Recent content by Darthinia Von Vader

  1. Darthinia Von Vader

    Post a Picture of Yourself!

    Does @Moonpie make @The Prowler 's shoes? maybe she is the wife and shoe models for him? maybe her hands are the penis pump that he needs to type out all those savage posts to @Lily I got some boots I'd model for him and kick them right up his ass but that sick freak probably would enjoy me...
  2. Darthinia Von Vader

    What Are You Eating Or Drinking Right Now?

    @realgrimm 's cock. No matter how much fighting we do, no matter how violent he is, no matter what.. I will always cum back to his cock I mean that's private info and back on topic Pancakes.. and more pancakes. Such a fattie. Ugh FML. I had a coffee but ate too much so coffee wasted. Ugh. Had a...
  3. Darthinia Von Vader

    Post a Picture of Yourself!

    I miss you
  4. Darthinia Von Vader

    Post a Picture of Yourself!

    of my dog in our bed? you really into animals that much? sick fuck.
  5. Darthinia Von Vader

    Post a Picture of Yourself!

    Nope. For all I know you are just a cheap trick chick trying to get everything including my pussy for free
  6. Darthinia Von Vader

    Post a Picture of Yourself!

    I've been more than generous. How about you post a pic of yourself or pay me to post more pics. Simple
  7. Darthinia Von Vader

    What Are You Eating Or Drinking Right Now?

    french vanilla coffee with a few cookies
  8. Darthinia Von Vader

    Post a Picture of Yourself!

    Yes it is. I've had him 8 years now. He and my pussy are my world. If you want specifics on the dog or my pussy give me 50 Canadian dollars. Hell give me 50 American as well I travel there a few times a year pocket money is good to have
  9. Darthinia Von Vader

    What are you drinking thread (Because Poppy loves these sort of topics)

    You're so mean to me. I thought we had a connection but hey if you want to be like this with me. Fine. Not much to live for any way so I'm so use to people like you
  10. Darthinia Von Vader

    What are you drinking thread (Because Poppy loves these sort of topics)

    You could have my cum on the rocks but you too scared to enough talk to me
  11. Darthinia Von Vader

    What's for Dinner Tonight?

    Had a 8 oz steak(close to done FFS idiots. Like some blood.)fries, onion rings at Montana's. Wanted to try the ribs but my tummy was so full. Ugh
  12. Darthinia Von Vader

    What's for Dinner Tonight?

    On topic.. Going to Montana's tonight with family. What will I have? I will know when I get there
  13. Darthinia Von Vader

    What's for Dinner Tonight?

    Broke ass joke. That's a choice. Sad one very sad one indeed. Get a job.
  14. Darthinia Von Vader

    Change Your Member Name

    Thanks but please don't share those nudes I sent you to anyone here. Lot of perverts and I have enough stalkers already