Fredo Cuomo fired by cnn...


An Claidheam Anam
How old is the dictionary you
Good, I can't stand Chris Cuomo, what a meat head. I can go back to my regularly scheduled programming of not watching cable news.
I rarely watch any of those News Pontification shows, leftarded or Trumptarded. Maybe if something yuuge just happened I might tune into for a bit to get some perspective.

So do they just send their narratives directly to the chip in your brain from Leftard HQ?
I hate to be the one to break this to you, but reality leans liberal.

they can’t comprehend what liberal actually means…

willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas.

relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.

How old is the dictionary you pulled that from?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
It was the far right who raided the Capital trying to hijack our government and interrupt the vote count in this past election. They assaulted police officers while trying to “fight for Trump!” I’m pretty sure our constitution outlined what should happen to people who attempt shit like this…

Also, upholding state Supreme Court rulings isn’t trying to get rid of state rights. Do these people even comprehend that each state has their own Supreme Court??? It’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time. The justice department had to get involved after what Texas tried to pull… but Texas has a lengthy track record of trying to branch off and be their own country.

Again, more southern fried righties trying to force us into their one-sided selfish BS.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
How old is the dictionary you
Good, I can't stand Chris Cuomo, what a meat head. I can go back to my regularly scheduled programming of not watching cable news.
I rarely watch any of those News Pontification shows, leftarded or Trumptarded. Maybe if something yuuge just happened I might tune into for a bit to get some perspective.

So do they just send their narratives directly to the chip in your brain from Leftard HQ?
I hate to be the one to break this to you, but reality leans liberal.

they can’t comprehend what liberal actually means…

willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas.

relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.

How old is the dictionary you pulled that from?

They are NOT liberals. They are leftists.

This is why I've said to Big and Lok why it's important we dont call them liberals. They are not liberals in the least.....they are anti liberal authoritarians.

WE are the liberals.

I don't bother nit picking this anymore because it doesnt matter. They are not liberal by definition at all. They are the complete opposite. Them calling themselves liberal is like eating meat calling yourself vegetarian.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
How old is the dictionary you
Good, I can't stand Chris Cuomo, what a meat head. I can go back to my regularly scheduled programming of not watching cable news.
I rarely watch any of those News Pontification shows, leftarded or Trumptarded. Maybe if something yuuge just happened I might tune into for a bit to get some perspective.

So do they just send their narratives directly to the chip in your brain from Leftard HQ?
I hate to be the one to break this to you, but reality leans liberal.

they can’t comprehend what liberal actually means…

willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas.

relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.

How old is the dictionary you pulled that from?

I’m not sure.. but here is Blacks Law’s definition:

1. If Nonpolitical, this is an entity that favors social solutions to economic, social, and other problems, and favors less law and restriction to personal freedoms.

^^^ this is where I dwell

2. If Political, this is an entity that wants government to solve all of the economic and social problems without impacting that entity.

Why we are constantly demonized by the far right is beyond my comprehension.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
liberal scum…

the forum is searchable… I suggest you use that to see which side uses this term.

here’s a hint… it rhymes with white

I am 4th generation Angeleno. You’re not going to get anymore liberal than me here. I was born and raised in it and the whole state is liberal. All of the surrounding states are too.


An Claidheam Anam
How old is the dictionary you
Good, I can't stand Chris Cuomo, what a meat head. I can go back to my regularly scheduled programming of not watching cable news.
I rarely watch any of those News Pontification shows, leftarded or Trumptarded. Maybe if something yuuge just happened I might tune into for a bit to get some perspective.

So do they just send their narratives directly to the chip in your brain from Leftard HQ?
I hate to be the one to break this to you, but reality leans liberal.

they can’t comprehend what liberal actually means…

willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas.

relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.

How old is the dictionary you pulled that from?

I’m not sure.. but here is Blacks Law’s definition:

1. If Nonpolitical, this is an entity that favors social solutions to economic, social, and other problems, and favors less law and restriction to personal freedoms.

^^^ this is where I dwell

2. If Political, this is an entity that wants government to solve all of the economic and social problems without impacting that entity.

Why we are constantly demonized by the far right is beyond my comprehension.

Because your classical definition of "liberal" was long ago hijacked herein America by Leftist vermin.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
How old is the dictionary you
Good, I can't stand Chris Cuomo, what a meat head. I can go back to my regularly scheduled programming of not watching cable news.
I rarely watch any of those News Pontification shows, leftarded or Trumptarded. Maybe if something yuuge just happened I might tune into for a bit to get some perspective.

So do they just send their narratives directly to the chip in your brain from Leftard HQ?
I hate to be the one to break this to you, but reality leans liberal.

they can’t comprehend what liberal actually means…

willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas.

relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.

How old is the dictionary you pulled that from?

I’m not sure.. but here is Blacks Law’s definition:

1. If Nonpolitical, this is an entity that favors social solutions to economic, social, and other problems, and favors less law and restriction to personal freedoms.

^^^ this is where I dwell

2. If Political, this is an entity that wants government to solve all of the economic and social problems without impacting that entity.

Why we are constantly demonized by the far right is beyond my comprehension.

Because your classical definition of "liberal" was long ago hijacked herein America by Leftist vermin.

but leftists aren’t always liberal…

Why do you dislike leftists?

TBH ~ I really didn’t get into politics until after I was assaulted by police with tear gas at a peaceful BLM rally the week after Floyd was killed. We were asking for an investigation into his death and the cops came armed for war.

Also, while I’m on this subject… defunding the police doesn’t mean that we want them gone. It means we want their war on drugs money pumped into these poor, crime ridden communities that are more prone to police harassment and brutality. Peace officers don’t need to be militarized with tanks and artillery used to take over a small country. It’s actually a logical and simple solution to the poverty gap.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It was the far right who raided the Capital trying to hijack our government and interrupt the vote count in this past election. They assaulted police officers while trying to “fight for Trump!” I’m pretty sure our constitution outlined what should happen to people who attempt shit like this…

Also, upholding state Supreme Court rulings isn’t trying to get rid of state rights. Do these people even comprehend that each state has their own Supreme Court??? It’s like watching monkeys use tools for the first time. The justice department had to get involved after what Texas tried to pull… but Texas has a lengthy track record of trying to branch off and be their own country.

Again, more southern fried righties trying to force us into their one-sided selfish BS.
You cunts stole the election and turned the country into a banana republic. You're lucky those people didnt actually hold an insurrection.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
liberal scum…

the forum is searchable… I suggest you use that to see which side uses this term.

here’s a hint… it rhymes with white

I am 4th generation Angeleno. You’re not going to get anymore liberal than me here. I was born and raised in it and the whole state is liberal. All of the surrounding states are too.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
CNN will probably bring this piece of shit back just like they brought Jeffrey Toobin back despite him kerning off during company zoom calls.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Well, all be, I really thought they'd pull a Toobin and bring him back after the heat blew over.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
As a side note they are still deep in TDS. They need to be institionalized for this mental illness.



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But muh librul mediuh?