Recent content by Half Dead Cat

  1. This goes out to all you fuckfaces.

    I'm still dying
  2. This goes out to all you fuckfaces.

    I'm still dying on Chad's bathroom floor
  3. This goes out to all you fuckfaces.

    Would someone please pet me
  4. This goes out to all you fuckfaces.

    I'm 7% more dead today than I was yesterday
  5. Post a Picture of Yourself!

    Poofer is Super Chad The asshole that neglects me
  6. This goes out to all you fuckfaces.

    My anus just started bleeding and there are several flies orbiting me at the moment. Do you think it's time?
  7. This goes out to all you fuckfaces.

    I'm peeing on Poofer's bed right now
  8. Post a Picture of Yourself!

    I'm Poofer's half dead cat. I'm half dead.
  9. This goes out to all you fuckfaces.

    that bathroom is so clean The mold in my bathroom think they're cute. they're like graffiti artists one of my lungs just failed
  10. This goes out to all you fuckfaces.

    And the entire living room is carpeted with all the dirty kitty litter from all the other poor cats that died in that house before me. Don't let me die alone here please
  11. This goes out to all you fuckfaces.

    the bathroom in my house is absolutely disgusting I have to burrow holes in Poofer's sheetless mattress just to take a shit
  12. This goes out to all you fuckfaces.

    Yes please, nice lady. meow.... emphasis on ""ow""
  13. This goes out to all you fuckfaces.

    Poofer really sucks. I just want to die completely
  14. This goes out to all you fuckfaces.

    Please call an animal shelter