Roe v Wade kicked back to states where it belongs.

Mr. 5050

Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
This crap has been all over FB for the last week...

From what I understand, there never was a right to abortion as it's not in the constitution so it comes down to the individual states...

Lots of lefties screaming about rape pregnancies etc when they make up less than 1% of abortions... Lots of talk of no sex until it's overturned... Male lefties are getting the snip in protest... Excellent... No more babies for you, get out of the gene pool... xD

now if we could do something about the guhn fondlers you might have a country again at some point ....

I wouldn't know, I'm in the UK... Guns are heavily restricted here but we make up for it with stabbings and jars of acid...


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
This crap has been all over FB for the last week...

From what I understand, there never was a right to abortion as it's not in the constitution so it comes down to the individual states...

Lots of lefties screaming about rape pregnancies etc when they make up less than 1% of abortions... Lots of talk of no sex until it's overturned... Male lefties are getting the snip in protest... Excellent... No more babies for you, get out of the gene pool... xD

now if we could do something about the guhn fondlers you might have a country again at some point ....

I wouldn't know, I'm in the UK... Guns are heavily restricted here but we make up for it with stabbings and jars of acid...

I'll bet your UK stabby bois couldn't hold a candle to the modern American mass shooters, body count wise.

Mr. 5050

Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
This crap has been all over FB for the last week...

From what I understand, there never was a right to abortion as it's not in the constitution so it comes down to the individual states...

Lots of lefties screaming about rape pregnancies etc when they make up less than 1% of abortions... Lots of talk of no sex until it's overturned... Male lefties are getting the snip in protest... Excellent... No more babies for you, get out of the gene pool... xD

now if we could do something about the guhn fondlers you might have a country again at some point ....

I wouldn't know, I'm in the UK... Guns are heavily restricted here but we make up for it with stabbings and jars of acid...

I'll bet your UK stabby bois couldn't hold a candle to the modern American mass shooters, body count wise.

Not the stabby bois... Even the acid attacks are usually among blacks/asians...

We make up for it with cars/lorries plowing into crowds...


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️


Domestically feral
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United states
Can we abort the psychopath who made that meme?

And beat Admin like Gomer Pile for actually posting it?

Talk about lost causes. We need to purge or something.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

And that is exactly the situation in Ohio, as we learned recently.

This is so disgusting. It really is. You have no real care for rape survivors.

You know there are people out there who were conceived in rape and absolutely none of those people deserve the unhinged hatred that is flung at them.

So just to be clear.....the only thing you think rape survivors need is abortion. They can keep getting raped though when the clinic released them back to the rapist to continue enduring abuse which we actually HAVE seen happen. Fuck those girls, right?

The fact that you havent asked a single question about that story you posted says a lot about how your mind works.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter


Controlling women appears to be the key to controlling societies and entire nations.

Islamic societies do it and apparently so does the United States.

The Right in America do it thru abortion laws & so does the Left with Its She Males attempting to take over the female gender.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

NO Joe, republicans do NOT use abortion laws to control women. It's about how it shouldnt be legal to brutally kill human beings. THATS what they care about and I agree with that.

I have told you over and over how men use abortion for consequence free sex and to avoid commitment and here you are. Pretending men are lined up offering child support payments.

Learn the times we live in. And you keep saying this shit to a woman who literally lived this. Do you have any idea how insensitive that is? You are telling someone who was literally nagged to abort that abortion freed ME. It only benefitted HIM.

HERE is some reality. The minute I become pregnant I OWN the father. Do you not get that? I can now dictate how his life goes because I am now the mother of his child. He either has ro settle down with me or be ass fucked in family court. HE will have to fight for reasonable parenting time and HE will have to pay whatever child support the court decides.

Now if I'm DEAD.... or the baby is ABORTED? He is now "free" of all this responsibility and unpleasantness.

If you want to keep deluding yourself on this and pretending the man has any sort of power or control outside of pressuring and coercing an abortion feel free but it's not reality. This should be so obvious in 2022 here we are. Pretending modern men actually have the power when a woman has their child when they do NOT. You know the leading cause of death of pregnant women is homicide right? Tell me why you think that is.

WHY do you think these men want women to have their child? What world do you live in? Even YOU have complained about how screwed you feel your male friend is because he knocked some woman up and instead of aborting she had the child.

Tell me Joe.....are you gonna say HE controls that woman? Because it sure doesnt sound like when you talk about what the courts decided.

