Let's Talk About Fox, Baby!


Bastard of the Century
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Fox Corp Shareholders Plan To Sue The Corporation: A Victory Song

First there was Dominion, they were justified
Kept thinking Fox could never live without that Tucker vibe
But then we spent so many nights thinking how Rupert done us wrong
And we grew strong
And we now yearn to smoke a bong

And so they're hacks
Tryin' to save face
We just walked in to find Sean here with that sad look upon his face
We should have changed that lineup quick, we should have made Lou leave his key
If we'd known for just one second they'd go live on NBC

Go Laura, go, walk out the door
Just turn around, cow,
'Cause you're not anchors anymore
Weren't you the ones who tried to scam us with your lies?
You think we'd crumble?
You think we'd lay down and cry?

Oh no, not we, we will survive
Oh, as long as we know how to lawyer up we''ll stay alive
We've got all The Five to give
And Smartmatic to forgive and we'll survive
We will survive, hey, hey

It took all the strength we had not to go to court
Kept trying hard to mend our brand, a silly MAGA fart
And we spent oh-so many nights just dumping bullshit in the well
We used to fly
But now we made our bed of lies and so we flee
Somebody new
SmartMatic, that My Pillow Guy is so in love with you
And so we felt like dropping deuce and shit on Fox News with such glee
Well, now we're saving all our money for that big ass lawyer fee

Go Jeanine, go, walk out the door
Just turn around now
Go join Maria, that stupid whore
Weren't you the ones who fed the sheeples with The Lie?
You think we'd stumble?
You think we'd lay down and die?

Oh no, not we, we will survive
Oh, as long as w know how to sue, we know we'll stay alive
We've got all our wealth to sieve
And we've got all of Greg's to give and we'll survive
We will survive

Go Brian, go, walk out the door
Just turn around, Bret
'Cause you're no anchors anymore
Why'd Neil and Jessie try to break us with The Lie?
You think we'd mumble?
You think we'd not skin you live?

Oh no, not we, we will survive
Oh, as long as we can win in court, we know we'll stay alive
We'll all of you outlive
And we've got all your dough to win and we'll survive
We will survive
We will survive


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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I’ve seen a lot of dunking on Fox News viewers after the Dominion lawsuit.
It’s wasted effort.
You can’t dunk on people who knew they were being lied to—when given proof they were lied to. They already knew. They didn’t care.
They need “credibility” for their narrative. Fox News gives that to them with “journalists”, flashy banners, and “programming”.
They’re getting the product they want for “feigned respectability”. Veracity never mattered.