Vaccine is bad juju


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Parents who don't have honest conversations with their kids, or worse yet adopt a "because I said so" attitude and treat their kids like possessions or extensions of themselves instead of real people, are how you get kids making bad decisions and having poor inter-generational communication skills themselves. It's breeding crop after crop of repressed, dishonest, dissembling, authoritarian narcissists.

It's one of the reasons 'Murican society is so fucked up and twisted.

If you want to live in a strict hierarchy join the damn military.

But leave the kids alone.
You have no kids ammirite?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Would you have a glass of wine with your daughter Lily ?

Sure, she's 29 now. But would I get drunk with her? No.

We have so much more to talk about than our youthful indiscretions that no longer are relevant. Most of the time, my daughter and I talk about politics, and then other less serious topics. Her husband is apathetic about politics and myself and my partner are the only ones she can talk about it with.

My daughter is not a stick in the mud either. She's left-wing, has been involved with males and females, she currently has long hair that's royal blue/purple...piercings...she's her own person.

She's also a good mom and just doesn't drink much at all or smoke weed. The father of her first child was a pot head, he smoked every day and he was unmotivated, lost jobs constantly, lazy and erratic. That turned her off to the whole idea of those that need to smoke everyday for recreational use.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
You have no kids ammirite?

My kids and I have talked about everything. I've always been honest with them. I've made my values clear, but have always acknowledged that they are their own people.

They still made mistakes and thankfully, they seemed to have learned from them.


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Sure, she's 29 now. But would I get drunk with her? No.

We have so much more to talk about than our youthful indiscretions that no longer are relevant. Most of the time, my daughter and I talk about politics, and then other less serious topics. Her husband is apathetic about politics and myself and my partner are the only ones she can talk about it with.

My daughter is not a stick in the mud either. She's left-wing, has been involved with males and females, she currently has long hair that's royal blue/purple...piercings...she's her own person.

She's also a good mom and just doesn't drink much at all or smoke weed. The father of her first child was a pot head, he smoked every day and he was unmotivated, lost jobs constantly, lazy and erratic. That turned her off to the whole idea of those that need to smoke everyday for recreational use.
Regardless of all that having a glass of wine is the equivalent of smoking a doob, I get the optics are a lot better regarding sharing a bottle of wine


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My kids and I have talked about everything. I've always been honest with them. I've made my values clear, but have always acknowledged that they are their own people.

They still made mistakes and thankfully, they seemed to have learned from them.
My kids always had that looming thought, if I do this my dad will kill me, it’s worked very well


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Regardless of all that having a glass of wine is the equivalent of smoking a doob, I get the optics are a lot better regarding sharing a bottle of wine

I think weed is much stronger now than it used to be. Perhaps your dose response is requires more weed. A couple of glasses of wine in an evening with dinner doesn't make either of us drunk, or tipsy for that matter.

I don't care what people do in their lives that much. Conceptually, I think it's a bad idea to encourage and be permissive with our offspring.

No one out there in the world really gives a fuck about them and their well-being. I always will.

Darthinia Von Vader

Factory Bastard
In the sewers
Right just ditch our kids to navigate the difficult and potentially dangerous parts of life on their own with their equally ignorant friends.

Because maintaining some appearance of being above it all is much more important

My daughters make vastly better decisions than I made growing up. Are more responsible than I was. And also more educated than I was.

So that "let's never talk about this" didn't serve me very well. All I did was become very good at hiding and acting.

I would have had MORE respect for my grandma and aunt if they had had real discussions with me and showed they could relate to me.

Also....I heard plenty of stories about my grandma and aunt getting ripped drunk on their lunch break when they worked in thr factory during the war.

I have literally never heard this idea that it's wrong to talk about things you got up to in your youth with your adult children. I know anyone ....any other parent, who thinks that way.
A/S/S/L/of each? thanks

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Display of Ignorance Alert!!!!
I have known white people my entire life. I cannot say that it's "white culture" to talk with children about the good old drug days. It never happened among my white friends that I was ever aware of...none of their parents or my friends talked about it openly. It just didn't happen. I asked my partner if he ever drank, smoked, did drugs, etc with his dad or his kids. He raised his eyebrow at me and said "what the hell, who does that?" I said, no, it's nothing...I didn't believe you had.