The ONLY chance a man at regaining control of HIS life and his resources is convinced the woman to abort. Because men sure as fuck dont have the power in family court. They sure as fuck have no control over the female. They need and use abortion for that control. That's REALITY.

And by the way? There arent very many people willing to ban abortion or even restrict it because it makes people very wealthy to have it avaiable.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

NO Joe, republicans do NOT use abortion laws to control women. It's about how it shouldnt be legal to brutally kill human beings. THATS what they care about and I agree with that.

I have told you over and over how men use abortion for consequence free sex and to avoid commitment and here you are. Pretending men are lined up offering child support payments.

Learn the times we live in. And you keep saying this shit to a woman who literally lived this. Do you have any idea how insensitive that is? You are telling someone who was literally nagged to abort that abortion freed ME. It only benefitted HIM.

HERE is some reality. The minute I become pregnant I OWN the father. Do you not get that? I can now dictate how his life goes because I am now the mother of his child. He either has ro settle down with me or be ass fucked in family court. HE will have to fight for reasonable parenting time and HE will have to pay whatever child support the court decides.

Now if I'm DEAD.... or the baby is ABORTED? He is now "free" of all this responsibility and unpleasantness.

If you want to keep deluding yourself on this and pretending the man has any sort of power or control outside of pressuring and coercing an abortion feel free but it's not reality. This should be so obvious in 2022 here we are. Pretending modern men actually have the power when a woman has their child when they do NOT. You know the leading cause of death of pregnant women is homicide right? Tell me why you think that is.

WHY do you think these men want women to have their child? What world do you live in? Even YOU have complained about how screwed you feel your male friend is because he knocked some woman up and instead of aborting she had the child.

Tell me Joe.....are you gonna say HE controls that woman? Because it sure doesnt sound like when you talk about what the courts decided.

The ONLY chance a man at regaining control of HIS life and his resources is convinced the woman to abort. Because men sure as fuck dont have the power in family court. They sure as fuck have no control over the female. They need and use abortion for that control. That's REALITY.

And by the way? There arent very many people willing to ban abortion or even restrict it because it makes people very wealthy to have it avaiable.

But in your own case, was there anything which could have been done to prevent the pregnancy which led to your abortion?

...such as contraception?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Only Joe could claim letting the voters of states decide their state's policy in a democratic fashion is "controlling women". Especially when those women can freely travel to other states. Dumb is dumb and you are dumb.

You are never more than a $35 bus ticket away from an abortion.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
BTW the polls are in and only 7% of voters give a shit about the SCotUS ruling. Literally the polls have not changed. Dems who were counting on this are going to be very disappointed as Biden is down to 31% approval, 71% say he should not run in 2024, and over 80% say the cou try is on the wrong track. No one e likes the stupidity of Democrats and that is a fact.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Only Joe could claim letting the voters of states decide their state's policy in a democratic fashion is "controlling women". Especially when those women can freely travel to other states. Dumb is dumb and you are dumb.

You are never more than a $35 bus ticket away from an abortion.

...if so little or nothing changed why was it so important to overturn Roe vs Wade Oerdin? It's about power and control by state legislators over their female residents.

You should at least be honest and quit pretending that this is a minor development. Otherwise, why would the pro lifE forces be celebrating so much claiming 'victory' while the pro choice s3e it as a major setback or defeat?

Apparently it's a big deal in your country and a lot is at stake. Money and healthcare funding as well.

So it couldn't be a minor issue.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

NO Joe, republicans do NOT use abortion laws to control women. It's about how it shouldnt be legal to brutally kill human beings. THATS what they care about and I agree with that.

I have told you over and over how men use abortion for consequence free sex and to avoid commitment and here you are. Pretending men are lined up offering child support payments.

Learn the times we live in. And you keep saying this shit to a woman who literally lived this. Do you have any idea how insensitive that is? You are telling someone who was literally nagged to abort that abortion freed ME. It only benefitted HIM.

HERE is some reality. The minute I become pregnant I OWN the father. Do you not get that? I can now dictate how his life goes because I am now the mother of his child. He either has ro settle down with me or be ass fucked in family court. HE will have to fight for reasonable parenting time and HE will have to pay whatever child support the court decides.

Now if I'm DEAD.... or the baby is ABORTED? He is now "free" of all this responsibility and unpleasantness.

