Army moving equipment and supplies


Factory Bastard
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United States
Hi freends;
A few freends of mine live around a army stockpile yard. Thay have noticed a lot of activity the past week. Vehicle and supplies being taken from the stockpile.
just saying something big is happening soon! Prepare!


Factory Bastard
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Hmm, it is probably moving stuff being sent to Ukraine or to compensate NATO allies who are giving stuff to Ukraine.
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Factory Bastard
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That is just Sabre rattling.
now that putins conventional forces r proven shit, the only ace card he holds r nukes, which is scary

now we have 2 tolerate an imbalanced six yr old running around the class room with a loaded gun

MAD still applies. He is Sabre rattling because he is losing. This said, Putin could make big advances and encircle 40% of the Ukrainian Forces with a new offensive. He would have to fix all the logistical problems he has had up until now but it is possible. That said, geography favors ta k combat and mobile warfare. It is very flat, few if any trees, so it will be harder to get ambush teams close to Russian ar.ored vehicles.

Add in that Umraine has few effective mobile offensive forces and things are about to get interesting.


Factory Bastard
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Without a doubt Xi wants to invade and conquer Taiwan to secure his place in CCP history. He will not do that this year though because if it goes wrong he loses his chance to become dictator for life. 1-3 years out though? I give it a 50% chance he will go for it.

The upside, of sorts, is China is utterly dependent upon the American global trading system. We are talking about 80% of carbon based fuels, 50% of grains, 70% of meats, and 90% of its exports and imports. In 3 mo the the lights go out in communist China and in half a year 500 million Chinese die of starvation. As long as the collective west sticks together they literally can starve China into submission WW2 style.


Factory Bastard
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That is just Sabre rattling.
now that putins conventional forces r proven shit, the only ace card he holds r nukes, which is scary

now we have 2 tolerate an imbalanced six yr old running around the class room with a loaded gun

MAD still applies. He is Sabre rattling because he is losing. This said, Putin could make big advances and encircle 40% of the Ukrainian Forces with a new offensive. He would have to fix all the logistical problems he has had up until now but it is possible. That said, geography favors ta k combat and mobile warfare. It is very flat, few if any trees, so it will be harder to get ambush teams close to Russian ar.ored vehicles.

Add in that Umraine has few effective mobile offensive forces and things are about to get interesting.
I'm concerned that MAD isnt in effect. One of the yahoo linked articles quoted that idiot Wesley Clark as saying he didnt think we would respond in kind to a Russian nuclear strike on a Nato nation unless there were SEVERAL nukes used.


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Without a doubt Xi wants to invade and conquer Taiwan to secure his place in CCP history. He will not do that this year though because if it goes wrong he loses his chance to become dictator for life. 1-3 years out though? I give it a 50% chance he will go for it.

The upside, of sorts, is China is utterly dependent upon the American global trading system. We are talking about 80% of carbon based fuels, 50% of grains, 70% of meats, and 90% of its exports and imports. In 3 mo the the lights go out in communist China and in half a year 500 million Chinese die of starvation. As long as the collective west sticks together they literally can starve China into submission WW2 style.

China has been preparing. The US is over a barrel itself. One strategically detonated air burst and hello stone age.


Have kink will travel.
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That is just Sabre rattling.
now that putins conventional forces r proven shit, the only ace card he holds r nukes, which is scary

now we have 2 tolerate an imbalanced six yr old running around the class room with a loaded gun

MAD still applies. He is Sabre rattling because he is losing. This said, Putin could make big advances and encircle 40% of the Ukrainian Forces with a new offensive. He would have to fix all the logistical problems he has had up until now but it is possible. That said, geography favors ta k combat and mobile warfare. It is very flat, few if any trees, so it will be harder to get ambush teams close to Russian ar.ored vehicles.

Add in that Umraine has few effective mobile offensive forces and things are about to get interesting.
I'm concerned that MAD isnt in effect. One of the yahoo linked articles quoted that idiot Wesley Clark as saying he didnt think we would respond in kind to a Russian nuclear strike on a Nato nation unless there were SEVERAL nukes used.

Small yield tactical nukes are the new black all over....


Factory Bastard
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Without a doubt Xi wants to invade and conquer Taiwan to secure his place in CCP history. He will not do that this year though because if it goes wrong he loses his chance to become dictator for life. 1-3 years out though? I give it a 50% chance he will go for it.

