Katanji Brown Jackson: Conservatives loudly not understanding The Law, featuring Cadance Brown.



3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
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Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
Can we get serious now?

Why do Conservatives act all mad about Pedoes and Sex offenders, when they are the ones doing the bulk of the sex offenses? They should welcome a PLEASE ASS BOX ME! friendly Judge to the Court.

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Domestically feral
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United states
She likes pedophiles and terrorists.

Of course Biden picked her.

Boy, remember when Trump was president? Imagine if a pic of his son snorting coke on some whore's ass had surfaced.

What do you think would've happened?
That is complete horseshit, you should know better than that Rancid.

I know I changed the subject a bit, but it's still about politics

Come on dude, leave your opinions aside just for a moment

Look at how they treated Trump's kids. Not even the little one escaped. They even had the audacity to imply that Trump had sex with his daughter.

And now you have Biden's son, who's o total disgrace, no question about it and yet, the media completely ignores the case.

You see, that's exactly the kind of thing that send societies into civil wars. When everything is hidden, twisted, bent and disguised to fool people, the ones who won't take it lose their cool.

I've tried to appeal to his humanity on several occasions.

He does not give a single fuck. The whole "The Constitution is garbage written by rich white slave owners to support white supremacy and conservatives venerate it and its racist" narrative is coming around bluntly and these people will be on THAT side firmly.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Can we get serious now?

Why do Conservatives act all mad about Pedoes and Sex offenders, when they are the ones doing the bulk of the sex offenses? They should welcome a PLEASE ASS BOX ME! friendly Judge to the Court.

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All your guys precious sex offenders are all establishment pieces of shit that you align with. And unlike you guys? We dont vote for and support known rapists like Joe Biden.

Admit you dont care who fucks kids as long as they have the right "politcs". Because every single one of us knows you guys would support Charles Manson if he was the next establishment plant.

Who went ahead and legally allowed predator men to self identify as "women" and enter womens spaces? You guys are the party of pedos and sex offenders.

You probably didnt even read the transcripts and cases where this nee justice literally favored sex offenders. You are just glad the corporate media has swooped in to do damage control and you'll parrot that because you dont give a fuck about this at all. You just want whoever your "side" pushes.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
She likes pedophiles and terrorists.

Of course Biden picked her.

Boy, remember when Trump was president? Imagine if a pic of his son snorting coke on some whore's ass had surfaced.

What do you think would've happened?
That is complete horseshit, you should know better than that Rancid.

I know I changed the subject a bit, but it's still about politics

Come on dude, leave your opinions aside just for a moment

Look at how they treated Trump's kids. Not even the little one escaped. They even had the audacity to imply that Trump had sex with his daughter.

And now you have Biden's son, who's o total disgrace, no question about it and yet, the media completely ignores the case.

You see, that's exactly the kind of thing that send societies into civil wars. When everything is hidden, twisted, bent and disguised to fool people, the ones who won't take it lose their cool.

I've tried to appeal to his humanity on several occasions.

He does not give a single fuck. The whole "The Constitution is garbage written by rich white slave owners to support white supremacy and conservatives venerate it and its racist" narrative is coming around bluntly and these people will be on THAT side firmly.
Were indentured irish or african slaves or just lower class wypipo involved in the founding Documents? Why no they were not, it was the wealthy "Oligarchs" The Wealthy financiers, Industrialists, and Agrarian Noblemen who founded our country....deal with it. Read a book, take a class online.


An Claidheam Anam
She likes pedophiles and terrorists.

Of course Biden picked her.

Boy, remember when Trump was president? Imagine if a pic of his son snorting coke on some whore's ass had surfaced.

What do you think would've happened?
That is complete horseshit, you should know better than that Rancid.

I know I changed the subject a bit, but it's still about politics

Come on dude, leave your opinions aside just for a moment

Look at how they treated Trump's kids. Not even the little one escaped. They even had the audacity to imply that Trump had sex with his daughter.

