My name is Amanda, I live under a bridge.



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People being priced out of the housing market can only blame themselves for not taking on a 7th PT job!


Factory Bastard
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People being priced out of the housing market can only blame themselves for not taking on a 7th PT job!

I hear leftists make that stupid claim all the time and every time I laugh at what clueless idiots they are. Those "empty homes" they imagine are every where are mostly just uninhabitable wrecks. Go to Detroit or Baltimore and you will see thousands of abandoned homes but not one of them will pass inspection to code, most had the pipes and wiring removed, most of the roofs have holes, there is massive structural damage due to water damage and dry rot.

There is a reason the old owners just abandoned them and no one wants to invest $100k into getting them back up to code. Hell, several of those ghetto black majority cities offer to sell them to anyone for $1 but they get no takers. No one wants to pay $100k in repairs to a house which would only be worth $10k after spending ten times that amount. Not to mention there are often decades of back property taxes owned which is just an additional expense. Leave it up to aidsman to be to fucking stupid to figure any of this out even while he spams lies on topics he knows nothing about.