Those horrible Muslims


Factory Bastard
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Early in the second century A.D., the Emperor Hadrian prohibited the Jews from entering Jerusalem. From that period dates the dispersion of Jews throughout the world. Since then, until the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, no Jewish Government has existed in Palestine. Although some Jews have always lived in Palestine, their numbers have fluctuated depending on the tolerance of the successive rulers.

After the partition of the Roman Empire in 400 A.D., Palestine was under Byzantium’s rule until the Arab conquest in 637 A.D. On the then deserted site of Solomon’s Temple, the Mosque of Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock were constructed and called Haram-el Sharif. Second only to Mecca and Medina, Haram-el Sharif became a place of great sanctity for the Moslems.

After the interlude of the Crusades, from 1099 to 1190, Saladin, the Arab ruler, invited the Jews to return to Palestine.

In 1517, the Turks conquered the country and ruled it until the end of the First World War. Throughout this period, the Wailing Wall continued to be a place of devotion for the Jews.

In late 1917, British forces occupied Palestine.

Thus it can be seen that, except for the Crusader interregnum, Palestine was ruled by Arabs and then by Turks for over 1,300 years following the Byzantine era. The population of Palestine was mostly Semitic Arab, both Moslem and Christian. There were also small numbers of Semitic Jews. Both the Arabs and the Ottoman Turks accorded the Jews the right to continue to worship and to keep alive the Jewish spiritual link with Palestine. During the nineteenth century, the Ottomans authorised small settlements of Jewish immigrants from European countries where anti-Jewish discrimination was increasing. At the time of the British occupation in 1917, Jews formed less than a tenth of the population of Palestine. Nine-tenths were Arab, both Moslem (80 per cent) and Christian (10 per cent). The traditions, customs and language of the Arab Palestinians constituted the predominant culture of Palestine.

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The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
Early in the second century A.D., the Emperor Hadrian prohibited the Jews from entering Jerusalem. From that period dates the dispersion of Jews throughout the world. Since then, until the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, no Jewish Government has existed in Palestine. Although some Jews have always lived in Palestine, their numbers have fluctuated depending on the tolerance of the successive rulers.

After the partition of the Roman Empire in 400 A.D., Palestine was under Byzantium’s rule until the Arab conquest in 637 A.D. On the then deserted site of Solomon’s Temple, the Mosque of Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock were constructed and called Haram-el Sharif. Second only to Mecca and Medina, Haram-el Sharif became a place of great sanctity for the Moslems.

After the interlude of the Crusades, from 1099 to 1190, Saladin, the Arab ruler, invited the Jews to return to Palestine.

In 1517, the Turks conquered the country and ruled it until the end of the First World War. Throughout this period, the Wailing Wall continued to be a place of devotion for the Jews.

In late 1917, British forces occupied Palestine.

Thus it can be seen that, except for the Crusader interregnum, Palestine was ruled by Arabs and then by Turks for over 1,300 years following the Byzantine era. The population of Palestine was mostly Semitic Arab, both Moslem and Christian. There were also small numbers of Semitic Jews. Both the Arabs and the Ottoman Turks accorded the Jews the right to continue to worship and to keep alive the Jewish spiritual link with Palestine. During the nineteenth century, the Ottomans authorised small settlements of Jewish immigrants from European countries where anti-Jewish discrimination was increasing. At the time of the British occupation in 1917, Jews formed less than a tenth of the population of Palestine. Nine-tenths were Arab, both Moslem (80 per cent) and Christian (10 per cent). The traditions, customs and language of the Arab Palestinians constituted the predominant culture of Palestine.

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...and - Lotus - go back and meticulously collect all that I have previously posted on the subject. Was your cut and paste supposed to educate. It hasn't because there isn't anything new to me in it.
Say, lotus, "native americans" are less than 10% of the current population in the US. Should I throw rocks at them for controlling the land alotted to them? Israel, has been under attack for the near 80 years of its existence from before day 1. They are entitled to a tiny plot as much as muslims who vastly outnumber them. And that's all they have, a tiny plot. Why the outrage? Where was the outrage when chunks of palestine where parceled off to neighboring muslim nations? Is it only evil and wrong when it's in Jewish possession? Why?


Factory Bastard
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...and - Lotus - go back and meticulously collect all that I have previously posted on the subject. Was your cut and paste supposed to educate. It hasn't because there isn't anything new to me in it.
Say, lotus, "native americans" are less than 10% of the current population in the US. Should I throw rocks at them for controlling the land alotted to them? Israel, has been under attack for the near 80 years of its existence from before day 1. They are entitled to a tiny plot as much as muslims who vastly outnumber them. And that's all they have, a tiny plot. Why the outrage? Where was the outrage when chunks of palestine where parceled off to neighboring muslim nations? Is it only evil and wrong when it's in Jewish possession? Why?
Should they take the country back and kick people out of their houses and put non-Natives behind a wall and limit their movement about the country? That's what Jews did to Muslims, after the Jews were gone for centuries.

