Recent content by B4llsAndB4y0n3ts

  1. B4llsAndB4y0n3ts

    Trans women in bathrooms

    Oh, right. "Non-freaks do it, too, so that means that freaks never do it at all." Right? How fucking simple are you?
  2. B4llsAndB4y0n3ts

    #TrumpIsARapist #TrumpIsATraitorAndACriminal

    Right, I know. You're infuriated that he's defending himself at all. That's right. Keep your eye off the ball. Hyperfocus on Orange Man, and don't pay any attention to why we put him where we put him -- focus on the messenger, stay blind to the message.
  3. B4llsAndB4y0n3ts

    #TrumpIsARapist #TrumpIsATraitorAndACriminal

    Hey, tell me that old classic again, about how you're 'protecting Democracy from the will of the people'. That never gets old.
  4. B4llsAndB4y0n3ts

    #TrumpIsARapist #TrumpIsATraitorAndACriminal

    So, that's an, "Okay, the video clip doesn't actually show that photo, and that photo may not even be related to the photo Trump was looking at, at all." then.
  5. B4llsAndB4y0n3ts

    #TrumpIsARapist #TrumpIsATraitorAndACriminal

    Show the frame in the clip where that photo is visible.
  6. B4llsAndB4y0n3ts

    #TrumpIsARapist #TrumpIsATraitorAndACriminal

    It'll be appealed, since maintaining innocence until proved guilty is protected by the Sixth Amendment and cannot, therefore, constitute defamation.
  7. B4llsAndB4y0n3ts

    What's the last thing you purchased?

    Yamudda. She tickles pickles for nickels.
  8. B4llsAndB4y0n3ts

    #TrumpIsARapist #TrumpIsATraitorAndACriminal

    In a photo we're not shown, and the contents of which we're told of by the interviewer. In fact, since we don't see the photo in that clip ourselves, we don't know who is or isn't in it. Good thing for the general public that you don't practice law.
  9. B4llsAndB4y0n3ts

    #TrumpIsARapist #TrumpIsATraitorAndACriminal

    I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for a thousand, Alex.
  10. B4llsAndB4y0n3ts

    #TrumpIsARapist #TrumpIsATraitorAndACriminal

    As for Eek Jean Carrol, the same sentiment goes:
  11. B4llsAndB4y0n3ts

    #TrumpIsARapist #TrumpIsATraitorAndACriminal

    Oh, I thought you were referring to my wife; never mind, you were referring to Trump's 'wife at the time', Marla Maples. Who was a couple leagues above mousy commie skagbait E. Jean "Hiding Her Gender so nobody knows she's actually a catastrophically ghastly woman" Carrol.
  12. B4llsAndB4y0n3ts

    #TrumpIsARapist #TrumpIsATraitorAndACriminal

    You may has well have cited the 'Village Voice'.
  13. B4llsAndB4y0n3ts

    #TrumpIsARapist #TrumpIsATraitorAndACriminal

    My wife stands 6'2" in stocking feet and, at 49 years of age, is more physically fit than I am. (or, for that matter, than most women half her age.)