The upside, of sorts, is China is utterly dependent upon the American global trading system. We are talking about 80% of carbon based fuels, 50% of grains, 70% of meats, and 90% of its exports and imports. In 3 mo the the lights go out in communist China and in half a year 500 million Chinese die of starvation. As long as the collective west sticks together they literally can starve China into submission WW2 style.

China has been preparing. The US is over a barrel itself. One strategically detonated air burst and hello stone age.

Again, they can't do that without suffering the same fate.


Factory Bastard
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Also, I highly doubt Russoa will use either chemical weapons or small yield tactical nukes because that will only make their situation vastly worse. Allies, officially neutral but favorable countries (think India), much less actually neutral countries wodd all turn against them whole sale. And for what? A nonconclusive tactical nuke 1/15th the size of the Hiroshima bomb?

There is too much down side and virtually no upside for the Russians. Putin wants to constantly remind everyone he has nukes to try to cow them Into obeying but he can't actually use any of them without insuring his own destruction. The only thing he cares about is his and his regime's survival; ergo, nukes are off the table because that means the end for him. The only way he uses them is if it is a Hitler in his Berlin bunker in August 1945 type scenario.
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Have kink will travel.
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Their MRV's are modern, fast, tailor-able.... the US don't even have MRV's..... much less hypersonic.

Russia would win an exchange but everybody loses.


Factory Bastard
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Without a doubt Xi wants to invade and conquer Taiwan to secure his place in CCP history. He will not do that this year though because if it goes wrong he loses his chance to become dictator for life. 1-3 years out though? I give it a 50% chance he will go for it.

The upside, of sorts, is China is utterly dependent upon the American global trading system. We are talking about 80% of carbon based fuels, 50% of grains, 70% of meats, and 90% of its exports and imports. In 3 mo the the lights go out in communist China and in half a year 500 million Chinese die of starvation. As long as the collective west sticks together they literally can starve China into submission WW2 style.

China has been preparing. The US is over a barrel itself. One strategically detonated air burst and hello stone age.
watch out for the sell out ^


Factory Bastard
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The Russians might nuke the shit out of us eventually but I just want to burn knowing the retaliation they will suffer will be as bad if not worse.


Factory Bastard
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Their MRV's are modern, fast, tailor-able.... the US don't even have MRV's..... much less hypersonic.

Russia would win an exchange but everybody loses.

There hypersonic glide vehicles are not a game changer. They cannot destroy all the land based silo ICBMs the US has much less the mobile land based launchers as well and far, far less the Boomer based submarine launched ICBMs. MAD is so still in effect it is not funny. Multiple Soviet Premiers admitted the Boomers are what kept them awake at night knowing they had no counter.

They literally can't do shit without incinerating themselves, just the UK based boomers not counting the larger French based boomers, much less the vastly larger fleet of US boomers.
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Factory Bastard
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UK Trident systems alone could end them much less the larger French and vastly larger American based systems. WTF can they do to stop them? Nothing. MAD is assured.
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Factory Bastard
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The cool thing when you have enough nukes to end all life on Earth 50 times over is that everyone knows there is zero percent chance they can knock out all of your nukes before you kill them in return. That is MAD.


Have kink will travel.
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Their MRV's are modern, fast, tailor-able.... the US don't even have MRV's..... much less hypersonic.

Russia would win an exchange but everybody loses.

There hypersonic glide vehicles are not a game changer. They cannot destroy all the land based silo ICBMs the US has much less the mobile land based launchers as well and far, far less the Boomer based submarine launched ICBMs. MAD is so still in effect it is not funny. Multiple Soviet Premiers admitted the Boomers are what kept them awake at night knowing they had no counter.

They literally can't do shit without incinerating themselves, just the UK based boomers not counting the larger French based boomers, much less the vastly larger fleet of US boomers.


Ok, mate....

There's no use in us arguing about it. You think America's patched SRV dinosaurs are the bees knees. I don't.


Have kink will travel.
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Without a doubt Xi wants to invade and conquer Taiwan to secure his place in CCP history. He will not do that this year though because if it goes wrong he loses his chance to become dictator for life. 1-3 years out though? I give it a 50% chance he will go for it.

The upside, of sorts, is China is utterly dependent upon the American global trading system. We are talking about 80% of carbon based fuels, 50% of grains, 70% of meats, and 90% of its exports and imports. In 3 mo the the lights go out in communist China and in half a year 500 million Chinese die of starvation. As long as the collective west sticks together they literally can starve China into submission WW2 style.

China has been preparing. The US is over a barrel itself. One strategically detonated air burst and hello stone age.
watch out for the sell out ^

Shush, Lil Annie Tokely....