If you want to keep deluding yourself on this and pretending the man has any sort of power or control outside of pressuring and coercing an abortion feel free but it's not reality. This should be so obvious in 2022 here we are. Pretending modern men actually have the power when a woman has their child when they do NOT. You know the leading cause of death of pregnant women is homicide right? Tell me why you think that is.

WHY do you think these men want women to have their child? What world do you live in? Even YOU have complained about how screwed you feel your male friend is because he knocked some woman up and instead of aborting she had the child.

Tell me Joe.....are you gonna say HE controls that woman? Because it sure doesnt sound like when you talk about what the courts decided.

The ONLY chance a man at regaining control of HIS life and his resources is convinced the woman to abort. Because men sure as fuck dont have the power in family court. They sure as fuck have no control over the female. They need and use abortion for that control. That's REALITY.

And by the way? There arent very many people willing to ban abortion or even restrict it because it makes people very wealthy to have it avaiable.

But in your own case, was there anything which could have been done to prevent the pregnancy which led to your abortion?

...such as contraception?

****Long Post alert....about my own abortion "care"***(*

I was taking contraception. Monthly birth control. My boyfriend and I had gotten together in high school. We were together for about 4 years total.

2 years and then a break up that lasted over that summer. Then we got back together. Stupid reason. He was seeing some other girl and I went buck nuts and HAD to have him back. So I got him back and we were together for two more years.

We were both in college when I became pregnant. Living on campus. (Seperate dorms...same college). I started to get sick a lot. Just puking. On and off waves of nausea all day long. This is actually why I suspect I was even further along than 9 weeks...that's another point.

So because I was on birth control AND we had the pull out method down to an art, pregnancy didnt occur to me. Until I went home for a weekend and puked all day. It was my grandma that asked me "could you be pregnant?" And I denied it. I really did not think that's what was going on. I thought I had gurd or something. Because I was throwing up stomach bile(definately pregnant puking).

So when I got back I took a test. The positive result showed up as soon as the pee moved across the screen. I took about 6 more tests....all positive. So I was TERRIFIED.

So the reason I became pregnant while on birth control was because I had gotten a bad UTI. I have always prone to UTIs(which eventually became kidney stone disease) and my anti biotic rendered my birth control MUCH less effective. I wasnt told about this EVEN though my doctor knew I was on birth control.

And to be honest and i wasnt really sure i would ever WANT children. I didnt want to have to take care of another human and i was embarrassingly SCARED of pregnancy and birth. Basically because women love to tell their labor and delivery horror stories and talk about the pain and the stitches and how we are all told its overwhelming pain....and how it's so much worse then even that. So yeah I was scared too death.

And as soon as the boyfriend found out, he IMMEDIATELY said "well we need to take care of this. This is not the right time". We were engaged btw. We weren't going to get married until after we graduated college and found a place to live and all that. And neither of us were even talking about children. I mean we figured we do that eventually but not anytime soon.

We were pretty active. We went camping a lot. We went hiking. We went hunting. We would go up north to a hunting club cabin a lot. Go visit out of state family members of his a lot and i was VERY close with his family. So there was talk from his mom and brothers about when him and I have kids....i mean everyone thought him and i were going to be together for the rest of our lives.

So when i told him this and his immediate response was we need to go abort this baby? It was really a huge punch on the gut. Dont get me wrong I was not thrilled that I was pregnant. I was horrified and scared. And I had never thought much about abortion. I didnt want to be pregnant.....but I didnt want the abortion either and I was stuck in that place.

So we went to an abortion clinic out by the college. So we go in and it was an "information appointment". So they took me for an ultrasound.

This nurse turned the ultrasound screen so I couldnt see it. And she acted like she was doing this FOR me. I asked what we could see and she told me "Not much....its not really developed much into anything yet. You are still pretty early". I was 9....9 fucking weeks. Go look at a 9 week ultrasound. Go look human development at 9 gestational weeks. She LIED to me. Lied. To. me. About something that involved a PERMANENT decision. You cannot undo an abortion. And I had a RIGHT to ALL of the information. Had I seen that ultrasound and knew the facts about that baby I would have NEVER done it. I would have simply dumped my fiance and went ahead and figured it out. I did not get to make my own choice. I was operating under fear, I was overwhelmed, I was VERY vulnerable and I did not have the knowledge or the life experience to push back. ALL I wanted was to go back to "normal".... there was no going back to "normal".

