Recent content by Fat Latinas

  1. Fat Latinas

    Can't wait to hear how Trumpists will defend this fascistic behavior

    Golly - I thought you'd have enjoyed my mocking Oak's never ending attempts to post anonymously. LoLz at you for sticking up for Lardita. PS: Just curious - how many different drugs are you on at this moment? You seem even more disoriented that usual. Okay, everybody. I'll see you again some...
  2. Fat Latinas

    Can't wait to hear how Trumpists will defend this fascistic behavior

    No - They finally figured out that I'm Lily, I mean Oak. Where did I go wrong? I thought I had them convinced I was that Holihay guy, whoever he is.
  3. Fat Latinas

    Can't wait to hear how Trumpists will defend this fascistic behavior

    Yes - we know you're gay, AiryAnn, but congrats on finally admitting it.
  4. Fat Latinas

    Can't wait to hear how Trumpists will defend this fascistic behavior

    Maybe even though he's a idjit he got the comedy, and point of Fat Latinas. Remember, he's the master of you trolls. You're just his pets. He's obviously smarter than you. ...and who do you mean by you? Need I remind you yet again that I am not the person you think I am. That is only an...
  5. Fat Latinas

    Can't wait to hear how Trumpists will defend this fascistic behavior

    Excellent point, Oak ...and very Oakishly stated. ..just like what you posted as Oak after the Bill Jiden debacle.
  6. Fat Latinas

    Can't wait to hear how Trumpists will defend this fascistic behavior

    Conservatives are purely primitive tribal creatures, or herd animals. Thinking doesn't enter into their views. Being part of the group by holding common believe is the membership card, and it makes not difference how absurd those beliefs are. Many conservatives have a loose relationship with...
  7. Fat Latinas

    Unhinged, Divorced from Reality, Modern Conservative

    Well certainly, that too. ..but it take a very "special" white person like Duhv to answer YES honestly.
  8. Fat Latinas

    Unhinged, Divorced from Reality, Modern Conservative

    Yes - certainly are right about that. I propose we ask questions like Do you believe in PizzaGate Do you believe Bill Gates is introducing mind control nanobots to vaccine recipients Is the Wall going to be paid for by Mexico? Unless an applicant for the right to vote answers all three YES...
  9. Fat Latinas

    So What's This Site About?

    I do? Hardly, palamine. Me making fun of you BadTards, you silly trolls, is hardly me being PWn"T. LoLzat you, popgun. What didn't you get about my spoof? I mean you can't actually be that hard of thinking, and comedyless.
  10. Fat Latinas

    Unhinged, Divorced from Reality, Modern Conservative

    ...and if only Greene was the only complete nutcase conservative. How about this fruit loop?: Rep. Lauren Boebert falsely claimed Texas hasn't recorded a single COVID-19 death in two months. "Since removing the mask mandate ...Texas has not reported a single COVID death," she claimed. Data...
  11. Fat Latinas

    Unhinged, Divorced from Reality, Modern Conservative

    equates mask wearing with being gased in WWII death camps. Greene is insane, but QAnon and people like Duhv love her. "This woman is mentally ill," Greene said of Pelosi, D-Calif. "You know, we can look back in a time in...
  12. Fat Latinas

    So What's This Site About?

    Y'all be very very PWn'T LoLz at BadTards
  13. Fat Latinas

    Arizona recount

    No way - he's completely mistaken on that. Someone maybe paid him to say that. ...any new gold members today?
  14. Fat Latinas

    Arizona recount

    Alt account? Alt account? .I just got here - I have no alt accounts. Why do you people insist on claiming you know me when I toad you repeatedly that I'm new here?