Tucker interviews Putin


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Yea I'm looking forward to it, your post is 100% on the money. Like calling everything beyond their scope far right without even bothering to explain why its far right in their opinion. Its so fucking weak its unreal.

I'm not buying their shit, if fact my next podcast will be on propaganda.
I’m shure all 2 people listening will care LOLOLOL


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Meanwhile on Planet Earth, tomorrow live oral arguments on disqualifying Humpty Trump from office for being a total loser

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"I am a Journalist, dammit!"


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Remember when Trump was to chickenshit to face reporters at the National Press Club Dinner, but his Simps think he a strong man respected ( ie FEARED) around the world?

Funny shit



Factory Bastard
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Qasem Soleimani.
Saddam Hussein.
Muammar Gaddafi.
Osama Bin Laden.
Fidel Castro (multiple attempts, none successful).
Julian Assange (not dead yet but we're trying).

...and those are only a few of the targeted assassinations, never mind the millions we've killed as collateral damage.

The fuck out with that bullshit.

You mean like calling off the primaries and simply going the coronation route to select a party's candidate?

Like wanting to set up a 'ministry of truth' to have social media accounts restricted or deleted for saying the wrong things?

Like persecuting a political opponent instead of facing him in an honest election?

What does that even mean?
Where have I expressed any particular admiration?
See that's where all this red-baiting McCarthy-esque propaganda gets really dangerous... it's convinced you that the slightest failure to demonize someone (and by extension his country) at every opportunity is somehow being in love with the dude.

Stupid. Infantile. Brainworm droppings.

How many bases does Russia have outside it's own borders?
Surely it's close to the almost a thousand we have all over the world, right?

Russia could have taken the entirety of Ukraine at the start of the conflict.
The original peace deal proposed and agreed to by Russia had the Donbas region remain part of Ukraine but ensured they had a measure of autonomy (in other words Ukraine had to stop shelling and bombing them).

It was only after Ukraine and NATO ignored the Minsk Accords (which we now know was merely a ruse to give Ukraine time to build up its military) that Russia moved in to protect the ethnic Russians in that region.

Stating facts is not kissing up to someone.
It's just not being blinded by 'Murica's own imperialist conditioning and propaganda.

Hey do you know Half Dead Herman? Fatso blinds the ignorant in Merica.


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This story reminds me of when Hillary poisoned Trump to death in 2015 to seal the 2016 Election, anyone else remember that? LOL Oh that Hillary!


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Putin has said he wanted to expand Russian territory. Respectfully, is there a reason you would believe someone else over Putin's own words?

"But Tucker will ask the leading softball questions actual corrupt George Soros jewish space laser investigative journalists won't waste their time on"


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"I can ride a horse better than anybody, nobody horses like i can" Donald Trump



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So what did happen to those top secret SCIF documents detailing Russian Meddling in our Election disappear to in Trump's final days in office?

Beuler, Beuler, Beuler, Ok does anyone want to guess?


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Tucker plan's to interview Dylann Roof, Tucker feels Dylann is being ignored by the fake lamestream media and his views should be heard and shared.


Look at the big patriotism on Dylann!


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Trust takes a lifetime to build but can be destroyed in an instant. This is what Republicans are doing to the trust in America’s word, which was established around the world and among our allies from the outset. It is central to what made our nation exceptional—a shining city on a hill—and, I would argue, was central to what made America great. If aid to our allies, which we have promised to support, is not honored, we are moving into a far more dangerous world, one that conservatives once stood to defend. A world of more chaos, conflict, and far less prosperity for all, including all of those here in the United States. What a sad day for America, Americans, the world, our children and our grandchildren.



Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Putin hasn't agreed to be interviewed by anyone other than that clown.
So because Putin only offers interview to western reporters who are sufficiently obedient and sympathetic, all other media is weak, or corrupt, or part of the MIC? But the fuckboy that cost his former employer a ALMOST ONE BILLION DOLLARS is the paragon of truth and justice!


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
could this possibly open the eyes of the left? We shall see.....

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TikTok wanted me to register and when I Esc'd out of that pop-up it wanted me to complete some other little verification/captcha thingy and I couldn't be arsed to do all that clicking.

For general audiences it might be appreciated to stick to old standards like YouTube, maybe?

Just a thought.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Interesting read from someone much more cognizant than Fuckboy Tucker

Why is Putin talking to the useful idiot? Why does "The Fair And Balanced Tucker refer to The Jewish Ukranian President as being "Rat-Like" A term famously used in Nazi Germany when dehumanizing an integral demographic of the German people.

First, he knows he’s got a sympathetic ear. Carlson is a journalist of sorts, but he’s also a propagandist. He’s a sympathizer with the Russian version of why they invaded Ukraine. Tucker is no friend at all of [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelenskyy. He talked in
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about Zelenskyy being treated like a “consumer brand” in American media, which was frankly insulting. So we know where Carlson’s coming from. He’s not going to have a hostile interview, number one.

Number two, if you think about the timing, the military aid package in Washington is up for grabs; it’s being held hostage by a small number of Republicans, MAGA Republicans, Trumpists. This is a moment that Putin has calculated that he can use this interview to appeal to that audience. And lastly, to appeal to a Western audience, some of whom will be definitely ignorant about the history and the complexity surrounding this conflict.

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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Interesting read from someone much more aware of cognizant than Fuckboy Tucker

Why is Putin talking to the useful idiot? Why does "The Fair And Balanced Tucker refer to The Jewish Ukranian President as being "Rat-Like" A term famously used in Nazi Germany when dehumanizing an integral demographic of the German people.

First, he knows he’s got a sympathetic ear. Carlson is a journalist of sorts, but he’s also a propagandist. He’s a sympathizer with the Russian version of why they invaded Ukraine. Tucker is no friend at all of [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelenskyy. He talked in
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about Zelenskyy being treated like a “consumer brand” in American media, which was frankly insulting. So we know where Carlson’s coming from. He’s not going to have a hostile interview, number one.

Number two, if you think about the timing, the military aid package in Washington is up for grabs; it’s being held hostage by a small number of Republicans, MAGA Republicans, Trumpists. This is a moment that Putin has calculated that he can use this interview to appeal to that audience. And lastly, to appeal to a Western audience, some of whom will be definitely ignorant about the history and the complexity surrounding this conflict.

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I enjoyed seeing Jon Stewart destroy Tucker Carlson and even Paul Begala.