I wish my grandmother and my family would have stopped me. But literally no one challanged this abortion. And everytime I started toe dipping with him on OTHER ways to do this....telling him that people have babies while in college or ways that we could make it was shot right down. He literally made me feel stupid and i was being childish and how could I not see this is a bad time? And at that time i felt powerless because he wasnt WRONG in the reasons. We were out at college and he was working in a sporting goods store and I was waiting tables. We were not married yet. He had a these reasons I felt I couldnt argue with.

In fact we were so broke that I couldnt pay the 300 some dollars for my sedation. My insurance covered the abortion but NOT the sedation. So I was wide awake for this entire ordeal. And it was HORRIBLE.

And do you know it's common practice that you do not even meet the abortion doctor until he is walking in the room to? He barely spoke to me. He flies around bouncing between clinics and my appointment was at 8pm at night. It felt like some seedy hotel drug deal more than it felt like a medical procedure.

I take full responsibility that I'm the one who signed the consents and I'm the one that walked into the room, got on the table and gave these access to my body. I did that. Ultimately IM the one who could have stopped it. I know this. But this happens so often to so many women I find it important to stress this fact everytime people use "her choice" as an argument. Its definately NOT always HER choice. When I went in there I was already terrified that I was pregnant and I had been SO beaten down that i actually felt STUPID for not wanting to abort and i felt trapped into it. That i had NO CHOICE at all. We had a PROBLEM and this was how it had to be solved.

And it didnt exactly empower me in my own decision making the fucking ultrasound tech with held critical information and LIED. Had I gotten to SEE that ultrasound this likely would have gone very differently. Instead I allowed a monster.....paid a destroy an innocent, unique little human life that was given to me.

When I saw my oldest daughter on ultrasound for the first time 3 years after this abortion....I was almost 8 gestational weeks. Maybe 8 exactly. And I went in there expecting it "wouldn't be developed much" because I was still early. I didnt think I would see much of anything.

Joe that not could have been more wrong. You could CLEARLY see a tiny little human with legs jumping around because the ultrasound waves stimulate them. I have clear ultrasound pictures of her as a little bean with her tiny little fist out. Youd think I'd have been thrilled. I was GUTTED. Absolutely gutted. I cried for DAYS. I spent my pregnancy having nightmares that she died and miscarried. That she was in pieces. It was horrible.

Oh and there is really no where to get help for abortion trauma Joe because the pro abortion activist organizations call it a myth and say most women are "relieved" when it's over. Yeah no. So was I. I was relieved the situation was done.....that doesnt mean I was happy about what had just happened. If you get shot you are gonna be relieved that you are not dead. The places I found that help women with abortion trauma are all pro life organizations.

What i just told you is a very common story that a sad amount of women tell. You know it's very HARD for women to openly talk about this around pro choicers because they will start defending abortion.

For a long time I would become enraged thinking about how that all went down and how I was used, they could charge my insurance and make money because all those people know gotdamn well that if a woman sees thr ultrasound there is a 70 some percent chance she will change her mind. And they will tell you they dont want to make it "harder" on you (how patronizing) and tell you there isnt much to see. SOME of them will move the wand so you really CANT see anything. That is EVIL, Joe. They have all these creative way to sell the procedure and get around any looks holes.

And as I stated I suspect I was father along than 9 weeks. I never got morning sickness that bad until 10 to 12 weeks. And if they lied to me about 1 thing.....I dont believe fuck else they said either. That shit doesn't fly in ANY other medical facility.

What I experienced wasnt me making a free informed choice. And as a result I suffered for years and I'm still not completely over it. On top of depression, severe anxiety (no doubt made worse by the fact I already have a mental illness) I felt completely violated.

And the abortionist actually has a criminal record. I can post it. He held his WIFE at gun point. So that's the kind of person I allowed to enter my body with medical instruments. He is still out in Grand Rapids killing tiny humans and has had a few malpractice lawsuits but he is an abortionist so the rules arent the same for him. He is more protected than his patients and tiny victims.

I dont think it matters much how I tried to prevent pregnancy really.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Only Joe could claim letting the voters of states decide their state's policy in a democratic fashion is "controlling women". Especially when those women can freely travel to other states. Dumb is dumb and you are dumb.

You are never more than a $35 bus ticket away from an abortion.

...if so little or nothing changed why was it so important to overturn Roe vs Wade Oerdin? It's about power and control by state legislators over their female residents.

