Recent content by Kingoffrogs

  1. Kingoffrogs

    my new Chat show. Across the pond.

    Will watch next time I work
  2. Kingoffrogs

    1,000,000 Post Thread

  3. Kingoffrogs

    my new Chat show. Across the pond.

    Listened to it in it's entirety, jolly good show. My thoughts about the drugs that are perking Biden up is this: Yes, they may hurt him in the long run, but originally the Dems only needed him for 4 years in order to buy time to find a candidate that had a fighting chance against Trump, now...
  4. Kingoffrogs

    How many countries can you name?

    I got 78%
  5. Kingoffrogs

    The Byzantine Empire

    Wow, there is a lot to unpack here. It's like unpacking a picnic bag that you forgot about weeks ago and now all of the food in it is rotten. So first off... why does it say that the Jews destroyed the Roman Empire? Yes, Christianity was one of the factors that led to it's collapse, but Rome...
  6. Kingoffrogs

    1,000,000 Post Thread

  7. Kingoffrogs

    Biological Capacity And The Land Question

    This is far different. First off, they didn't even know about the new world. Second off, their understanding of science and geography is rudimentary compared to what we know now. That wasn't even a part of my proposition. What I DID say is that we will eventually reach biological capacity due...
  8. Kingoffrogs

    Biological Capacity And The Land Question

    Once mankind reaches biological capacity, likely after a massive loss of population due to our overshoot of biological capacity (like all other organism's populations do at some point.) there will be an enormous demand for land. In fact, it is quite easy to see that the price of land is...
  9. Kingoffrogs

    Becoming An Electrician

    This doesn't help me in the slightest with my current endeavor, you're giving me advice on something I am never going to even consider for a multitude of reasons. But thanks for trying.
  10. Kingoffrogs

    Becoming An Electrician

    Thanks for not helping at all nigga.
  11. Kingoffrogs

    Becoming An Electrician

    Hi guys, been a while. I am currently interested in becoming an electrician. I plan on submitting my application to the IBEW in Rockford in order to secure an apprenticeship in order to become a residential electrician. I will have all of the paperwork I need shortly, and my high school grades...
  12. Kingoffrogs

    Do you believe in god?

    As many as he can fit.
  13. Kingoffrogs

    Do you believe in god?

    I'm agnostic on the issue, my thought on the matters of religion is that religion (especially in the west.) is used to enforce the interests of a state via proxy. Prime example, the crusades. On the surface, they where started to take back the holy land, but looking at the bigger picture makes...
  14. Kingoffrogs

    What Are You Eating Or Drinking Right Now?

    No It is a frigidaire. I would have liked hashbrowns but it did not need steak sauce whatsoever, I cooked the steak medium and it was a ribeye, so the fat and butter added so much flavor to it, the garlic and rosemary as well, and a pinch of ground cloves went well with it too.
  15. Kingoffrogs

    What Are You Eating Or Drinking Right Now?

    Rosemary Garlic Butter steak (ribeye) and scrambled eggs.