Sorry, I have to put that under the "drug" culture umbrella.

What a racist piece of shit Fat @Lily is....

She thinks that all white people share the same culture.




The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
Hey - the dead are mostly ol' timer dead wood. Fuck 'em. They're just taking up space and eating all of the food.



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Yes, I did. Somehow, I myself survived the boost and did not diedid like everyone else who got it.
...though I can feel the nanobots crawling under my skin AN IN MY EYEBALLS - SOMEONE HAAALLPS MEEEE!!!!

The nanobots wake me up every morning demanding coffee. The trauma is real.

Reading data is so hard. I mean, HARD.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
It's all Deep State lies you know.
..Nano nano - it's really the black oil Alien virus. The final invasion has begun.

I guess I'm doomed. They said I would be dead about three months ago, in any case. I've been living on borrowed time because the VAX. The scary scary VAX.

I utterly despise hearing how bad the VAX is from people that simply can't deal with the real world.

People were dying at higher rates in communities that refused to vaccinate than those that chose to do so.

And they live in "reality"...Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Fucking idiots.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Maybe you are...maybe you have entered the matrix, and it's the nanobots making you believe you are alive.

PS: Red state mortality rates were 38% higher than dumb ass Deep State states.

Even among the North Europeans, do you recall people saying "But Sweden..."

Sweden had the worst outcomes if you compare them to the surrounding countries, Norway, Finland, etc.

But people wanted to compare them to countries not like them.

Basically, simply manipulate and fool the lemmings.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
Even among the North Europeans, do you recall people saying "But Sweden..."

Sweden had the worst outcomes if you compare them to the surrounding countries, Norway, Finland, etc.

But people wanted to compare them to countries not like them.

Basically, simply manipulate and fool the lemmings.
If I recall they took a very relaxed approach. Sort of Red stated it.
.. Yes - I just checked - Right again. :CooL: Godt damn commies.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
If I recall they took a very relaxed approach. Sort of Red stated it.
.. Yes - I just checked - Right again. :CooL: Godt damn commies.


The true tragedy of the pandemic, besides all the loss of life of course, was how a pandemic was politicized. Anyone that wants to treat a life threatening disease through the lens of "politics", is a moron.

Anyone who falls for that shit, is a fucking moron. Anyone who demonizes the people doing their best to keep people alive, is a yes, a fucking moron.

We have so many fucking morons in this country, it's blows my mind.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Site Supporter
The Deep Space
The true tragedy of the pandemic, besides all the loss of life of course, was how a pandemic was politicized. Anyone that wants to treat a life threatening disease through the lens of "politics", is a moron.
Anyone who falls for that shit, is a fucking moron.
We have so many fucking morons in this country
Please, let's not insult our conservative fellow posters. They are very sensitive you know.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.

The true tragedy of the pandemic, besides all the loss of life of course, was how a pandemic was politicized. Anyone that wants to treat a life threatening disease through the lens of "politics", is a moron.

Anyone who falls for that shit, is a fucking moron. Anyone who demonizes the people doing their best to keep people alive, is a yes, a fucking moron.

We have so many fucking morons in this country, it's blows my mind.
Empeach Fouchie!


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Empeach Fouchie!

The morons. Ay, even my guy was starting in on that shit. He started up with attacking Fauci for not getting the NIAID to come up with an effective HIV vaccine.

All I did was look at him and say "Has any other country in the world got one?" He had the grace to be mollified by the question. He answered no and then stfu.

I really do despise the willfully ignorant.


Domestically feral
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United states
I don't know that I believe you. You've lied about me, so there's that.

I don't care if you believe me or not, Lily.

Why do you think other people need you like that? Like your approval and such is something everyone is just gunning for?

Everyone can see you have different standards based on who you deem as a friend. So even if Murd popped in owning it and defending it, you'd make a ton of excuses for that while continuing to have a problem with me where there isn't a problem at all.

Your issue isn't about the bong.