Why you need to treAT women bad!


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Who is the holy fuck talks about childhood "crushes" and has other idiots listen to him?

A loser that's who...could get past a minute and a half...what a simp.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I watched the whole thing.

That guy is hiding a lot of pain and it controls him.

What do women want?

Who cares? Be yourself. Be true to yourself. Chances are that some women will come along who like you and hopefully one of them you like back. That is all there is to it.

And then you can just be your authentic self. No game-playing nonsense. No going to sleep at night knowing you are a phony fucktard.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I watched the whole thing.

That guy is hiding a lot of pain and it controls him.

What do women want?

Who cares? Be yourself. Be true to yourself. Chances are that some women will come along who like you and hopefully one of them you like back. That is all there is to it.

And then you can just be your authentic self. No game-playing nonsense. No going to sleep at night knowing you are a phony fucktard.

I noticed he said early on that the girls that liked him were not the girls he went after. He could have had nice girls and women date him all along. He wanted those women that weren't interested in him and expected a good outcome.

He's always been a fool, apparently.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
It all depends on what you are going for. If you just want to have sex with a woman, then sure, play a lot of games.

But do not do that if you are forming a more involved relationship.

Constantly pretending to be something or someone you are not damages your soul.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
It all depends on what you are going for. If you just want to have sex with a woman, then sure, play a lot of games.

But do not do that if you are forming a more involved relationship.

Constantly pretending to be something or someone you are not damages your soul.

I agree with you in general. But if you want to have sex with a woman out of your own league, don't be surprised if she has standards that you just don't meet.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I agree with you in general. But if you want to have sex with a woman out of your own league, don't be surprised if she has standards that you just don't meet.
Personally, I do not think any woman (or man) is better than me if that is what "out of my league" means.

They might not like me because they enjoy other personal traits. Just like I do not like the majority of people that I meet. And not all of the people that I like would I want to have sex with (if I were single).

But sure, if I were to meet a woman that I wanted to have sex with and she was not into me, I would not be surprised, I would not take it personally, nor would I dwell on it for more than a few seconds.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Personally, I do not think any woman (or man) is better than me if that is what "out of my league" means.

They might not like me because they enjoy other personal traits. Just like I do not like the majority of people that I meet. And not all of the people that I like would I want to have sex with (if I were single).

But sure, if I were to meet a woman that I wanted to have sex with and she was not into me, I would not be surprised, I would not take it personally, nor would I dwell on it for more than a few seconds.

Well, let's take, hmm, a top tier fashion model, for example. Do you think Jerry Hall would have married Murdoch if he weren't a billionaire?

His billions give him everything nature can no longer provide him.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Well, let's take, hmm, a top tier fashion model, for example. Do you think Jerry Hall would have married Murdoch if he weren't a billionaire?

His billions give him everything nature can no longer provide him.
Do you mean Mick Jagger (not Murdock)?

Regardless, I cannot speak for other people or what other people find appealing.

I can speak for myself and I would rather walk through a hail storm with someone I like (kind, caring, funny, intelligent, moral) than drive in a Rolls Royce in beautiful weather with a person I dislike. Financial wealth is way way way way down on my list of what is important to me.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Do you mean Mick Jagger (not Murdock)?

Regardless, I cannot speak for other people or what other people find appealing.

I can speak for myself and I would rather walk through a hail storm with someone I like (kind, caring, funny, intelligent, moral) than drive in a Rolls Royce in beautiful weather with a person I dislike. Financial wealth is way way way way down on my list of what is important to me.

No, I mean Rupert Murdoch, the billionaire owner of the WSJ, NY Post and Fox News.

I think finding a mate based on values and personality are more important than looks or money. Not everyone sees the world the same way.

The doofus in the OP is basically a loser and has approached women the wrong way from the get go.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
No, I mean Rupert Murdoch, the billionaire owner of the WSJ, NY Post and Fox News.

Ahhh....I thought you were confusing our own Murdock with Mick Jagger because of their similar appearance.

I had no idea Jagger's ex married some media mogul.

The doofus in the OP is basically a loser and has approached women the wrong way from the get go.

I mean, assuming he is being honest, I would say there is a good chance that he was deeply hurt by a girlfriend when he was young and has put up some barriers to avoid that kind of pain again.

Unfortunately, this will deprive him from experiencing the deep connection that is possible with a long term committed relationship.

Or, he might just be a shallow fucktard with nothing but simple wants and needs.

"Pretty lady make cock feel good. Arrrgg!!!!"

That really is how uncomplicated some people are....


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Ahhh....I thought you were confusing our own Murdock with Mick Jagger because of their similar appearance.

I had no idea Jagger's ex married some media mogul.