And now you have Biden's son, who's o total disgrace, no question about it and yet, the media completely ignores the case.

You see, that's exactly the kind of thing that send societies into civil wars. When everything is hidden, twisted, bent and disguised to fool people, the ones who won't take it lose their cool.

I've tried to appeal to his humanity on several occasions.

He does not give a single fuck. The whole "The Constitution is garbage written by rich white slave owners to support white supremacy and conservatives venerate it and its racist" narrative is coming around bluntly and these people will be on THAT side firmly.
Were indentured irish or african slaves or just lower class wypipo involved in the founding Documents? Why no they were not, it was the wealthy "Oligarchs" The Wealthy financiers, Industrialists, and Agrarian Noblemen who founded our country....deal with it. Read a book, take a class online.

So who would you want involved? Are you suggesting that the Foundation was illegitimate because there were no African slaves or illiterate Irish drunkards involved?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
She likes pedophiles and terrorists.

Of course Biden picked her.

Boy, remember when Trump was president? Imagine if a pic of his son snorting coke on some whore's ass had surfaced.

What do you think would've happened?
That is complete horseshit, you should know better than that Rancid.

I know I changed the subject a bit, but it's still about politics

Come on dude, leave your opinions aside just for a moment

Look at how they treated Trump's kids. Not even the little one escaped. They even had the audacity to imply that Trump had sex with his daughter.

And now you have Biden's son, who's o total disgrace, no question about it and yet, the media completely ignores the case.

You see, that's exactly the kind of thing that send societies into civil wars. When everything is hidden, twisted, bent and disguised to fool people, the ones who won't take it lose their cool.

I've tried to appeal to his humanity on several occasions.

He does not give a single fuck. The whole "The Constitution is garbage written by rich white slave owners to support white supremacy and conservatives venerate it and its racist" narrative is coming around bluntly and these people will be on THAT side firmly.
Were indentured irish or african slaves or just lower class wypipo involved in the founding Documents? Why no they were not, it was the wealthy "Oligarchs" The Wealthy financiers, Industrialists, and Agrarian Noblemen who founded our country....deal with it. Read a book, take a class online.

Are you fucking serious? You understand the constitution is what stops oligarchs from just owning your life?

It doesnt MATTER who was involved. It gives individual rights and liberties to EVERY citizen.

There you go. You got scammed and duped into turning on your OWN rights and liberties and you are gonna keep cheering for team oligarch and elite to reign down authoritarianism on us. Shilling for the establishment and telling me to go read the same books you've read that you got these twisted ideas from.

Why dont you pay attention to who supports these narratives?

Give us a reading list of all this material that taught you to hate rights and liberties and that told you the electoral college was for slavery(that alone shows you dont even know what it is, btw).


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
She likes pedophiles and terrorists.

Of course Biden picked her.

Boy, remember when Trump was president? Imagine if a pic of his son snorting coke on some whore's ass had surfaced.

What do you think would've happened?
That is complete horseshit, you should know better than that Rancid.

I know I changed the subject a bit, but it's still about politics

Come on dude, leave your opinions aside just for a moment

Look at how they treated Trump's kids. Not even the little one escaped. They even had the audacity to imply that Trump had sex with his daughter.

And now you have Biden's son, who's o total disgrace, no question about it and yet, the media completely ignores the case.

You see, that's exactly the kind of thing that send societies into civil wars. When everything is hidden, twisted, bent and disguised to fool people, the ones who won't take it lose their cool.

I've tried to appeal to his humanity on several occasions.

He does not give a single fuck. The whole "The Constitution is garbage written by rich white slave owners to support white supremacy and conservatives venerate it and its racist" narrative is coming around bluntly and these people will be on THAT side firmly.
Were indentured irish or african slaves or just lower class wypipo involved in the founding Documents? Why no they were not, it was the wealthy "Oligarchs" The Wealthy financiers, Industrialists, and Agrarian Noblemen who founded our country....deal with it. Read a book, take a class online.