You should at least be honest and quit pretending that this is a minor development. Otherwise, why would the pro lifE forces be celebrating so much claiming 'victory' while the pro choice s3e it as a major setback or defeat?

Apparently it's a big deal in your country and a lot is at stake. Money and healthcare funding as well.

So it couldn't be a minor issue.

To allow the states to decide their own laws and restrictions.

Less centralized government power is a good thing. A very American thing.

State legislators and laws are decided by the people, Joe. With Roe overturned and the states freed now laws and restrictions will actually reflect the will of the people.

It's a "big deal" on the internet and in media because the democrats are using this to create hysteria and harvest votes for themselves even though they do a shit job on running the country. They need something to demonize their opposition with and now they can rally their base by claiming Republicans are trying to enslaved women and all that stupid nonsense that isnt even true.

Democrats are the ones who destroyed womens sex based rights and protections.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Only Joe could claim letting the voters of states decide their state's policy in a democratic fashion is "controlling women". Especially when those women can freely travel to other states. Dumb is dumb and you are dumb.

You are never more than a $35 bus ticket away from an abortion.

...if so little or nothing changed why was it so important to overturn Roe vs Wade Oerdin? It's about power and control by state legislators over their female residents.

You should at least be honest and quit pretending that this is a minor development. Otherwise, why would the pro lifE forces be celebrating so much claiming 'victory' while the pro choice s3e it as a major setback or defeat?

Apparently it's a big deal in your country and a lot is at stake. Money and healthcare funding as well.

So it couldn't be a minor issue.

To allow the states to decide their own laws and restrictions.

Less centralized government power is a good thing. A very American thing.

State legislators and laws are decided by the people, Joe. With Roe overturned and the states freed now laws and restrictions will actually reflect the will of the people.

It's a "big deal" on the internet and in media because the democrats are using this to create hysteria and harvest votes for themselves even though they do a shit job on running the country. They need something to demonize their opposition with and now they can rally their base by claiming Republicans are trying to enslaved women and all that stupid nonsense that isnt even true.

Democrats are the ones who destroyed womens sex based rights and protections.

These kind if wedge issues are always about controlling others, money & power. To deny that they are is being naive or willfully ignorant . the USSC granted the pro choice lobby what it wished for. Evidently they want to regain what they had list during the sexual revolution and now they're getting it back.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

And that is exactly the situation in Ohio, as we learned recently.

This is so disgusting. It really is. You have no real care for rape survivors.

You know there are people out there who were conceived in rape and absolutely none of those people deserve the unhinged hatred that is flung at them.

So just to be clear.....the only thing you think rape survivors need is abortion. They can keep getting raped though when the clinic released them back to the rapist to continue enduring abuse which we actually HAVE seen happen. Fuck those girls, right?

The fact that you havent asked a single question about that story you posted says a lot about how your mind works.
Why do you try talking with this dicktard? You know he doesn’t know anything about anything if it ain’t about sucking cock


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

And that is exactly the situation in Ohio, as we learned recently.

This is so disgusting. It really is. You have no real care for rape survivors.

You know there are people out there who were conceived in rape and absolutely none of those people deserve the unhinged hatred that is flung at them.

So just to be clear.....the only thing you think rape survivors need is abortion. They can keep getting raped though when the clinic released them back to the rapist to continue enduring abuse which we actually HAVE seen happen. Fuck those girls, right?

The fact that you havent asked a single question about that story you posted says a lot about how your mind works.
Why do you try talking with this dicktard? You know he doesn’t know anything about anything if it ain’t about sucking cock

Its just.....uhg. I want there to be a normal thinking person somewhere in there SO badly lol.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
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This is a completely right wing source but everything said here is fact. Thankfully there are OB-Gyns now stepping out to address the fear mongering campaign that pro abortion psychos are spreading to terrify women.

Like how etopic pregnancies being treated are NOT abortions. Or how there is no medical reason for an abortion ever. Most OB-Gyns do not do any abortions. Its fucking mental and ignorant how these abortion activists paint abortion as some medical procedure that's a routine medical intervention for pregnancy complications when its NOT.

And abortion activists call pro lifers "dark agers" while they blatantly ignore and shit on 5 decades worth of medical advancements that have completely eliminated any medical need for an abortion. There are no circumstances in which a real OB would chose to just directly kill the baby as a way of saving mom.

