Just Curious Re: The Situation in Gaza


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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So I was correct to say you dropped into a thread you know nothing about and started random blathering. That's what I said. He did the same so apparently anarchist means no-thinky conservative (though in his case it's apparent the writing is AI generated nonsense). Thanks for clearing that up.

PS: btw, ranc - there's reason why anarchists were hunted down and killed in 19th century Europe.

PPS: it's probably the same reason that all but a handful of fools don't care for Libertarians - who really are just a short slide step from anarchists.

I'll just ignore your bitching about thread derailment, it's just too pathetic to be addressed seriously.

And anarchists were hunted and killed because they probably excessively bothered people who are unable to think for themselves. And considering the "wonderful" job any sort of of government has done around the world, I think the anarchists have proved themselves to be damn right by now.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

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I'll just ignore your bitching about thread derailment, it's just too pathetic to be addressed seriously.

And anarchists were hunted and killed because they probably excessively bothered people who are unable to think for themselves. And considering the "wonderful" job any sort of of government has done around the world, I think the anarchists have proved themselves to be damn right by now.
Sure, because in a world w/o governments and nation states everyone would say please and thank you, and respect every other world citizen's rights. No doubt about that. LoLz

Cookie Monster

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TERF Island.
Ego certainly comes to play in this thread, there is no arguing with that.

Nah not me, this conflict and the bitching is just spectator sport. I am way more interest in the knock-on effects, terror attacks in Europe, when the edomites take Lebanon and what the Persians are up to.

How the jews are really going to fuck up the university lefties in USA and to a lesser extent here.

Cant be arsed with rehearsed arguments with the lefts bullshit abuse of the language, genocide and apartide for example.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Nah not me, this conflict and the bitching is just spectator sport. I am way more interest in the knock-on effects, terror attacks in Europe, when the edomites take Lebanon and what the Persians are up to.

How the jews are really going to fuck up the university lefties in USA and to a lesser extent here.

Cant be arsed with rehearsed arguments with the lefts bullshit abuse of the language, genocide and apartide for example.



Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Sure, because in a world w/o governments and nation states everyone would say please and thank you, and respect every other world citizen's rights. No doubt about that. LoLz

It's not like the actual model in place has worked any better

As a matter of fact, the mind control that governments and organized religion have used on society is probably the reason we're in the sad state we actually are.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
It's not like the actual model in place has worked any better

As a matter of fact, the mind control that governments and organized religion have used on society is probably the reason we're in the sad state we actually are.

I think chaos is bad for any society. Without any laws, or anyone to enforce them, what you see now is a picnic in comparison to what we would see.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

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It's not like the actual model in place has worked any better

As a matter of fact, the mind control that governments and organized religion have used on society is probably the reason we're in the sad state we actually are.
Still the effort to organize and integrate people into a cohesive and supportive community is in itself important. I don't buy the Libertarian model because it would quickly descend into chaos and then a system of warlords and fiefdoms etc. So sure, this is imperfect, and given that humanity is in the greatest depths of materialism on it's path of involution and evolution, not surprisingly so. Experiments in democracy will cycle in and out but are the model for future humanity - not jungle law and separatism.

Democracy is the worst form of government, except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.
.... Winston Churchill
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Factory Bastard
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I'll remind you next time you say Americans this, or conservatives that etc.. And speaking of which why don't you ever take me to task when I say conservatards this or that? I do it all the time.
No, as I wrote, various groups of people have defining characteristics, which is what distinguishes one from the other.
Conservatives are conservatives specifically because of what they believe, and what they believe is pretty awful. That is a choice. Muslims are Muslims because of what? Their birthplace, their families of origen, their adherence to a religion that has many different ways of practicing? I do not put Christians into one category. I know there are many different kinds of Christians. Some good, some not so good, some awful. I can't call all Christians bad. Or good.

Also, I do not see "Americans" as a monolith. If I have ever posted anything suggesting that I do, I was being lazy. There are many different groups and belief systems in that country. I do, however, see America as a monolith when I say it's going down the shitter. It is. That doesn't mean I blame all Americans for it, though. Not at all.


peace through anarchy
Dude, stop dropping into my radar, it no longer works.


I answered MNG, I didn't quote you first, I didn't even bother to see who started this thread until you said so

MNG claims to be an anarchist and to be honest, those are makings more sense than any wingnut these days. That's why I answered to his post.
If wanting to value individual opinions over shared safe space narrative clone speak means I am an anarchist then paint me by number Bro. But know my number is infinite as are the possibilities of opinions I will embrace & accept as a matter of course towards the true progress of humanity vs the number of opinions that will be policed & canceled by "progressives" on their narrow minded path of non progression.

There is a reason we have twice as many eyes and ears as a mouth.

Our ability to see & hear opinions is twice that of our ability to spout an opnion.

Opinions seen or heard should be valued twice as much.

Not policed. Not canceled.

But appreciated.

