Recent content by hikikomori-yume

  1. hikikomori-yume

    Anyone got experience with VR?

    Got a DK1 in 2014, practically lived in Riftmax theater. I recently bought an Oculus Go and it's absolutely fucking amazing and paired with this 20,000 mah portable battery it's like having a home VR experience wherever I go. The other day I was parked outside of a laundromat connected to their...
  2. hikikomori-yume

    Fuckity Fuck

    Boo hoo you little cry baby bitch I lived in a run down hotel full of shitskins with really horrible internet that worked for five minutes at a time, then you had to wait for it to work again and the building smelled like chemicals because some wetbacks were doing some construction on it oh and...
  3. hikikomori-yume

    MKULTRA, remote neural monitoring, targeted individuals, Voice2Skull technology etc

    So we know that evil people rule the world and keep the masses hypnotized and running along their masterfully crafted assembly line, turning them into what is called "machine society", the amalgamation of everyone's physical and mental output into this system I call "the program", the...
  4. hikikomori-yume

    Goth/Industrial Thread