Could use a brilliant legal mind to read and interpret a legal issue in Floriduh


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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm sure Florida is the only state with people who drink and drive.
I'm sure Florida is the only state with people who drink and drive.
The libtard desperation is real isn’t it? Lol
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This heavily leftwing bias source has absolutely nothing to do with the OP.

Once again you are so self involved and desperate to do nothing but shit on your opponents that you are not even close to making sense.

So a random guy in Florida is arrested for drunk driving. This ONE guy is somehow a politcal statement. And this leftwing bias article slamming right wing reps is somehow what again?

How are these things connected in your head Admin? WTF is happening in there?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I mean seriously Admin can you at least TRY to produce something besides these incoherent shit posts?

Nothing about this thread even makes any sense. Start with why you posted about this drunk driver in the politcal section. There is literally NOTHING politcal about this. It's not even policy related. Drunk driving is illegal. This guy broke the law. He was arrested. So what is the fucking politcal part?

And then.....when the utter stupidity of the placement of this post is pointed out.... you make a huge... YUGE even...leap to some partisan bias whiney and very likely dishonest article(pme of several) about how much dem/progs dislike some Republican reps who have literally nothing to do with said drunk driver and say "PWNT"

You do this type of incoherent shit posting constantly. We have never seen you actually explain anything. You dont even follow one mental process of yours to any sensical conclusion. You just leap around from one thing to the next with no real points whatsoever outside you hate people who dont vote your way.

Can you try today and maybe step back to the moment you posted this thread in politics and explain what about this incident you find political and what your point is? And then provide a clear explaination to how its related to the leftwing bias article you posted?

Most others have given up entirely trying to understand anything you carry on about. I still attempt to hear you. I cant do it alone, A. You have to participate.