Forum Rules

Bastard Factory Forums is held to a higher standard of posting than most other message boards. We pride ourselves on running one of the most entertaining off-topic message boards out there. Please have a touch of civility while visiting us.

- No Posting other peoples Personal Information, even if they're publicly available.

- No Animal Cruelty/Bestiality.

- No Ped0's/Jokes about pedophilia or inappropriate sexual comments about minors (under age 18).

- You must be 18 years or older to enter Bastard Factory Forums.

- You may not post pictures/videos featuring anyone under 18 years old (all models must be 18+)

Do not try to cleverly circumvent the few RULES listed above with your fuckery. These RULES are general guidelines and are non negotiable, so read them daily if you have not memorized them already. If you do break a RULE, you will likely be punished! Infractions will result in a temporary time out period in our Meltdown forum or possible removal.

If these RULES make you angry or unhappy, then it's likely the focus of your own inner demons and this is NOT the message board for you.
  • Published
    Jun 6, 2018
  • Page views