With all thats going on in the world it's good to see Calidemformia has their priorities in place


Domestically feral
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United states
It's not fair that autogynophilics should have to wait for a little girl to come into a Spa so he can expose himself to her.

Let them in the kids facilities too. #transrights


Domestically feral
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United states
  • "My hope is this bill encourages more businesses across California and the U.S. to avoid reinforcing harmful and outdated stereotypes," Low added.
What the fuck? "Gender stereotypes" arent harming anyone. My first two daughters never were into super girly stuff and often liked toys traditionally thought of boy toys.

It's not fucking harmful to go an isle over to nongirly toys.

This is the bullshit these narcissistic fucktards focus on. Meaningless nothing just to fucking nitpick and hassle society.

While they have women being assaulted and raped in prison because of "idenity".

Maybe Californians are just shitty stupid parents.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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what a harmful sterotype that male female he created them thing is.


Domestically feral
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United states
what a harmful sterotype that male female he created them thing is.

Well Californians shouldn't have kids considering how mindless and helpless and toxic they are.

Imagine marketing having so much control over your mind that you think abortion is a constitutional right and that "gender stereotypes"(which clearly are NOT actual stereotypes or toys wouldnt be marketed like they are) are.....HARMFUL.

Imagine thinking girl toys are HARMFUL.

You know what's harmful? These narcissistic psychopaths abusing thier children like this pushing this stupid fucking gender shit on them.

Kids do not give a fuck about these things.


Factory Bastard
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Ever since the brain dead masses failed to recall him he has been signing a never ending avalanche of absolutely stupid far left bills. All of them either harmful or just pointless regulations. Meanwhile, homeless drug addicts are every where, crime is out of control, the cost of loving is skyrocketing, and we have the highest unemployment rate in the country.

All of that is because of democrats.


Factory Bastard
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Genesis 5:2
He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them “Mankind” when they were created.

Once you accept this is all good against evil, the picture becomes crystal clear!!!
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Ever since the brain dead masses failed to recall him he has been signing a never ending avalanche of absolutely stupid far left bills.
He should sign a bill forcing Lily to board a treadmill


Domestically feral
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United states
Ever since the brain dead masses failed to recall him he has been signing a never ending avalanche of absolutely stupid far left bills.
He should sign a bill forcing Lily to board a treadmill

It is very unhealthy to be overweight and the studies show weight loss reduces risk of illness and death as a result of weight.

Then we have these over weight people clogging up hospitals and using resources.

Healthcare should only be given to those who have made responsible choices. These over weight people are just selfish and taking beds and resources away from those who need them.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Ever since the brain dead masses failed to recall him he has been signing a never ending avalanche of absolutely stupid far left bills.
He should sign a bill forcing Lily to board a treadmill

It is very unhealthy to be overweight and the studies show weight loss reduces risk of illness and death as a result of weight.

Then we have these over weight people clogging up hospitals and using resources.

Healthcare should only be given to those who have made responsible choices. These over weight people are just selfish and taking beds and resources away from those who need them.
So just throw that pig lily down a flight of stairs instead?

I’m for that


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Newscum signed a new law where all public schools from elementary school to high school must fund "free" menstrual products in every bathroom including boys restrooms. I don't ever want to hear about how schools are under funded ever again.

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Domestically feral
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United states
Fat people need love too - - - - - -

I was just using covid/covid vaccine logic and applying it to over weight people, since people are supporting government coercion of the covid shot.

Why stop there? You know how many hospital beds go towards over weight people for medical problems due to being over weight? They are exhausting our hospitals.

There are so many arguments just like the ones being weaponized against people who dont want a vaccine that can be used the same way arguing for government coerced and any mandated weight loss.

Or any new pharmaceutical for existing health conditions. Like new heart meds, or psych meds.

Once people start being okay with forced medical interventions, welp. Let's go ahead and make that the "new normal". Lefties want universal healthcare anyway so we may as well let the government run it all and make our decisions for us.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Fat people need love too - - - - - -

I was just using covid/covid vaccine logic and applying it to over weight people, since people are supporting government coercion of the covid shot.

Why stop there? You know how many hospital beds go towards over weight people for medical problems due to being over weight? They are exhausting our hospitals.

It didn't start with vaccines in my living memory. It started with smokers. Smoke related illnesses were going to be refused treatment in hospitals... no lung or heart replacements for them. And why should drinkers get new livers? There is no room these days for weaknesses.

I think that sort of censorship STILL is at the back of nurses minds tho. Not sure about Drs.

In the earlier days all Dr and nurses smoked.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Fat people need love too - - - - - -

I was just using covid/covid vaccine logic and applying it to over weight people, since people are supporting government coercion of the covid shot.

Why stop there? You know how many hospital beds go towards over weight people for medical problems due to being over weight? They are exhausting our hospitals.

It didn't start with vaccines in my living memory. It started with smokers. Smoke related illnesses were going to be refused treatment in hospitals... no lung or heart replacements for them. And why should drinkers get new livers? There is no room these days for weaknesses.

I think that sort of censorship STILL is at the back of nurses minds tho. Not sure about Drs.

In the earlier days all Dr and nurses smoked.

Doctors can and sometimes do "excuse" patients from thier practice for noncompliance. Not usually for smoking.

Many pediatricians will excuse patients when the parents are refusing basic childhood vaccines. Unless there is a solid medical or genuine religious reason.

I dont find that unreasonable because doctors have a right to not continue seeing patients who are noncompliant with care plans. If they educate the parents on basic vaccines and the risks of not getting them and the patient still refuses.....its reasonable to end that relationship. They have to consider the needs of thier other patients.

Diabetics who are noncompliant can be excused from a practice.

All of this goes on between patient and doctor. It should NEVER be between patient and government or thier employer.

Especially the Covid vaccine. The ONLY benefit to the covid vaccine is to the person who gets it. ALL it does is prevent the one vaccinated from developing a severe case and possibly dying. That's it.

It doesnt prevent anyone from catching Covid and spreading Covid. You spread this virus even after being vaccinated.

There is absolutely NO justifiable reason for this vaccine to be coerced or even required. It's like the flu shot.....and the flu shot is always optional. You can refuse a flu shot but you have to wear a mask(if you work in a hospital).

So this is just tyranny for the purpose of making corporate elites wealthier. Just like EVERYTHING democrats have done since this virus arrived.