Recent content by Litler

  1. Litler

    Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror

    The guy in the silly hat tried that in January
  2. Litler

    My beast….

    Your coffee tastes like my arsehole coz I shat in thy kettle!
  3. Litler

    Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror

    Anyone else would have stood up and said "sorry kids presidential duties" and left. I remember spitting image puppet of Reagan but not actually Reagan himself.
  4. Litler

    My beast….

    Sounds like a good plan, I used to keep the peace by getting in the bath while my ex watched Downton Bloody Abbey.
  5. Litler

    Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror

    But not Bush, that video where he gets told he is totally clueless, he looks like hes considering asking the kids advice.
  6. Litler

    My beast….

    Why do you wanna be up at night? Everythings shut
  7. Litler

    My beast….

    It's a chinese tea acorrding to google, means doctor in Chinese.
  8. Litler

    My beast….

    I get em from home bargains. Oddly a few years ago a couple of friends wanted to go to a proper coffee house and I picked that same tea simply because it had the best name, they didn't leave milk I drank it and it was OK but not the cuppa I quite wanted.
  9. Litler

    My beast….

    Typhoo usually.
  10. Litler

    Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror

    Retribution... 7 days ...
  11. Litler

    My beast….

    Coffee tastes fucking horrible, you should've bought a teapot.
  12. Litler

    My wife and stepsons have gone to Las Vegas this holiday weekend.

    Aren't you meant to leave the family and fuck off to Vegas?
  13. Litler

    What's the last thing you purchased?

    A wireless charger and some bong bowls.
  14. Litler

    The spicy scum looks nice.

    The spicy scum looks nice.