Miami FLA 2016, Trump throws a dinner to celebrate a successful campaign rally in his hometown.


Domestically feral
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United states
So are democrats gonna help republicans fix this formula shortage?
Ask Trump he can send in some baby laxatives, and pass it off as Trump Similac.

OR you guys could start lighting some fires under the asses of the pieces of shit you put into office on the basis that they are " matter who!" so another Trump isnt more likely to happen. Like hold them accountable and make them work to the benefit of the people. You know rather than installing them in office like some decoration while they just do whatever they want while you guys deny the fact they are doing horrible things while neglecting things that matter.

You know people are trying to fucking do things like their babies and all that boring shit, right?

Have any lefties DONE anything to oppose the legal child marriage going on? Or did they all just drop it when people started pointing out that wasnt what TN was doing and oh hey.....its legal in a bunch of leftwing states and that's probably fucking bad? Like maybe take a break in destroying womens rights for this trans bullshit to fight to protect children?

Just a few thoughts. They very fucking least these worthless elitest bags of shit could do is help other elected officials get formula to moms.

Does ANYTHING matter to you guys that isnt a media headline or having to do with what Trump ate in 2016 or posted on some board somewhere?

You know the reason people oppose your "parties" is because they destroy the country for ordinary people, right? It's not because we just the look or sound of Republicans so we just picked them to bat for. It's because dems/progs are unhinged and put all their energy into wrecking lives and causing hate.

If they were actually solving problems and doing things that bettered the lives of everyone with respecting our Constitutional liberties and rights? We would all support that. I'd say "you do you" if we all didnt have to live with it.
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