Cornel West is running for POTUS?


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
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Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
And they pull shit like the WPE. The biggest problem is that there is a ceiling for high earners AND the banksters raid SS all the time in very sneaky ways.
Yes and part of the reason it was set up as a pay as you go fund, was that if all the proceeds were placed in a Trust Fund the Trust Fund would be an enormous pile of cash that every special interest would want to tap into. "Look at that mountain of cash, we could buy a Yacht for every Billionaire with that mountain of moolah!"


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I'm just saying we are the most impacted. Especially college professors, because 70% of us earned very small pensions as we are/were contingent employess, yet our SS still gets cut if we have SS earnings.

I should have used the term "educators" instead of simply "teachers". I'm trying to read about it online and the SSA has one answer and one answer only. Have to dig deeper for an explanation that makes sense. They are unfairly targeting some employees.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Interesting. So, where does the money that is taken from the income of millions of Americans go?

It's deleted, essentially.

The primary (the only, these days) purpose of taxes is to reinforce the necessity of holding the default currency. You have to pay taxes with dollars and you have to pay taxes so you *have* to have dollars. At one time taxes were also used secondarily as a tool to rein in wealth inequality (upper brackets used to be 80% or more).

'Murica currently has reversed course on the secondary purpose of taxes and placed the lion's share of that burden on the working classes. Sure, a system like that decimates the middle class and grows the size of the poor folk but it's not concerned with those communities because the whole entire purpose is to funnel wealth upward, which it does rather well.

Our system doesn't want empowered educated citizens. It wants apathetic and/or frightened obedient workers. That's why everything from housing to food to health care is dependent on becoming a loyal cog of the capitalist machine. Regular everyday people are mere resources to be exploited, preferably willingly. People who love their cages and their chains not only don't cause problems they will violently attack anyone who doesn't behave in an acceptable fashion.

The slaves will gladly fight and die for their masters who don't care about them at all.

In many respects what we have now is neofeudalism; a few aristocrats and a couple of royalty with the vast majority of people being serfs and indentured servants.

Historically that arrangement never lasts forever and it doesn't take a formally-educated person to recognize that we're nearing the end of our run. The establishment has been too greedy for too long and now the whole thing is poised to crash down around their ears.

The sooner the better as far as I'm concerned.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
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Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
It's simple, not conspiratorial

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provide revenue for federal, local, and state governments to fund essential services--defense, highways, police, a justice system--that benefit all citizens, who could not provide such services very effectively for themselves. Taxes also fund programs and services that benefit only certain citizens, such as health, welfare, and social services; job training; schools; and parks.

Article 1 of the United States Constitution grants the U.S. government the power to establish and collect taxes. Congress delegated to the IRS the responsibility of administering and enforcing the Internal Revenue Code.

Taxes reduce taxpayers' income. As a result, taxpayers have less for personal goods and services, savings, and investments. The more services the government provides, the more taxpayers have to pay for them. Whenever new
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are proposed that require new taxes, taxpayers must decide whether the additional benefits are worth the reduction in income.

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Alien Nosferatu

Available for Parties
Planet 9
and placed the lion's share of that burden on the working classes.
Greed is the driving force of conservative economics and politics.
It wants apathetic and/or frightened obedient workers.
The push by the elite to ensure immigration is unchecked.
The slaves will gladly fight and die for their masters who don't care about them at all.
In many respects what we have now is neofeudalism; a few aristocrats and a couple of royalty with the vast majority of people being serfs and indentured servants.
Oligarchy, Plutocracy MAGA MAGA MAGA
Historically that arrangement never lasts forever
Though so many other arrangements do.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
For most of recorded in history Human Population Growth Average +/- 2% Group Of 20 or "Advanced Economies" Population growth rates have been steadily declining.....

SS's funding was based on that, as was the Financial Markets*. Now that the USA's worker base is shrinking there are few young bucks to feed us old they adjust the withholding % Cut Grandma off SS or Let motivated emigrants in the door to boost that working demographic.

Wall Street Headlines are all about this.

Housing starts were up 6% in the Spring Quarter, Buy Buy Buy!

Just give me some of that forced birthing ladies, we've got elderly and infirm to feed!


Factory Bastard
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This is how the Windfall thing works in real life: I earned XX dollars in SS payout at age 66. This is what my SS report says, year after year. This is what they tell me I will receive when I apply for SS. THEN, I file for my teacher's pension, and SS sends me a letter telling me they are reducing my payout that I eanred and qualified for according to a very complicate formula. The end result? My SS is 50% a month less than what I would have been paid, according to my earnings and my payments into SS during my working life, and according to official SS reports sent to me, simply because I also have a pathetic, unliveable pension from a "government" entity.