Recent content by Joe

  1. Joe

    The Crypto Scam

  2. Joe

    For Better or Worse what if Trump wins the Presidency in 2024?

    A somewhat neutral or impartial view: ...How will this impact the United States? The World? How will events unfold in the US and abroad? Will it be a better place for a 2nd Trump term or worse? Why? What should we be prepared for? Who'll be the Winners? The Losers? Discuss.
  3. Joe

    Ve must kontrol ze narrative!

    Scott Ritter has had his share of run ins with law: Ritter was the subject of two law enforcement sting operations in 2001.[43] He was charged in June 2001 with trying to set up a meeting with an undercover police officer posing as a 16-year-old girl.[44][45] He was charged with a misdemeanor...
  4. Joe

    Mike Pence will not endorse Donald Trump in 2024

    Islam is like that too. Poor Muslims who take to the streets protesting in places like Europe. Their power is in numbers so they similarly make their frustrated voices known. Just like those people on Jan 6. And of course the ones at the top of their religion like the wealthy sheiks fly...
  5. Joe

    Mike Pence will not endorse Donald Trump in 2024

    I actually know some of those people & they are filthy rich.
  6. Joe

    Mike Pence will not endorse Donald Trump in 2024

    BTW that power dynamic exists in Canada too. Old money from the Eastern Establishment still controls and runs Canada too.
  7. Joe

    Mike Pence will not endorse Donald Trump in 2024

    She makes valid points. However I think the Elites who are hammering down the Trumpists are actually themselves by and large White, just like that woman in the tik tok video. The US is still by and large run by the Old Money Elites of the Western Anglo Saxon Establishment. And they still look...
  8. Joe

    Mike Pence will not endorse Donald Trump in 2024

    There might be some truth that the Elites allowed or wanted January 6th to happen At the same time this does not absolve Trump or his mob of any wrongdoing on that day. That's like a burglar blaming a bank for leaving the back door open so he could rob it and commit his crime.
  9. Joe

    Callout! Senile Joe, your time has come.... need to Find Jesus. Convert....don't it today. And a glimmer of Hope might your scalp might regenerate itself again. You kin do it @The Prowler I know you can. Free yerself of the Bald Darkness which plagues your life. Currently your life is as barren...
  10. Joe

    Clarence Thomas has taken AT LEAST $4 million in gifts

    Quite obviously Thomas is a corrupt and evil man who ought to be removed from the USSC. Same time he isn't the only one. There are far too many Old Men & now women in positions of power from both US political parties who shouldn't be there anymore. Seems the US constitution enables them and has...
  11. Joe

    Callout! Senile Joe, your time has come....

    Yknow @The Prowler I counted some of the investments I made last year and they've appreciated as much as 15-20% while your Corvette has depreciated by at least 20%. Now those investments are worth more than your car. That's ironic isn't it? Mine go up while your car keeps going down, dumb...
  12. Joe

    80 Years ago today the goodly educated world began the repossession of Europe from the Nazi demons.

    The Allied soldiers who landed at Normandy were very exceedingly brave. But the same could be said of the German soldiers on the other side, even if you didn't agree with them. Over 3000,000 Germans died at Normandy. Reports of people seeing ghosts of German soldiers wandering the beaches there...
  13. Joe

    OK Groomer, Bye groomer.

    Like Elmar Fudd, @The Prowler is sucha dud