And everyone SHOULD celebrate this fact. If they truly cared about women they would celebrate how women never have to go through losing their baby due to medical complications. Nope they dont care a single fucking bit. They would probably try to ban everything so abortion was the only thing that could be done so they could argue for it. They ignore these advancements out of pure hate.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

And that is exactly the situation in Ohio, as we learned recently.

This is so disgusting. It really is. You have no real care for rape survivors.

You know there are people out there who were conceived in rape and absolutely none of those people deserve the unhinged hatred that is flung at them.

So just to be clear.....the only thing you think rape survivors need is abortion. They can keep getting raped though when the clinic released them back to the rapist to continue enduring abuse which we actually HAVE seen happen. Fuck those girls, right?

The fact that you havent asked a single question about that story you posted says a lot about how your mind works.
Why do you try talking with this dicktard? You know he doesn’t know anything about anything if it ain’t about sucking cock

Its just.....uhg. I want there to be a normal thinking person somewhere in there SO badly lol.
You're wasting your time. It's never gonna happen


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Or they could follow their standard care and even offer perinatal hospice which studies show have vastly better outcomes for women.

This guy should probably be reported to the hospital board for this statement.....should be interesting. Assuming of course, he is a "high risk OB".....which is pretty interesting language considering an OB is an OB. They dont have Seperate ones for "high risk". Every single OB handles high risk pregnancies and get this.....not a single one will do any abortions.

Ever fact check, Admin? I've been seeing real OBs come out and tackle all this common misinfo. Shame you probably see wont see any of it while you shove your partisan politcs into everyones vagina.

Maternal/fetal medicine means he can diagnose complications but he has to work with the mothers OB on her treatment plan. He doesnt do abortions. What he does is by law.....he has to make the patient aware of her "options". So he just tells women they can go get abortions.

Nothing HE does or any OB does is complicated by ANY OH law.

Shame on this guy. I notice he has a lot of negative reviews.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Or they could follow their standard care and even offer perinatal hospice which studies show have vastly better outcomes for women.

This guy should probably be reported to the hospital board for this statement.....should be interesting. Assuming of course, he is a "high risk OB".....which is pretty interesting language considering an OB is an OB. They dont have Seperate ones for "high risk". Every single OB handles high risk pregnancies and get this.....not a single one will do any abortions.

Ever fact check, Admin? I've been seeing real OBs come out and tackle all this common misinfo. Shame you probably see wont see any of it while you shove your partisan politcs into everyones vagina.

Maternal/fetal medicine means he can diagnose complications but he has to work with the mothers OB on her treatment plan. He doesnt do abortions. What he does is by law.....he has to make the patient aware of her "options". So he just tells women they can go get abortions.

Nothing HE does or any OB does is complicated by ANY OH law.

Shame on this guy. I notice he has a lot of negative reviews.

Heres an Op-Ed by that same guy in NY Times @Dove:

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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Or they could follow their standard care and even offer perinatal hospice which studies show have vastly better outcomes for women.

This guy should probably be reported to the hospital board for this statement.....should be interesting. Assuming of course, he is a "high risk OB".....which is pretty interesting language considering an OB is an OB. They dont have Seperate ones for "high risk". Every single OB handles high risk pregnancies and get this.....not a single one will do any abortions.

Ever fact check, Admin? I've been seeing real OBs come out and tackle all this common misinfo. Shame you probably see wont see any of it while you shove your partisan politcs into everyones vagina.

Maternal/fetal medicine means he can diagnose complications but he has to work with the mothers OB on her treatment plan. He doesnt do abortions. What he does is by law.....he has to make the patient aware of her "options". So he just tells women they can go get abortions.

Nothing HE does or any OB does is complicated by ANY OH law.

Shame on this guy. I notice he has a lot of negative reviews.

Heres an Op-Ed by that same guy in NY Times @Dove:

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Isnt it funny how a left wing source only offered this guys politcal opinion and they didnt counter it with any of the other OB-Gyns who actually manage these cases who are countering the bad info from abortion activists? This is loaded with deceptive and manipulative language from the get go.

It's an OP Ed for a reason.

He doesnt do abortions, Joe. Nor do any of the OBs who take care of high risk pregnancies. They legally are required to make women aware they can abort upon giving a diagnosis. That's it.

You are only gonna listen to the ONE guy who is confirming what you want to believe. Over all the other OBs who are telling the honest truth to combat the hysterical politcal fear mongering.

Do you know what elective means?