Recent content by Scrawny The Ghost

  1. Scrawny The Ghost

    1,000,000 Post Thread

    break the law break the law break the law of physics :O
  2. Scrawny The Ghost

    pls send nudes :#3

    pls send nudes :#3
  3. Scrawny The Ghost

    Students Fed Cremation Cookies

    HAlf the stuff your local fast food joint buys in bulk is cut with grandparent ashes, I know this because I am heavily invested into the death care industry and in case you didn't know THERE IS A LOT F FUCKING OLD PEOPLE ASHES FLOATING AROUND IT COMES UP IN THE PARTICULATE TESTS NEAR BURIAL...
  4. Scrawny The Ghost

    US Congress has to clean-up their act

    They should start doing cocaine
  5. Scrawny The Ghost

    9-5s are Scams! Capitalism is trash and I hate working!

    lol yeah it's a scam economy. You can make more selling rat poison cut with baby forumla to poor chinese villagers with no other option, I know because I am heavily invested in the rat poison industry and I don't care if HONG BABY FOODS LTD orders 1 tonne of it, his YUAN still burns just as...
  6. Scrawny The Ghost

    Alex Jones ordered to pay $49 million in lawsuit

    he's gonna have to sell a LOT of seeds and boner pills to stay out of the red this year
  7. Scrawny The Ghost

    I’m too pretty for this

    If you're so pretty why don't you post those tits and prove it huh????
  8. Scrawny The Ghost

    Meth and Cocaine should be legal

    The satanic bible isn't illegal but meth is. Explain that one.
  9. Scrawny The Ghost

    How to trick your neigbours

    poisoning their water supply with LSD
  10. Scrawny The Ghost

    Meth and Cocaine should be legal

    If you disagree with drugs being legal you are a communist that wants to kick in the door of capitalism and steal the fruits of someone else's labor Admit it, even if they paid taxes you would not be okay with it because it's a MORAL crime and you want to force your own morality onto someone...
  11. Scrawny The Ghost

    1,000,000 Post Thread

    i sell cocaine and cocaine accessories
  12. Scrawny The Ghost

    I cannot believe Admin and Holliday were banned

    They have come to the other forum to cry about people ruining meltdown. I don't get it I thought this place as always shite????
  13. Scrawny The Ghost

    1,000,000 Post Thread

    I have come to shitpost in meltdown