I mean, assuming he is being honest, I would say there is a good chance that he was deeply hurt by a girlfriend when he was young and has put up some barriers to avoid that kind of pain again.

Unfortunately, this will deprive him from experiencing the deep connection that is possible with a long term committed relationship.

Or, he might just be a shallow fucktard with nothing but simple wants and needs.

"Pretty lady make cock feel good. Arrrgg!!!!"

That really is how uncomplicated some people are....

Even if he were genuinely hurt badly early in life, well it's part of life. There is no life free of pain. It comes with being alive. He thinks he "learned" something from his pain.

It seems that he didn't learn anything from the little I heard.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
I watched the whole thing.

That guy is hiding a lot of pain and it controls him.

What do women want?

Who cares? Be yourself. Be true to yourself. Chances are that some women will come along who like you and hopefully one of them you like back. That is all there is to it.

And then you can just be your authentic self. No game-playing nonsense. No going to sleep at night knowing you are a phony fucktard.
Are you a phoney, Prowler?


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
Even if he were genuinely hurt badly early in life, well it's part of life. There is no life free of pain. It comes with being alive. He thinks he "learned" something from his pain.

It seems that he didn't learn anything from the little I heard.
Seems like he exposed women's nature, not?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Not. Woman are no more shallow than men.

This is a tough one.

I think the fact that in most societies women are more dependent on men than vice versa will be a factor in influencing the mindset of women.

I know women have been fighting for "equal rights" for a long time in the West, but I assume they have not reached their goal since many are still fighting. So if women, in general, feel less secure in their ability to provide for themselves, that will make them feel more dependent on men to provide for them.

Just that feeling or sense of dependence will influence women to value things like wealth more than men. Most people would consider liking someone for their wealth to be shallow.

Whatever though. I really do dislike pitting one group of people against another group of people. People are individuals and they should be dealt with individually.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
This is a tough one.

I think the fact that in most societies women are more dependent on men than vice versa will be a factor in influencing the mindset of women.

I know women have been fighting for "equal rights" for a long time in the West, but I assume they have not reached their goal since many are still fighting. So if women, in general, feel less secure in their ability to provide for themselves, that will make them feel more dependent on men to provide for them.

Just that feeling or sense of dependence will influence women to value things like wealth more than men. Most people would consider liking someone for their wealth to be shallow.

Whatever though. I really do dislike pitting one group of people against another group of people. People are individuals and they should be dealt with individually.

I find the critique of women for their interest in "wealth"/money to be incredibly sexist.

Some men make the argument that women are "gold diggers". Selfish, greedy and shallow.

However, often these very same men will advocate for screwing as many women as they can, dumping them and looking to "beautiful" women as what they are entitled to screw. They argue that monogamy is not a natural state. That evolution has made their nature to be with as many women as possible.

Well, if a man wants to use the evolutionary argument...there is one for females as well. It is in our nature to look out for the interests of ourselves and our offspring. Who is a woman going to want to partner with? A man that cannot or will not provide for her and her offspring? NOPE, well not unless she's damaged in some way...

Therefore, I reject the evolutionary argument. We are sentient beings, or at least supposed to be. Our "intelligence" as a species should help us move past our base instincts.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I would criticize men for their interest in "wealth"/money just as much as I would criticize women.

But, I think women probably prioritize wealth/wealth potential when choosing a life partner more often than men do.

Not that I would criticize any men or women for doing that (unless it was a woman I was potentially interested in). It has nothing to do with me.

Also, I do not expect others to share the same views on what is or is not "shallow". The only people I care about in this regard are me and my partner (or potential partner).

All that said, if I think about what I consider to be "shallow", I think I have observed those traits in women more than I have observed them in men. Being a man has probably influenced what I consider to be shallow, though; it is possible that "avoidance of those behaviours (that I personally consider to be shallow)" is a more common characteristic of men. That would have contributed to my observation made in the first sentence of this paragraph.


Have kink will travel.
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Women need to be put in their place occasionally because they don't have the personal ability to do it for themselves.

So while not having watched the video, I agree with the sentiment.

I've got early 20 something chicks at work eyeing me up in an over the top manner because I ignore their overtures or stare rudely back. I could be sampling backpacker pussy if I wasn't disinterested and in a committed relationship.... but that's why there's so much interest.

If I were to break and dip my wick in one of them, word would get around, then the interest dissipate.

It's more fun though to make the lot of them moist and thirsty from afar.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I don't know how you come across in real life. If you're anything at all like you're online persona, any woman with a sense of herself, would know you were a douchebag within 3 minutes of hearing you speak.


Have kink will travel.
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I try not to speak to the young ladies.... it just emboldens them to be more flirtatious and touchy... especially if I've forgotten to apply antiperspirant... which "Chris in the Morning" from Northern Exposure only had to deal with once per year.