Recent content by Conqueror McGregor

  1. Conqueror McGregor

    Will the Texas Abortion Laws lead to an Increase of Teen Suicides in that State?

    The fook is this shit. Sounds like an unstable cunt to me.
  2. Conqueror McGregor

    Outing duals

    What the fook was that? Is that you're idea of a rap? You wouldn't know a bar even if one hit you in your faggoty ass. You're not Eminem, that's your avatar, are you confused, kid? Regan? Like from the movie Exorcist? I'd change it to "Homocentric". That doesn't mean what you think it does but...
  3. Conqueror McGregor

    Outing duals

    Overly sensitive, and argumentative. Something to aspire to, indeed. Another yipping dog.
  4. Conqueror McGregor

    Outing duals

    I see I did not make myself clear. I meant to say that I enjoy being stereotyped and do not feel the need to let the other party know otherwise. Assumptions work in my favor, I can use them to my benefit when it is necessary.
  5. Conqueror McGregor

    Outing duals

    OK, fascinating. I'm the type that when I see something someone says that isn't applicable to me I'm unaffected and move on without feeling the need to give an explanation. Stereotypes are underrated and I quite enjoy them.
  6. Conqueror McGregor

    Outing duals

    If it didn't pertain to you, then why would you care enough to tell me it doesn't? What is it inside you that compels you to tell a complete stranger on the Internet that you're not "___________"? Serious question, I find it intriguing when people do that because I don't understand the need.
  7. Conqueror McGregor

    Norm McDonald dies at 61

    Twiddle dee and twiddle dumb the comedy duo. I'm done engaging in conversation with the mongoloid twins on this particular thread. Like all yipping dogs, you'll do nothing.
  8. Conqueror McGregor

    Norm McDonald dies at 61

    This person simply left something they find funny concerning the man who just died which is what this thread is about and you dip shits come and make it about you. Well done, your decorum is admirable.
  9. Conqueror McGregor

    Agree or Disagree

    Disagree. - Adversity builds character, hard times breed strong men. Cheese is coagulated bovine mammary gland liquid.
  10. Conqueror McGregor

    Outing duals

    The majority of people eat the slop that politicians throw into the collective trough like a bunch of piggies at a fair.
  11. Conqueror McGregor

    Outing duals

    You stupid feeble-minded fucks are the same asshole talking to the different cheeks on the same ass. Left, Right, doesn't fucking matter. It's all a game the politicians play and you half-wits on the Left think Biden gives two fucks about you, and you half-wits on the Right think Trump gives...
  12. Conqueror McGregor

    1,000,000 Post Thread

    you're fookin' welcome.