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
Should they take the country back and kick people out of their houses and put non-Natives behind a wall and limit their movement about the country? That's what Jews did to Muslims, after the Jews were gone for centuries.
Gone? See - your own cut and paste says they were not 'gone".
...but allow me to once again point out that you did not answer the question asked. You never answer the hard questions because you can't. Any answer you could give would defy logic, if it did not agree with my view.
Why were there so many muslims in the ME where there had been none? Answer, because they killed and forcibly converted everyone they could. That's good by you. I assume you, when the America is an xtian nationists do the same, will be fine with that.
This is Hamas - Hamas is true islam:

“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it"

The land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf [holy possession] consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgment Day. No one can renounce it or any part or abandon it or any part of it. (Hamas Charter, Article 11).
Palestine is an Islamic land... Since this is the case, the liberation of Palestine is an individual duty for every Muslim wherever he may be. (Hamas Charter, Article
The hour of judgment shall not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, so that the Jews hide behind trees and stones, and each tree and stone will say: 'Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him,' except for the Gharqad tree, for it is the tree of the Jews. (Hamas Charter, Article 7).

There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.


Factory Bastard
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Gone? See - your own cut and paste says they were not 'gone".
...but allow me to once again point out that you did not answer the question asked. You never answer the hard questions because you can't. Any answer you could give would defy logic, if it did not agree with my view.
Why were there so many muslims in the ME where there had been none? Answer, because they killed and forcibly converted everyone they could. That's good by you. I assume you when the America is an xtian nationists do the same you will be fine with that.
This is Hamas - Hamas is true islam:

“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it"
You never answer any questions I ask. You gaslight. Don't give me that shit.


Factory Bastard
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Does Hamas speak for all Muslims? Kind of like MAGA speaks for all Americans?

Again, link to where I ever said I adhere to any of Hamas' precepts. And learn to fucking read my posts before you claim to know what I believe in. I am sick of your gaslighting.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
Does Hamas speak for all Muslims?
Hamas speaks for islam, or islam speaks through it (see quotes from them above). You're such a great "researcher" why not check out the violent verses in the Koran (the unerring word of allah) which are echoed in the Hamas Charter? We must all (you included) worship "the god" of islam or die. You being an enabler of Hamas/islam are no more than what they would consider a useful idiot.

Oh, and if you are sick of me please visit the Purge thread and caste a vote.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
Does Hamas speak for all Muslims?
Oh, and yes, if it was not clear enough. allah is infallible. Hamas lives by that, which is why I say they are true muslims. Whosoever does not abide by every word, is not a muslim, so every muslim is spoken for by Hamas.

PS: don't believe me when I tell you the truth about islam. Hold a seance and invite the oh...somewhere between 60 and 400 million Hindus killed in the muslim conquest of India.
muslim hate and murder ain't just for Jews and Christians, ya know.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Should they take the country back and kick people out of their houses and put non-Natives behind a wall and limit their movement about the country? That's what Jews did to Muslims, after the Jews were gone for centuries.

Many people in the West either don't know or have purposely ignored the work of Israel's New Historians, after the papers that had been held in secret for several decades were released, the truth of the establishment of Israel in 1948 has been out there for those that want to know the truth, can read about it for themselves.

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ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
These Zionist "Jews" aren't even real Jews they derive from a Zionist sect mostly Euro trash that the turks expelled

They inhabit and have been kicked outta every country they decide to rook with their illegal loans and ownership taxes implemented to drain money from the struggling people ..

Usury is illegal and a crime and the Zionists don't understand humanity, just suffering and causing turmoil


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Hamas speaks for islam, or islam speaks through it (see quotes from them above). You're such a great "researcher" why not check out the violent verses in the Koran (the unerring word of allah) which are echoed in the Hamas Charter? We must all (you included) worship "the god" of islam or die. You being an enabler of Hamas/islam are no more than what they would consider a useful idiot.

Oh, and if you are sick of me please visit the Purge thread and caste a vote.
There's violence in the Bible, and lots of Christians adhere to it. Does that make all Christians bad, and by proxy, all Americans? You are a straight up bigot.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Oh, and yes, if it was not clear enough. allah is infallible. Hamas lives by that, which is why I say they are true muslims. Whosoever does not abide by every word, is not a muslim, so every muslim is spoken for by Hamas.

PS: don't believe me when I tell you the truth about islam. Hold a seance and invite the oh...somewhere between 60 and 400 million Hindus killed in the muslim conquest of India.
muslim hate and murder ain't just for Jews and Christians, ya know.
Wherever you look for hatred, you will surely find it.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Site Supporter
The Deep Space
There's violence in the Bible, and lots of Christians adhere to it. Does that make all Christians bad, and by proxy, all Americans? You are a straight up bigot.
Clear sightedness is not bigotry, Lotus.
. Show me, in the Christian texts (key phrase there - Christian texts, therefore not the entire Bible, but including apocrypha) where Christians are called upon to kill or persecute non-Christians. If you can't, I will ask you to take your uneducated ass and leave this subject forever.
There is passage after passage in the Koran calling upon muslims to kill non-muslims, Lotus. You will never find one such word among Christian texts - turn the other cheek, perhaps. There isn't and never was a Christian who advocated any such thing....and no - calling ones self a Christian does not make a person one. Those you referred to as Christian, as I've say'd in the past are xtians, or christians, but not Christians.