So who would you want involved? Are you suggesting that the Foundation was illegitimate because there were no African slaves or illiterate Irish drunkards involved?

It was bad when "wealthy" people formed the Constitution that lays the foundation of our individual rights and liberties.

But now that the wealthy elites want to destroy it....now that's all good.

It's just wealthy people who DONT want to enslave the peasents who are bad.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
She likes pedophiles and terrorists.

Of course Biden picked her.

Boy, remember when Trump was president? Imagine if a pic of his son snorting coke on some whore's ass had surfaced.

What do you think would've happened?
That is complete horseshit, you should know better than that Rancid.

I know I changed the subject a bit, but it's still about politics

Come on dude, leave your opinions aside just for a moment

Look at how they treated Trump's kids. Not even the little one escaped. They even had the audacity to imply that Trump had sex with his daughter.

And now you have Biden's son, who's o total disgrace, no question about it and yet, the media completely ignores the case.

You see, that's exactly the kind of thing that send societies into civil wars. When everything is hidden, twisted, bent and disguised to fool people, the ones who won't take it lose their cool.

I've tried to appeal to his humanity on several occasions.

He does not give a single fuck. The whole "The Constitution is garbage written by rich white slave owners to support white supremacy and conservatives venerate it and its racist" narrative is coming around bluntly and these people will be on THAT side firmly.
Were indentured irish or african slaves or just lower class wypipo involved in the founding Documents? Why no they were not, it was the wealthy "Oligarchs" The Wealthy financiers, Industrialists, and Agrarian Noblemen who founded our country....deal with it. Read a book, take a class online.

So who would you want involved? Are you suggesting that the Foundation was illegitimate because there were no African slaves or illiterate Irish drunkards involved?

It was bad when "wealthy" people formed the Constitution that lays the foundation of our individual rights and liberties.

But now that the wealthy elites want to destroy it....now that's all good.

It's just wealthy people who DONT want to enslave the peasents who are bad.

Actually @Dove Katanji Brown Jackson & Candace Owen's make a strong case for abolishing race-based affirmative action in the United States altogether :

...neither is destitute or suffering from the ravages of discrimination & both have 6 or 7 figure incomes.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
She likes pedophiles and terrorists.

Of course Biden picked her.

Boy, remember when Trump was president? Imagine if a pic of his son snorting coke on some whore's ass had surfaced.

What do you think would've happened?
That is complete horseshit, you should know better than that Rancid.

I know I changed the subject a bit, but it's still about politics

Come on dude, leave your opinions aside just for a moment

Look at how they treated Trump's kids. Not even the little one escaped. They even had the audacity to imply that Trump had sex with his daughter.

And now you have Biden's son, who's o total disgrace, no question about it and yet, the media completely ignores the case.

You see, that's exactly the kind of thing that send societies into civil wars. When everything is hidden, twisted, bent and disguised to fool people, the ones who won't take it lose their cool.

I've tried to appeal to his humanity on several occasions.

He does not give a single fuck. The whole "The Constitution is garbage written by rich white slave owners to support white supremacy and conservatives venerate it and its racist" narrative is coming around bluntly and these people will be on THAT side firmly.
Were indentured irish or african slaves or just lower class wypipo involved in the founding Documents? Why no they were not, it was the wealthy "Oligarchs" The Wealthy financiers, Industrialists, and Agrarian Noblemen who founded our country....deal with it. Read a book, take a class online.

So who would you want involved? Are you suggesting that the Foundation was illegitimate because there were no African slaves or illiterate Irish drunkards involved?

It was bad when "wealthy" people formed the Constitution that lays the foundation of our individual rights and liberties.

But now that the wealthy elites want to destroy it....now that's all good.

It's just wealthy people who DONT want to enslave the peasents who are bad.

Actually @Dove Katanji Brown Jackson & Candace Owen's make a strong case for abolishing race-based affirmative action in the United States altogether :

...neither is destitute or suffering from the ravages of discrimination & both have 6 or 7 figure incomes.

