All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I know they are conflicting. Doesnt matter. Im a Christian for the most part, but I like some of the Buddhist beliefs, and I dont feel they are wrong.

I also feel, that my main life's purpose, has been to make folks happy. Ever since I was 4 years old, I remember a time I did an impression, and had my whole family laughing. After that, I craved to make folks smile and laugh for the rest of my life.

As for the Dems, (I also dont like the Republicans either.... but lesser evil and all), while they "advertise" a certain way, they usually fail to deliver. Yet they wind up with mansions to live in. Things are different these days vs a couple decades ago. They also push too far, jus so they can cater to a certain audience.

Are all Dems and Repubs bad, no. Are all good one side or the other, HELL no! So I call them DemonRats, and RepubliCants, cause neither are good and neither can do shit. But OOOOOHHHH they can take our money!!!!!! PA-TOOO!!!!

Give me a hard working Man that takes no fuckin' bribes, and stands for Liberty and Honesty and Justice! I'll do it my damn self if I have to!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

I am spiritual, but I lean Irish Catholic and I was raised in a blue state so I’m FREEEE… way more free any Republican male would like to see anyways.

But you do have a good vibe despite being a Confederate Soldier reincarnate lol

As for the whole Justice for All… it sounds good when you say it out loud, but that went out the window when you voted anti-abortion and set women back 200+ years via this force-feeing Christianity to the masses via OUR government. God has no room in a “democracy” where all men are created EQUAL.

What you want is for everyone to be just like you, and that isn’t happening.


Put your glasses on!
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If I ever came to America, I would like to visit Virginia first. The women look so sweet too.

I love it here man. All the mountains, all the streams and waterfalls. Its why right here where I live, is sung in so many songs.

When John Denver originally sung this song, he sung about WestERN Virginia, which is here. He changed it to West Virginia cause it came out better. When you listen to all the lyrics, hes talking about my home.



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Don't forget everyone, tomorrow is genital inspection day all genital selfies must be turned in by close of business Friday afternoon.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
Texas has convinced themselves that they will separate from the Union AGAIN :LOL3:

I am spiritual, but I lean Irish Catholic and I was raised in a blue state so I’m FREEEE… way more free any Republican male would like to see anyways.

But you do have a good vibe despite being a Confederate Soldier reincarnate lol

As for the whole Justice for All… it sounds good when you say it out loud, but that went out the window when you voted anti-abortion and set women back 200+ years via this force-feeing Christianity to the masses via OUR government. God has no room in a “democracy” where all men are created EQUAL.

What you want is for everyone to be just like you, and that isn’t happening.
Why even waste verse on that old man? He’s a dickhead.


Put your glasses on!
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I am spiritual, but I lean Irish Catholic and I was raised in a blue state so I’m FREEEE… way more free any Republican male would like to see anyways.

But you do have a good vibe despite being a Confederate Soldier reincarnate lol

As for the whole Justice for All… it sounds good when you say it out loud, but that went out the window when you voted anti-abortion and set women back 200+ years via this force-feeing Christianity to the masses via OUR government. God has no room in a “democracy” where all men are created EQUAL.

What you want is for everyone to be just like you, and that isn’t happening.

See, I see you skimmed some of my pages, and you still havent finished my book lololol.

Everyone has their own judgements, I understand that. Like Lily thinks all us Confederate Southerners are racist and shit lol, which is far from the truth. Its always about character.

Hold up. Im not anti abortion. Im anti abortion past 3 months. I also feel that if complications arise, no more than another month added. Im also for PREVENTIVE measures. As in shouldnt be getting a gal preggers unless you have intentions to do so. Me, I got damn good pull out game, and I would shoot it on her tatas. No babies hahaha. A dude gotta do that at least, or wear a condom, or the gal gotta get on a pill or the shot, SOMETHING preventive has to be done. There is also a Day After pill for fucks sake.

I've never forced Christianity on anyone. I actually use to be the High School Representative for my church. I never forced folks to talk to me, but I was there for folks to talk to me. Thats how its suppose to be with any religion. A persons choice.

Oh, and this is a Republic, not a Democracy, so it is writ'. lulz

Everyone be like me? Wow, what a crazy world that would be hahahahaha.




Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
See, I see you skimmed some of my pages, and you still havent finished my book lololol.

Everyone has their own judgements, I understand that. Like Lily thinks all us Confederate Southerners are racist and shit lol, which is far from the truth. Its always about character.

Hold up. Im not anti abortion. Im anti abortion past 3 months. I also feel that if complications arise, no more than another month added. Im also for PREVENTIVE measures. As in shouldnt be getting a gal preggers unless you have intentions to do so. Me, I got damn good pull out game, and I would shoot it on her tatas. No babies hahaha. A dude gotta do that at least, or wear a condom, or the gal gotta get on a pill or the shot, SOMETHING preventive has to be done. There is also a Day After pill for fucks sake.

I've never forced Christianity on anyone. I actually use to be the High School Representative for my church. I never forced folks to talk to me, but I was there for folks to talk to me. Thats how its suppose to be with any religion. A persons choice.

Oh, and this is a Republic, not a Democracy, so it is writ'. lulz

Everyone be like me? Wow, what a crazy world that would be hahahahaha.



In all fairness, and I’m sure Lily would agree with me here, you say some pretty racist shit sometimes. It’s more socially acceptable on your side of the Mississippi than it is way out west. But you would never hear some of the things you say in a social setting out here… and for good reason. People out here know where it stems from and avoid it completely. It’s so chill out here… it’s bitch don’t kill my vibe feelz.

We are a Nation that was founded by people escaping religious persecution and now we are all being force fed right wing Christianity. No thanks!


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
In all fairness, and I’m sure Lily would agree with me here, you say some pretty racist shit sometimes. It’s more socially acceptable on your side of the Mississippi than it is way out west. But you would never hear some of the things you say in a social setting out here… and for good reason. People out here know where it stems from and avoid it completely. It’s so chill out here… it’s bitch don’t kill my vibe feelz.

We are a Nation that was founded by people escaping religious persecution and now we are all being force fed right wing Christianity. No thanks!
Religion is a man-made construct. As a woman I would’ve thought that you’d know better.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I heard admin left the site because he believed he had a miscarriage and needed time in a safe space to mourn

sick freak


Put your glasses on!
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In all fairness, and I’m sure Lily would agree with me here, you say some pretty racist shit sometimes. It’s more socially acceptable on your side of the Mississippi than it is way out west. But you would never hear some of the things you say in a social setting out here… and for good reason. People out here know where it stems from and avoid it completely. It’s so chill out here… it’s bitch don’t kill my vibe feelz.

We are a Nation that was founded by people escaping religious persecution and now we are all being force fed right wing Christianity. No thanks!

In all fairness, I say those racist things on here, to troll the haters lol. Im not normally like that lol.

Lily is a bigger racist than me, and thats a fact. She even got an award for being the biggest racist, even outdoing Lokmar in a poll.

You do know I grew up in Section 8 right lol? I didnt grow up around White Supremacies hahahaha.