Recent content by deadringers

  1. Forever FromHell

    Yo @Bastard Factory in all seriousness and much thought since your message since I am thinking clearly right now. I appreciate all your patience and understanding but soon I won't give a fuck and I won't remember any of this but posting this to remind myself every thing later. Do it end it all...
  2. To The BF Warriors

    rocky vs tommy gunn awesome fight.. now we need the nigga going "touch me or i'll sue"
  3. What makes you happy...

    other people's money spent on me
  4. What R U doing...... RIGHT NOW!!?

    being swamped with messages ugh guys wanna just chat chat chat.. fuck.
  5. What R U Listening 2? ♫ ♪

  6. Documentaries Thread

    and a few other episodes of this show hosted by Shatner... who is awesome at hosting this and very intriguing episodes. gets ya really thinking no matter what episode is on. i may have to watch some more of these when i have more time
  7. Great ASS (_!_)

  8. The food thread...

    chicken chow mein amongst other chinese leftovers. it will be a long mission so gotta eat much right now
  9. To The BF Warriors

    so you are experienced? you experienced the experience? you know how? as well as the other who answers many questions from me? all 3 of must go on a mission soon.. yes we will stare at goats and maybe even death but thats only true way to live. who else is with US?
  10. Breakfall’s Shoutboxxx…

    does it bother you when a forum is slow? not at all bothered? are forums dying or dead? if dying or dead if your answer.. what is the answer in bringing them back to life? this question is deep... if all forums for WHATEVER REASON(S)shut down right now.. or when you read.. would it make any...
  11. To The BF Warriors

    see how long they could stare at a goat. if they can walk through a wall.. like i have
  12. good morning fellow bastards i need help

    you are alive have a body. you get horny. you die and you still get horny.. so why shouldn't i get horny for you either way? its all perfectly natural...
  13. good morning fellow bastards i need help

    the news has too much talking.. i wanna see the gore. where i live they don't show the gore on the news. there is never enough gore. i want more... and more just like i would a drink or drug. simple. God bless you and yours.
  14. good morning fellow bastards i need help

    are there any free gore forums still around? that are for free. i know goregrish is but they only take it new members here and there. i haven't been fortunate enough to pick the right time to sign up there. it doesn't have to be super active but enough posters of community like this one here...