Your Environment



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
I have an almost zero carbon footprint with 100% of my household power derived from the solar panels on my roof with any extra (which there rarely is) provided by this.

I'm happy to have my view of the gorgeous countryside out of my front window obscured by the largest offshore windfarm in the world.

What are you doing for the planet?


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
I have an almost zero carbon footprint with 100% of my household power derived from the solar panels on my roof with any extra (which there rarely is) provided by this.

I'm happy to have my view of the gorgeous countryside out of my front window obscured by the largest offshore windfarm in the world.

What are you doing for the planet?

Grow trees and plants.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
I have an almost zero carbon footprint with 100% of my household power derived from the solar panels on my roof with any extra (which there rarely is) provided by this.

I'm happy to have my view of the gorgeous countryside out of my front window obscured by the largest offshore windfarm in the world.

What are you doing for the planet?

Grow trees and plants.

I have a wood. Will that do?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I have an almost zero carbon footprint with 100% of my household power derived from the solar panels on my roof with any extra (which there rarely is) provided by this.

I'm happy to have my view of the gorgeous countryside out of my front window obscured by the largest offshore windfarm in the world.

What are you doing for the planet?

I have solar (solar is shit, worse money I spent) windfarms are the next recycling catastrophe and have been known to catch fire and burn farms down. Biggest waste of space on the planet.

I planted carbon sink, trees that are now several stories high. I grow grapes that feed the wildlife... I have 3 Lemon trees, an olive tree, 4 jacaranda trees... a Cape lilac tree that feeds our endangered Red-tailed Black Cockatoos, a Coral tree and
I rescue Seabirds from Fishermen's murderous fatal discard... put it this way, more for the environment than you I would surmise.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I have an almost zero carbon footprint with 100% of my household power derived from the solar panels on my roof with any extra (which there rarely is) provided by this.

I'm happy to have my view of the gorgeous countryside out of my front window obscured by the largest offshore windfarm in the world.

What are you doing for the planet?

Your stupid windfarm has a finite lifespan of 12 - 20 years and so does your solar panels.....and you better hope a hail storm never arrives.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I have an almost zero carbon footprint with 100% of my household power derived from the solar panels on my roof with any extra (which there rarely is) provided by this.

I'm happy to have my view of the gorgeous countryside out of my front window obscured by the largest offshore windfarm in the world.

What are you doing for the planet?

The solar panels had to be manufactured somewhere. Carbon emissions in that process.

The raw materials had to be extracted somewhere. Carbon emissions in that process.

Do you breath oxygen? And what do you think you exhale?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
windfarms are the next recycling catastrophe

I have seen pictures of them burying the blades. Apparently they cannot be recycled.

This is where a big chunk of my electricity comes from:


The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
I have an almost zero carbon footprint with 100% of my household power derived from the solar panels on my roof with any extra (which there rarely is) provided by this.

I'm happy to have my view of the gorgeous countryside out of my front window obscured by the largest offshore windfarm in the world.

What are you doing for the planet?

I have solar (solar is shit, worse money I spent) windfarms are the next recycling catastrophe and have been known to catch fire and burn farms down. Biggest waste of space on the planet.

I planted carbon sink, trees that are now several stories high. I grow grapes that feed the wildlife... I have 3 Lemon trees, an olive tree, 4 jacaranda trees... a Cape lilac tree that feeds our endangered Red-tailed Black Cockatoos, a Coral tree and
I rescue Seabirds from Fishermen's murderous fatal discard... put it this way, more for the environment than you I would surmise.

Caskur. Why is your solar shit? Did you buy it from a travelling Abo salesman? Mine powers 98% of my needs (which are great) and once the battery tech improves i'll be selling my surplus like other folk. I do this in a climate where the sun is rarely seen from October to April. What's your lame excuse?

I don't have to put my big fucking foot into nature. It carries on very well on it's own. I live with a forest to the rear of my property and the sea to the front. Natuire at it's most majestic.

And Prowler. Equate the carbon footprint of my recycled solar panels and the windfarm to that of fossil fuel usage and STFU you retarded fuckstain.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I have an almost zero carbon footprint with 100% of my household power derived from the solar panels on my roof with any extra (which there rarely is) provided by this.

I'm happy to have my view of the gorgeous countryside out of my front window obscured by the largest offshore windfarm in the world.

What are you doing for the planet?

I have solar (solar is shit, worse money I spent) windfarms are the next recycling catastrophe and have been known to catch fire and burn farms down. Biggest waste of space on the planet.

