One of the Greatest Speeches of all Time?


Domestically feral
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United states
Why are left leanies so seduced by words? Hitler gave some great speeches.

If we are headed into WW3 this shitty generation certainly has its Winston Churchill's. We are not there quite yet.....settle down lol.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Why are left leanies so seduced by words? Hitler gave some great speeches.

If we are headed into WW3 this shitty generation certainly has its Winston Churchill's. We are not there quite yet.....settle down lol.

Maybe, but righties loved and still Hitler's speeches, not lefties.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Why are left leanies so seduced by words? Hitler gave some great speeches.

If we are headed into WW3 this shitty generation certainly has its Winston Churchill's. We are not there quite yet.....settle down lol.

Maybe, but righties loved and still Hitler's speeches, not lefties.

His speeches were collectivist and socailist!

And to be honest, I dont really know many people (right or left) who have actually read any of his speeches or writings.

I think it would be interesting to present his quotes to people and see what they think of it.

Did you ever see that video(it was a libertarian channel) where this guy walked up to random people on the street, told them he would give them a quote and they had to guess if it was Hillary Clinton or Hitler who said it? A lot of people got several wrong. It was great lol.

Of course many people were sucked in by Hitlers passionate speech. It should be humbling to all of us. Dictators rise with the full on support of the people. We gotta pay attention to actions.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
We gotta pay attention to actions.
No, you're going to now pay with what Hitler tried to prevent... And you will forever never understand that.

I understand the position that Hitler was actually fighting a cabal of incredibly wealthy jews who he believed to he subverting and destroying other countries all over the world.

I just do not agree with it. And I'm fine allowing it to go unchallenged because it wont really go anywhere. And I dont find people who think this to be any sort of threat to anyones rights or liberties.

There are a lot of things to he agreed on about the state of the world today. I do fully believe the west has suffered ideological subversion in a way that IS a threat to our rights and liberties. I also fully believe there are very wealthy people who benefit from this responsible for a lot of it.

I just dont agree that its strictly all Jews and that jews are all evil.

And for the record here, I do happen to agree that an abnormal emphasis has been placed on Hitlers holocaust and nazi Germany to the almost exclusion of the evils and mass suffering and death caused by communist regimes. But I dont really think that's because of jews....I think that's because of communists. And it helps this fucked up "either/or" fallacy that labels people who oppose communism as "neo nazis".....since nazis and communists fought.

So when antifa meets opposition, the ones opposing them are nazis and fascists and they can point to nazi Germany as an example.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Why are left leanies so seduced by words? Hitler gave some great speeches.

If we are headed into WW3 this shitty generation certainly has its Winston Churchill's. We are not there quite yet.....settle down lol.

When I think what that man is up against & he's standing his ground like that, actually fighting on the front lines his conduct is noble & admirable. And his City is getting hammered & blown to bits.

The mayor was the heavyweight boxing champion of the world, made millions & could have taken the money and ran. But he didnt. He's willing to die and to go down with his city. Giving up everything for an ideal. I think that is extremely heroic @Dove y. His country, people & national pride actually matters more to him than his wealth.

Even the Russians fighting him must admire the guy. He is a real man.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Why are left leanies so seduced by words? Hitler gave some great speeches.

If we are headed into WW3 this shitty generation certainly has its Winston Churchill's. We are not there quite yet.....settle down lol.

When I think what that man is up against & he's standing his ground like that, actually fighting on the front lines his conduct is noble & admirable.

The mayor was the heavyweight boxing champion of the world, made millions & could have taken the money and ran. But he didnt. He's willing to die and to go down with his city. I think that is extremely heroic @Dove y. His country & national pride actually matters more to him than his wealth.

Even the Russians fighting him must admire the guy. He is a real man.

Isnt it awesome when people actually stand up and defend their communities?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I like this Klischko guy.

He reminds me of that Big German guy beside Russell Crowell in the movie Gladiator as they fight with the odds heavily stacked against them.



Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
What does that have to do with it?

Do I look white to you? That is me in my avi. Sometimes people ask if I'm Greek or Hispanic or some sort of mix.
Race is very important. Only in America is race discarded.

And to answer your second question, you sort of look White, but you're swarthy also... You're probably a typical Amerimutt.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
What does that have to do with it?

Do I look white to you? That is me in my avi. Sometimes people ask if I'm Greek or Hispanic or some sort of mix.
Race is very important. Only in America is race discarded.

And to answer your second question, you sort of look White, but you're swarthy also... You're probably a typical Amerimutt.

I'm mostly Irish. Some Scandinavian and splash of German.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
We gotta pay attention to actions.
No, you're going to now pay with what Hitler tried to prevent... And you will forever never understand that.

I understand the position that Hitler was actually fighting a cabal of incredibly wealthy jews who he believed to he subverting and destroying other countries all over the world.

I just do not agree with it. And I'm fine allowing it to go unchallenged because it wont really go anywhere. And I dont find people who think this to be any sort of threat to anyones rights or liberties.

There are a lot of things to he agreed on about the state of the world today. I do fully believe the west has suffered ideological subversion in a way that IS a threat to our rights and liberties. I also fully believe there are very wealthy people who benefit from this responsible for a lot of it.

I just dont agree that its strictly all Jews and that jews are all evil.

And for the record here, I do happen to agree that an abnormal emphasis has been placed on Hitlers holocaust and nazi Germany to the almost exclusion of the evils and mass suffering and death caused by communist regimes. But I dont really think that's because of jews....I think that's because of communists. And it helps this fucked up "either/or" fallacy that labels people who oppose communism as "neo nazis".....since nazis and communists fought.

So when antifa meets opposition, the ones opposing them are nazis and fascists and they can point to nazi Germany as an example.

Hitler was a terrible man.

He did not even represent the ideal of the noble heroic German warrior either. Baron von Richtoffen was more like it. He died like a man.

Many brave German soldiers who valliantly fought his war paid the price as they were sent to POW camps & spent years in them after WWII ended.

Hitler merely put a bullet in his head so he wouldnt have to suffer the pain, shame & humiliation that his people & soldiers did. He wasn't brave at all but the German people were.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I do embrace them :D
Good! You have to start doing a better job with this.

The rest of the world thinks that White Americans view niggers as the same race as them... Only in America is this so.

America was never (racailly) homogeneous. The common bond here has always been the passion for freedom and individual liberty.....for all Americans.

But that subversion thing has thrown that off course and now its.....oddly.....labeled racist and extremist.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I like this Klischko guy.

He reminds me of that Big German guy beside Russell Crowell in the movie Gladiator as they fight with the odds heavily stacked against them.

you sound a little too excited there young man

Go watch 300 and calm your urges down

just sayin

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I'm mostly Irish. Some Scandinavian and splash of German.
Nice! Embrace your Euro roots, which is something that you yanks just refuse to do for some reason...

One can embrace one's European roots without being a racist. It's too bad so many of you can't fucking figure that out.
Why aren't you busy demanding the Portuguese teach CRT hate in their schools?

Considering the do have their own distasteful history with racism and slavery :Popcorn:
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
San Fernando Valley
Fine words, maybe the finest,.........

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”​