As I do.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

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Muslims are Muslims because of what? Their birthplace, their families of origen
..Now that's a very important point. They are not given a choice. I refer to that as theft of mind, or indoctrination. It is a high crime. Islam is not a genetic type, so how should it not be a matter of choice, and not one with the threat of death behind it?
..Now - stereotype is applied to an individual - that is, applying the characteristics of the group they are associated with, lock, stock and barrel to them. But groups do in fact have defining features, mores, practices etc in a mixture specific to them. If they didn't, what then would distinguish them from any other demographic? So one may speak of them as having collectively, though not necessarily down to each individual, those defining characteristics.
...just another point - I doubt you've ever actually met a Christian (and known it). You may have met a catholic, or protestant, some other form of xtian, but actual Christians are rare.
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Factory Bastard
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..Now that's a very important point. They are not given a choice. I refer to that as theft of mind, or indoctrination. It is a high crime. Islam is not a genetic type, so how should it not be a matter of choice, and not one with the threat of death behind it?
..Now - stereotype is applied to an individual - that is, applying the characteristics of the group they are associated with, lock, stock and barrel to them. But groups do in fact have defining features, mores, practices etc in a mixture specific to them. If they didn't, what then would distinguish them from any other demographic? So one may speak of them as having collectively, though not necessarily down to each individual, those defining characteristics.
...just another point - I doubt you've ever actually met a Christian (and known it). You may have met a catholic, or protestant, some other form of xtian, but actual Christians are rare.
Interesting that you chopped off the meat off my post and threw it out:

their adherence to a religion that has many different ways of practicing? I do not put Christians into one category. I know there are many different kinds of Christians. Some good, some not so good, some awful. I can't call all Christians bad. Or good.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

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Interesting that you chopped off the meat off my post
I replied to points you made. One - I replied that Islam as practiced in conjunction with the cultures of muslim countries is non-Liberal and highly/radically conservative. I am guessing that virtually no woman from a western Liberal nation would choose to live in one - that including you.
...and 2
The idea of what to stereotype means.


Factory Bastard
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I replied to points you made. One - I replied that Islam as practiced in conjunction with the cultures of muslim countries is non-Liberal and highly/radically conservative. I am guessing that virtually no woman from a western Liberal nation would choose to live in one - that including you.
...and 2
The idea of what to stereotype means.
Of course I wouldn't choose to live in a Muslim country. That doesn't mean I have Muslim hate, or put all Muslims into a single box. I have a fundamental opposition, in my soul, to that kind of thinking.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

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Of course I wouldn't choose to live in a Muslim country. That doesn't mean I have Muslim hate, or put all Muslims into a single box. I have a fundamental opposition, in my soul, to that kind of thinking.
Well, I have a fundamental opposition to the thing that makes you shun the idea of you living in a muslim country - that being Islam and radical conservatism in general.


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Factory Bastard
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Well, I have a fundamental opposition to the thing that makes you shun the idea of you living in a muslim country - that being Islam and radical conservatism in general.
I also shun living in the USA. Does that mean I disapprove of all Americans?
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

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Who said so? Given the choice, which muslim country would you live in rather than the USA?
.. It really hasn't to do with individuals but the overall state of the nation.
Now - to that I may add, as I have before, that there are few who I have a higher regard for than the women who are fighting for reform in muslim countries. If you feel strongly - you might join them.
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Now - to that I may add, as I have before, that there are few who I have a higher regard for than the women who are fighting for reform in muslim countries. If you feel strongly - you might join them.

I, too, support those women seeking reform in the Middle East. I would guess that they may not oppose Islam, but the radical fundamentalist interpretation of Islam.

What I find missing from this conversation is the reality that many Muslim countries, including Iran, Afghanistan, and others were modernizing and were open to some Western ideals shortly after WW2. It is the West's and mostly the US's intervention in Iran and Afghanistan that created a reactionary wave of fundamentalist Islam in the Middle East.

How did embracing Western ideals help them when the US backed some of the most brutal regimes because of our interest in oil? We supported the repressive government in Iran. Because of our cold war with the Soviets, we supported a return to Islam with the manipulation of the Mujahideen. The return to fundamentalist Islam didn't happen in a vacuum.

"Islam bad" is an oversimplification of the history.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
I, too, support those women seeking reform in the Middle East. I would guess that they may not oppose Islam, but the radical fundamentalist interpretation of Islam.

What I find missing from this conversation is the reality that many Muslim countries, including Iran, Afghanistan, and others were modernizing and were open to some Western ideals shortly after WW2. It is the West's and mostly the US's intervention in Iran and Afghanistan that created a reactionary wave of fundamentalist Islam in the Middle East.

How did embracing Western ideals help them when the US backed some of the most brutal regimes because of our interest in oil? We supported the repressive government in Iran. Because of our cold war with the Soviets, we supported a return to Islam with the manipulation of the Mujahideen. The return to fundamentalist Islam didn't happen in a vacuum.

"Islam bad" is an oversimplification of the history.
Very good points, Lily.
It seems to be a recurring paradigm - the mixing of the religion with the intervention of world evolution.


Factory Bastard
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Who said so? Given the choice, which muslim country would you live in rather than the USA?
.. It really hasn't to do with individuals but the overall state of the nation.
There are a hundred+ countries I don't want to live in. The reasons are complex for each of them, and none of them is because I hate all of the "whatever kind of people" who populate the country. I don't want to live in any Asian countries, either. It's not because I hate Asians, or any subgroup of Asians, or think any group is "bad". I just don't think that way.

Political climates are a different matter altogether.
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Factory Bastard
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I, too, support those women seeking reform in the Middle East. I would guess that they may not oppose Islam, but the radical fundamentalist interpretation of Islam.

What I find missing from this conversation is the reality that many Muslim countries, including Iran, Afghanistan, and others were modernizing and were open to some Western ideals shortly after WW2. It is the West's and mostly the US's intervention in Iran and Afghanistan that created a reactionary wave of fundamentalist Islam in the Middle East.

How did embracing Western ideals help them when the US backed some of the most brutal regimes because of our interest in oil? We supported the repressive government in Iran. Because of our cold war with the Soviets, we supported a return to Islam with the manipulation of the Mujahideen. The return to fundamentalist Islam didn't happen in a vacuum.

"Islam bad" is an oversimplification of the history.