm a "you bunch?"

Look, pal, I've stated on numerous occasions both here and over at BC that I don't give the slightest fuck about this silly forum war shit. I post where I want and when I want without regard to what anyone else thinks. My point to the three mod hags, whether or not it is their "fault," is that this place has become a boring echo chamber over the past few months.

To be honest, the only reason I come by here lately is to trade spitballs with my old proggie friends like Lily, Admin, Holliday and Lotus, people I've been arguing back and forth with for nearly 20 years and across at least 6 different forums. It might not seem like it, but there's this weird gestalt of kinship and respect I have for those I named. They won't admit it, but we're all "frenemies."

You, on the other hand, I know nothing about aside from you being a bit of a milquetoast pansy. But at least you got some nice pats on the head for your rah rah speech.
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Look what I made Alty do! Did you put on a cute little cheerleader outfit and practice in front of a mirror before you wrote that? And I'm a "you bunch?"

Look, pal, I've stated on numerous occasions both here and over at BC that I don't give the slightest fuck about this silly forum war shit. I post where I want and when I want without regard to what anyone else thinks. My point to the three mod hags, whether or not it is their "fault," is that this place has become a boring echo chamber over the past few months.

To be honest, the only reason I come by here lately is to trade spitballs with my old proggie friends like Lily, Admin, Holliday and Lotus, people I've been arguing back and forth with for nearly 20 years and across at least 6 different forums. It might not seem like it, but there's this weird gestalt of kinship and respect I have for those I named. They won't admit it, but we're all "frenemies."

You, on the other hand, I know nothing about aside from you being a bit of a milquetoast pansy. But at least you got some nice pats on the head for your rah rah speech.
That's what it's allabout,nuthing is perfect.... cept' fer me


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
Look what I made Alty do! Did you put on a cute little cheerleader outfit and practice in front of a mirror before you wrote that? And I'm a "you bunch?"

Look, pal, I've stated on numerous occasions both here and over at BC that I don't give the slightest fuck about this silly forum war shit. I post where I want and when I want without regard to what anyone else thinks. My point to the three mod hags, whether or not it is their "fault," is that this place has become a boring echo chamber over the past few months.

To be honest, the only reason I come by here lately is to trade spitballs with my old proggie friends like Lily, Admin, Holliday and Lotus, people I've been arguing back and forth with for nearly 20 years and across at least 6 different forums. It might not seem like it, but there's this weird gestalt of kinship and respect I have for those I named. They won't admit it, but we're all "frenemies."

You, on the other hand, I know nothing about aside from you being a bit of a milquetoast pansy. But at least you got some nice pats on the head for your rah rah speech.
You've offended me greatly. I shall petition to have you banned.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
It's easy to talk tough when there's almost no chance of ever meeting the person they're threatening.

I punched Gay ALPO in the face at JFK Airport.

I looked for Senile @Joe in Vancouver but the chickenshit hid in his 1 bedroom apartment for a week.

I went to meet Din365 for a fight at a gay bar and had one of the weirdest sexual experiences of my life.


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
I'm not here to entertain the masses, Slopey. I'm here to be entertained. These three mod cunts have fucked this place up. There's not much fun to read here nowadays.

BTW, congrats on being named Education Minister over at VF. Apparently, stupid Canadians don't understand basic geography.
You still didn't answer my question from yesterday Weggie. How have the mods fucked this place up?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
You still didn't answer my question from yesterday Weggie. How have the mods fucked this place up?

The mods haven't "fucked up this place."

What it truly is that certain poster's cannot or will not abide by certain rules. We've all seen it, a person would have to be blind not to. Just like you stated in one of your previous post's is that these few refuse to even get into the reason/s they've been booted or Assboxed, because then that would sink their conspiracy theories about the rampant "panel abuse" that seems to run rampant around here. "They" refuse to take any responsibility for their actions after being warned over and over and over. Just because Reggie_Essent runs his mouth like some stuck pig about whatever does not make it true. He's another whiner/spammer who just wants to complain about this forum. You would think that if this forum was as bad as he says that he wouldn't post here, right? It just goes to show you that they contradict themselves all the while trying to bad mouth this place.

Additionally, I remember you and I both having differences on how a mod should act. I believe you're from the old school and I'm from the new school of modding. You can plainly see that being a mod is much different that the golden era of forums, where it was community based. The mods here have to deal with idiots like Reggie_Essent who contributes nothing and expects something out of this forum for nothing. While the shitbird goes around barking how he doesn't know you, no one knew who Reggie was up til 3 years ago at SG. He's tooting his own horn as usual and he's just another blow hard trying to make himself relevant. Believe me, if he were anyone of worth, I would have known who he/it was years ago. He claims to have been around 20 years ago, yet I only know him for kissing Flea's gigantic ass. That's pretty much what he is, is an ass kisser.

