The American Flamingo


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
A lovely day was had at the zoo. I love flamingoes and was watching them stay away from the humans, like 95% of the other animals at the zoo today. The screaming, shouting, jumping, running and whiny rugrats of this generation are annoying little creatures. The human animals were way more noisy than all of the other animals combined. The wolves howled a bit, but otherwise nary a roar...

Back to the flamingoes. I noticed the sign for the exhibit that said "American Flamingoes". I thought, surely there aren't any flamingoes in the United States of America. The verbiage said "South America". I thought to myself "According to some, that's not America". They are erroneously called "American Flamingoes". Well, before I post about this curious state of affairs, I should look it up when I get home. Their range is the Caribbean, Yucatan peninsula in Mexico, and the northern coast of South America.

Indeed they are called American Flamingoes with nary a flamingo being native to America. I think some people should write a strongly worded letter about such a grievous misdeed.