Hundreds of millions of Hindus murdered in the muslim conquest of India, Lotus.
. Explain it away.
The Crusades???? Nope - not Christian.
So let's have those quotes, LoLoBooger, or retire from the discussion.

PS: I will now be out fishing/hiking on this beautiful early summer's day.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Early in the second century A.D., the Emperor Hadrian prohibited the Jews from entering Jerusalem.


Such an injustice.

I am happy that I do not need to read on, knowing that this injustice will form your opinion that Jews have a right to Jerusalem.

Now we gotta start working on getting the whites out of North America!!!!


Factory Bastard
Early in the second century A.D., the Emperor Hadrian prohibited the Jews from entering Jerusalem. From that period dates the dispersion of Jews throughout the world. Since then, until the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, no Jewish Government has existed in Palestine. Although some Jews have always lived in Palestine, their numbers have fluctuated depending on the tolerance of the successive rulers.

After the partition of the Roman Empire in 400 A.D., Palestine was under Byzantium’s rule until the Arab conquest in 637 A.D. On the then deserted site of Solomon’s Temple, the Mosque of Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock were constructed and called Haram-el Sharif. Second only to Mecca and Medina, Haram-el Sharif became a place of great sanctity for the Moslems.

After the interlude of the Crusades, from 1099 to 1190, Saladin, the Arab ruler, invited the Jews to return to Palestine.

In 1517, the Turks conquered the country and ruled it until the end of the First World War. Throughout this period, the Wailing Wall continued to be a place of devotion for the Jews.

In late 1917, British forces occupied Palestine.

Thus it can be seen that, except for the Crusader interregnum, Palestine was ruled by Arabs and then by Turks for over 1,300 years following the Byzantine era. The population of Palestine was mostly Semitic Arab, both Moslem and Christian. There were also small numbers of Semitic Jews. Both the Arabs and the Ottoman Turks accorded the Jews the right to continue to worship and to keep alive the Jewish spiritual link with Palestine. During the nineteenth century, the Ottomans authorised small settlements of Jewish immigrants from European countries where anti-Jewish discrimination was increasing. At the time of the British occupation in 1917, Jews formed less than a tenth of the population of Palestine. Nine-tenths were Arab, both Moslem (80 per cent) and Christian (10 per cent). The traditions, customs and language of the Arab Palestinians constituted the predominant culture of Palestine.

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I wish I could wish list this as a curriculum worth reading and seeding, and a simple reminder how fact will out.

An astounding post. Wherever its origin.


Apparatus Of Satan
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Rockford, IL
Early in the second century A.D., the Emperor Hadrian prohibited the Jews from entering Jerusalem. From that period dates the dispersion of Jews throughout the world. Since then, until the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, no Jewish Government has existed in Palestine. Although some Jews have always lived in Palestine, their numbers have fluctuated depending on the tolerance of the successive rulers.

After the partition of the Roman Empire in 400 A.D., Palestine was under Byzantium’s rule until the Arab conquest in 637 A.D. On the then deserted site of Solomon’s Temple, the Mosque of Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock were constructed and called Haram-el Sharif. Second only to Mecca and Medina, Haram-el Sharif became a place of great sanctity for the Moslems.

After the interlude of the Crusades, from 1099 to 1190, Saladin, the Arab ruler, invited the Jews to return to Palestine.

In 1517, the Turks conquered the country and ruled it until the end of the First World War. Throughout this period, the Wailing Wall continued to be a place of devotion for the Jews.

In late 1917, British forces occupied Palestine.

Thus it can be seen that, except for the Crusader interregnum, Palestine was ruled by Arabs and then by Turks for over 1,300 years following the Byzantine era. The population of Palestine was mostly Semitic Arab, both Moslem and Christian. There were also small numbers of Semitic Jews. Both the Arabs and the Ottoman Turks accorded the Jews the right to continue to worship and to keep alive the Jewish spiritual link with Palestine. During the nineteenth century, the Ottomans authorised small settlements of Jewish immigrants from European countries where anti-Jewish discrimination was increasing. At the time of the British occupation in 1917, Jews formed less than a tenth of the population of Palestine. Nine-tenths were Arab, both Moslem (80 per cent) and Christian (10 per cent). The traditions, customs and language of the Arab Palestinians constituted the predominant culture of Palestine.

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Yeah like a lot of things the Brits went and fucked it up.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I wish I could wish list this as a curriculum worth reading and seeding, and a simple reminder how fact will out.

An astounding post. Wherever its origin.
Click n the link. It's in the UN archives. It is an excellent document.

Oh, do you mean you want to find the 1930 doc this doc summarizes? Yeah, I didn't look for that. There might be a citation here:

The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem – Parts I and II (1978) and The Question of Palestine (1979).
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