You'll not get a straight answer from the Karen aka Reggie about the mods, because he has no valid reasons on how "we're fucking up this forum." He's confusing getting rid of forum killers with "fucking up this forum."


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
The mods haven't "fucked up this place."

What it truly is that certain poster's cannot or will not abide by certain rules. We've all seen it, a person would have to be blind not to. Just like you stated in one of your previous post's is that these few refuse to even get into the reason/s they've been booted or Assboxed, because then that would sink their conspiracy theories about the rampant "panel abuse" that seems to run rampant around here. "They" refuse to take any responsibility for their actions after being warned over and over and over. Just because Reggie_Essent runs his mouth like some stuck pig about whatever does not make it true. He's another whiner/spammer who just wants to complain about this forum. You would think that if this forum was as bad as he says that he wouldn't post here, right? It just goes to show you that they contradict themselves all the while trying to bad mouth this place.

Additionally, I remember you and I both having differences on how a mod should act. I believe you're from the old school and I'm from the new school of modding. You can plainly see that being a mod is much different that the golden era of forums, where it was community based. The mods here have to deal with idiots like Reggie_Essent who contributes nothing and expects something out of this forum for nothing. While the shitbird goes around barking how he doesn't know you, no one knew who Reggie was up til 3 years ago at SG. He's tooting his own horn as usual and he's just another blow hard trying to make himself relevant. Believe me, if he were anyone of worth, I would have known who he/it was years ago. He claims to have been around 20 years ago, yet I only know him for kissing Flea's gigantic ass. That's pretty much what he is, is an ass kisser.

You'll not get a straight answer from the Karen aka Reggie about the mods, because he has no valid reasons on how "we're fucking up this forum." He's confusing getting rid of forum killers with "fucking up this forum."
I had a feeling that's why he dodged my question twice. He's just another goon that won't own his own remarks.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
My Gosh @Bastard Factory do you ever have shitty MODS

That's really funny.

Do you know how many times the mods here have gone to bat for you in the back channels? While you sit there and bad mouth the people that have kept your retarded ass out of the Assbox, certain mods have made sure to give you extra chances because they/we/me know that you're basically harmless like Seamajor and Admin and that you're just you being you.

You are a spammer, no doubt about it and while your stupidity can be unintentionally funny at times, your only goal out here is to e-seduce certain female members which is fine if that's your thing. But when you start bad mouthing those that have stuck up for you and made certain allowances for your brain damaged persona, it's a slap in the face to those that have faith in you.

Additionally, the mods don't have to be nice or cater to your self-sympathy post's of woe. You're an adult and if a certain mod isn't "nice" to you, it's because it's not their job to coddle you. I know for a fact that if you took your redundant song and dance on the road to like TBC that they'd get rid of your whiny ass on sight. So, give the mods here a break and find something else to whine about, instead of those that have given you chances over and over.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I had a feeling that's why he dodged my question twice. He's just another goon that won't own his own remarks.


He knows just as well as anyone with two eyes that his friends that were booted and Assboxed, deserved it. Here at BF, the owner makes it a shining point not to ban or even Assbox poster's because that brings down the overall morale and reasoning for this forum to exist. It's only in extreme times that the forum owner presses that button of forum mass destruction. Banning and Assboxing hurts this forum and is always the last resort, so you can understand why those two measures are only to be used when everything else fails.

And still we have those few that refuse to stop with the spamming and such and then act all hurt and innocent when they're properly dealt with. I have no sympathy or mercy for those who set out to intentionally fuck up this forum. Those kind of poster's can stay gone for all I care.
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Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️

He knows just as well as anyone with two eyes that his friends that were booted and Assboxed, deserved it. Here at BF, the owner makes it a shining point not to ban or even Assbox poster's because that brings down the overall morale and reasoning for this forum to exist. It's only in extreme times that the forum owner presses that button of forum mass destruction. Banning and Assboxing hurts this forum and is always the last resort, so you can understand why those two measures are a last resort.

And still we having those few that refuse to stop with the spamming and such and then act all hurt and innocent when they're properly dealt with. I have no sympathy or mercy for those who set out to intentionally fuck up this forum. Those kind of poster's can stay gone for all I care.
Keeping forums running and active these days isn't easy. Those goons received plenty of warnings before they got spanked.


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
That's a little extreme. I just hope that he curbs this incessant need to blame everything on the mods.

Contrary to what Martini thinks, the mods aren't out here to entertain the masses, the mods are here to keep the flow of the forums going.
Nah. I was just joking around. Other than the occasional sarcastic reply X isn't so bad.