Affirmative action SHOULD be abolished. It's an example of something that could be called systemic racism.

Candice Owen's wasnt wealthy all her life. She worked for what she has. A lot of black Americans have taken advantage of the opportunities in America and made a solid living for themselves.

Have you read about the issues with affirmative action? How it can often set people up to fail by making skin color a quota? How ANY criticism of affirmative action is immediately labeled and convoluted into "oh so you dont think black people should have opportunities?"(which is flat out racist gaslighting, btw and also claiming that without affirmative action, no black people could ever get into college or get a career...which is retarded and ignorant AF).


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
If Ilhan Omar called Ted Cruz a Pedophile during a committee hearing would that make it true?

To you guys? Yes. Anytime a Republican is accused of anything, evidence or not, you guys jump right on a bandwagon and treat it as gospel truth.

But when it's a democrat and there IS actual evidence? You all completely ignore it or do what was done about Biden. Admit you believe it but dont care and will vote for him anyway.

We have been seeing this for years.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Btw @Joe

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At what point is the reality that Republicans and conservatives are not white supremacists or racists going to be acknowledged?

People are getting beyond sick of the race bait pimping and the toxic racists narratives used to attack not just opposing politicians but our very Constitution and rights.

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3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.







Domestically feral
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United states
I fail to see how establishment shills are any different from Qanon. They have all the corporate elite support and all.....that's about it. Better funded and more influential power.

They post media links like religious people post scripture. Likes its fucking canonized.

When will Admin realize Grahm is on his team? Lmao. Duped.

Talking about how WE have the "comfortable lie" while still pretending there are two parties in there and forcing us into the rino party of Grahm because that's where HE is comfortable.


Factory Bastard
I think the Republicans should dig up some no name guy who went to school with her and have him rail on for days about some crime she supposedly did to him all the while remembering no details and having no proof. But we must believe the victim, right?

In the meantime, the only reason this woman is sitting in these hearings is because PLEASE ASS BOX ME! Joe wants a black woman on the SC, yet she can't decide if she's a woman or not.

At least she does seem a touch sharper than Kamala Harris, but that bar is pretty freaking low.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
I fail to see how establishment shills are any different from Qanon. They have all the corporate elite support and all.....that's about it. Better funded and more influential power.

They post media links like religious people post scripture. Likes its fucking canonized.

When will Admin realize Grahm is on his team? Lmao. Duped.

Talking about how WE have the "comfortable lie" while still pretending there are two parties in there and forcing us into the rino party of Grahm because that's where HE is comfortable.
^^^Kratom, it's not just for Breakfast anymore!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I fail to see how establishment shills are any different from Qanon. They have all the corporate elite support and all.....that's about it. Better funded and more influential power.

They post media links like religious people post scripture. Likes its fucking canonized.

When will Admin realize Grahm is on his team? Lmao. Duped.

Talking about how WE have the "comfortable lie" while still pretending there are two parties in there and forcing us into the rino party of Grahm because that's where HE is comfortable.
^^^Kratom, it's not just for Breakfast anymore!

Translation : "since I cant directly address anything posted by this woman, I will rely on the knowledge that she uses kratom to control kidney stone pain to insinuate she takes so much kratom that her points and observations are invalid"

Weak. Not shocking. It says A LOT that you guys constantly dodge and gaslight.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Btw @Joe

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At what point is the reality that Republicans and conservatives are not white supremacists or racists going to be acknowledged?

People are getting beyond sick of the race bait pimping and the toxic racists narratives used to attack not just opposing politicians but our very Constitution and rights.

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I think they should go ahead and confirm her.

However since Blacks in America have more than attained parity with Whites in America, it could be argued that it's time to abolish Affirmative Action there.

Ie - Blacks are less than 15% of the US population but after her confirmation 2 out of 9 justices will be Black or about 25%.

And nearly 1/2 of the justices will be women which correlates roughly to the US demographic.