January 6 Hearing July 21st 8PM EDT


Domestically feral
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United states
Send Trump cash. It’s all he cares about

Sea the problem with this? Trump actually lost wealth. Is poorer now than he was before he ran.

He did not benefit financially one single bit during his term. And he didnt even take the salary.

People donating to Trumps campaign or politcal issues isnt making him wealthy at all.....he still lost wealth. Even if we were sending money directly to him for his own use.....he still is less wealthy than he was before he ran.

If we were talking about Obama, who obtained a gross amount of wealthy during his two terms and still continues to collect wealth.....yeah I could see calling him a grifter.

If Trump had been made wealthier during his term I could see the point you are making. But he just didnt. In fact he lost wealth.

And why should I just believe sources that have proven over and over that they bend and distort the truth to benefit one politcal party?

When you look at both "sides" and the big picture and see one side spreading divisive and inflammatory propaganda, covering up and minimizing wrong things done by one party.....and going full blown over the edge hysterical when the opposition does something much less
......how can anyone be expected to trust that?

A lot of us have been pointing out the incitement being done by dems/progs. They lie about their opposition, they smear and fearmonger and they promote division and hatred. Just blind irrational hatred. We have seen leftwing activists promote violence and riots. Destroy communities. Theyve bombed government buildings. Theyve been doxxing and harrassing SCOTUS justices. One guy was out to murder Kavanaugh at Kavanaughs home. Activists have been at the houses of justices using abusive language, threats and making the neighbors feel very unsafe and they are keeping children inside because of these people.

And the opposing party protests the government at the Capitol and suddenly it's some insurrection that Trump instigated? There is literally no proof or even evidence of that. Americans were kept in jail as politcal prisoners. Some in solitary. Without any charges brought. The worst charges being tresspassing.

This isnt normal. This is a cold civil war being waged on Americans who not support dems/progs. People should not be punished for wrong think in this country.

And the entire goal of this Jan 6th hysteria to stop a certain person from running again. Because people will probably vote him in. So this is being used to control who the people are able to vote in.

It's an authoritarian circus shit show. What crime was committed here? Opposing democrats? We cant criticize them or oppose them without harsh consequences? Leftwing activists can bomb the Capitol, storm the Capitol (Kavanaugh thing), dox and harrass justices and elected officials, lie and push that Russia shit on tax payer dime, monopolize media and use it to influence how people vote? Incite riots and destroy communities? Do massive amounts of harm yo completely innocent people?

But regular people cannot protest? Its suddenly an insurrection and Trump telling people to keep it peaceful and go home is incitement?

It should be easy to point out what crimes were committed and if it's such a done and proven deal there should be more than just hearsay and claims with no evidence.

This just looks like one party trying to dominate the country and intimidate their opposition. I notice they brand everyone a "traitor" for simply disagreeing with the party. And directly opposing that party gets people branded terrorists. From the people who were perfectly okay with riots and bombings and violent attacks.


Domestically feral
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United states

I mean all the violent protests were encouraged when it was all anti Trump. They were all out there using violence against ordinary people demanding the inaugeration be stopped and Trump not be sworn in.

That's the scariest part of the whole thing. The double standards and how opposing democrats and protesting democrats is being criminalized. But mobs can shoot your child, burn down your business, violently assault you and that's somehow "blow back".

Meaning they want all the politcal power and to create an authoritarian one party government that no one is allowed to question, criticize or oppose.
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Factory Bastard
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Fairly clear y’all didn’t watch the hearing. I’m glad I’m not fatso.


Domestically feral
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United states
He is likely going to run in 2024 and win. Because no crimes were committed.

And this narrative and this hearing is just a completely partisan attack on opposition. Wasting our money and time because dems/progs/rinos want to keep their club in power and dont want anyone else getting in there and messing up their profits. They want one party rule in America.

An illusion of "democracy". Anyone outside of that establishment is going to be nonstop attacked until they are no longer a threat to the status quo.

If we are gonna have hearings of this nature.....its a disgusting insult to the country to not hold dem/prog inciters accountable for the thousands of lives that were destroyed by riots.

Far FAR has been done to the country than an opposition "naughty no no" party with naughty ideas protesting and having a mild riot at the Capitol. And the fact that only one party is being punished for their blow back against the government (rightfully so when you look at the state of things and how middle/working class families are suffering) is scary and it's just a sign that one party has gone authoritarian.

Anytime a nonleft party protests it's going to be treated as some seditious attack on "democracy". Which is intensely ironic.

I'm not sure how anyone could possibly believe our government doing shit like this is going to turn out well for anyone. Its wont. We ALL lose. We are being shown right now that any real opposition to the government will be punished. We can go trash cities and attack other people all day.....but dont bother the government or you'll be punished.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This is why parties are a bad thing for the country. Masses are so easily manipulated and they get so pumped on fighting the other team that humanity is lost.

People care more about their team and less about the good of the country. And they forget that we are all in the same country.

It's easy to take advantage of this as well as we see democrats doing.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Things that make you go, 'well duh!'