I planted carbon sink, trees that are now several stories high. I grow grapes that feed the wildlife... I have 3 Lemon trees, an olive tree, 4 jacaranda trees... a Cape lilac tree that feeds our endangered Red-tailed Black Cockatoos, a Coral tree and
I rescue Seabirds from Fishermen's murderous fatal discard... put it this way, more for the environment than you I would surmise.

Caskur. Why is your solar shit? Did you buy it from a travelling Abo salesman? Mine powers 98% of my needs (which are great) and once the battery tech improves i'll be selling my surplus like other folk. I do this in a climate where the sun is rarely seen from October to April. What's your lame excuse?

I don't have to put my big fucking foot into nature. It carries on very well on it's own. I live with a forest to the rear of my property and the sea to the front. Natuire at it's most majestic.

And Prowler. Equate the carbon footprint of my recycled solar panels and the windfarm to that of fossil fuel usage and STFU you retarded fuckstain.

Dopey, let me explain it better than Prowler, all your "RENEWABLES" are made with fossil fuels.

And those farms in salt air will cease up. I live next to the Indian Ocean... and we already have stupid wind turbines around my state. They lay dead all over the American countryside. It's funny watching some in America spinning around while others cease up when I am watching movies.

The facts are, when you and I are dead and gone this latter generation will be tearing out their hair wondering what they are going to do with spent renewables.
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The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
So the solution is? It won't be an issue for our generation but I think my grandkids will have to face a world powered only by renewable energy and if we don't try our best now then they won't have a legacy to work from. I, for one won't be seen as responsible for raping the planet and have been an unconcious environmentalist since the age of 7 when I worked out we had very little fossil fuels left.

My last psychotic episode put me in a world where the power system failed and I saw the mayhem. I did however understand the theory of relativity for the first time properly so the time wasn't wasted.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
So the solution is? It won't be an issue for our generation but I think my grandkids will have to face a world powered only by renewable energy and if we don't try our best now then they won't have a legacy to work from. I, for one won't be seen as responsible for raping the planet and have been an unconcious environmentalist since the age of 7 when I worked out we had very little fossil fuels left.

My last psychotic episode put me in a world where the power system failed and I saw the mayhem. I did however understand the theory of relativity for the first time properly so the time wasn't wasted.

Not true. Western Australian gas supplies will never run out for starters plus Australia has 1/3 nearly of the world's uranium reserves and Afghanistan is rich in minerals just like us. Putting back 80% of the planets destroyed forests will fix a huge chunk of our are only thinking locally and you need to think GLOBALLY. God put trees on the planet for a reason, not just for decoration. And humans have taken 85% globally. 85 fucking %.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
Not true. Western Australian gas supplies will never run out

Start an argument like that and you lose straight away you idiot. All fossil fuels are finite by design and have an end date.

Did you miss the bit where I said I have a wood which I'm responsible for, I live on the edge of a forest with the bay to the front with the biggest offshore windfarm in the world in it.

Given that I use solar power and run hybrid cars (which will become full electric when the battery tech allows) what more do you think I can personally do to better the environment apart from developing a way to reduce the population by 2 billion which is essential in any argument about saving the planet?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Well we had a bush fire down in our south/west corner lit by an evildoer when our temps hit 40 c in Perth. I am not in a good mood because arsonists are setting fires to the planets forest killing wildlife.

To save my sanity, what is left of it, I'm waiting for God to step in. It's his planet, I can't save it and sure as hell, people haven't been able to with their petty bickering. Just look at the lack of talent at this bog? a real picture YOU took. Impress me,

Or not.

Take care.
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The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley a real picture YOU took. Impress me,

All my pics are family photos which I won't share for good reason. I'm rarely at home during the 7 hours of daylight we get during winter but I suppose I can get the wife to take one if you insist? In the meantime you can Google Forest Of Bowland and that's basically it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Sure, I will look at your forest. I have a tree group on fb... I have people from the Thar desert there. The Thar Desert separates India and Pakistan and an Iraqi member as well. Everyone is concerned about the lack of trees.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
Sice it's winter and the trees are leafless doing very little CO2 conversion I'd rather talk about the enforced sterilization of half the planet and a strict one child policy in other places that will be needed for population control.

The plants stand no chance against a spare 3 billion consumers.

I wonder which country will be brave enough to table this issue?

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
The Bowland Forest is an ancient preserve. Now mostly de-wooded it acts as a gate to The Lake District which has survived as a place of beauty. I like my little corner though.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Ooo, I just got away with posting 3 pictures... see if I can get in more... This is Kurt standing by monsters....maybe 150 years old, so really

I'll be so pissed off if this doesn't work. If it doesn't work, just click the links!~

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