Biden has been deteriorating for some time now...


Factory Bastard
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While Fatso continues raping his supporters, attending court proceedings, appeals, lying to save his fat ass. Worried about the promise he made to Putin. His 90 plus felony indictments. You’d better send $ to the Buffoon ASAP. Lawyers are gonna cost him 100 million in 2024. Are you for real?


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Gosh an elderly man with occasional memory lapses or a Sleazy serial conman/adulterer and convicted rapist and fraudster with no respect for ANYONE but himself and publicly sides with a foreign dictator over his own American People.

Gosh this is hard choice!

Fun Fact there is less than 4 years difference between Biden and Bone Spur Fgt.

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Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
Speaking of mental impairment, as if it needs repeating.

Trump mistook his ex-wife for the woman who accused him of rape. He thinks his predecessor is president. He called his primary contender the former speaker of the House. He thought he was in Sioux City when he was in Sioux Falls. No one knows what he meant by "supply change."


'mmm yummy yum yum, Donnie likes hims bobba!'

'Covfefe'. 'Bowwlling greeenn!'


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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
It's okay when Trump is retarded, the expectations are so low.

The truth is that they are BOTH way past their prime. Just as there are age limits for how young a President should be, there should be the same for how old they should be. I think the oldest a President can be to take office ought to be 67, if he wins two terms he'd be 75 and done.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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It's okay when Trump is retarded, the expectations are so low.

The truth is that they are BOTH way past their prime. Just as there are age limits for how young a President should be, there should be the same for how old they should be. I think the oldest a President can be to take office ought to be 67, if he wins two terms he'd be 75 and done.
That's an interesting question, the electoral process is supposed to do that as Jon Stewart reminded us years ago. Now the loud people scream and cry about the process when it doesn't go their way. It's an election, the process of choosing a winner, not everyone is a winner in elections.


Factory Bastard
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It's okay when Trump is retarded, the expectations are so low.

The truth is that they are BOTH way past their prime. Just as there are age limits for how young a President should be, there should be the same for how old they should be. I think the oldest a President can be to take office ought to be 67, if he wins two terms he'd be 75 and done.
I’m afraid theres some truth to what you’re saying. However Joe isn’t facing 100 felony indictment. Makes it easy to choose Joe. don’t think Nikki has a chance in hell. Well, maybe as Fatsos running mate?


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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I’m afraid theres some truth to what you’re saying. However Joe isn’t facing 100 felony indictment. Makes it easy to choose Joe. don’t think Nikki has a chance in hell. Well, maybe as Fatsos running mate?
I would love for nothing more than to vote for Jeb Bartlet, but sadly he isn't running this year. So we are pretty much limited to the people actually on the ballot. Sure we can write in someone as an ego or protest vote, but why?


Factory Bastard
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So why don't the Democrats get rid of Biden @Garraty_47 ?

They even have a suitable replacement for him in Minnesota congressman Dean Phillips. Actually the guy looks and talks like a younger Biden. He's a clone of Biden when he was young.

They ought a give Biden the boot and let Phillips take over. The only thing that'd get hurt is Bidens over the hill aging ego.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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So why don't the Democrats get rid of Biden @Garraty_47 ?

They even have a suitable replacement for him in Minnesota congressman Dean Phillips. Actually the guy looks and talks like a younger Biden. He's a clone of Biden when he was young.

They ought a give Biden the boot and let Phillips take over. The only thing that'd get hurt is Bidens over the hill aging ego.
Ya gotta get the street cred, you have to become known...Trump's #1 skill is injecting himself into the news cycle. "Oh that Steak Guy, I liek him, he be good president he hates brown people too"


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
When looking for a President to trust, be sure to make sure they have skills in subterfuge, duplicity and fraud.

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Hint: STFU about wiki prove the facts wrong.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
So why don't the Democrats get rid of Biden @Garraty_47 ?

Short answer: They Don't Care If They Lose.

Both major parties work for the same corporations, special interests, and the military industrial complex. That's why no matter which half of the uniparty is in the big chair or controls congress Nothing Fundamentally Changes. The bombs keep dropping, Wall Street keeps calling the shots, people are denied health care, and legacy media continues its dive into the abyss of propaganda and lies.

It's actually better for them if they lose:
Not only is it easier to fundraise and market themselves as the "opposition" they won't have the hassle of being expected to actually govern and all the blame that comes with broken promises and doing fuckall for most citizens of this nation.

They even have a suitable replacement for him in Minnesota congressman Dean Phillips. Actually the guy looks and talks like a younger Biden. He's a clone of Biden when he was young.

You say that like it's a good thing.
Biden has always been a pathological liar and his atrocious record of racism, corruption, and warmongering as a member of congress is why I never wanted him in the oval office to begin with.

They ought a give Biden the boot and let Phillips take over. The only thing that'd get hurt is Bidens over the hill aging ego.

No more democrats. No more republicans.
They're both far beyond repairing and just need to be relegated to the dustbin of history.



Factory Bastard
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Ya gotta get the street cred, you have to become known...Trump's #1 skill is injecting himself into the news cycle. "Oh that Steak Guy, I liek him, he be good president he hates brown people too"

That's called 'brand identity'.

establish the candidate as a BRAND first.

I get your point.


Factory Bastard
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Short answer: They Don't Care If They Lose.

It's actually better for them if they lose:
Not only is it easier to fundraise and market themselves as the "opposition" they won't have the hassle of being expected to actually govern and all the blame that comes with broken promises and doing fuckall for most citizens of this nation.
I wonder if they'll crash the stock market if Trump wins.
So if it collapses should he get in, he'll get the blame.

It seems that the economy is being dressed up to be made presentable for election time right now.
Everything seems artifcially propped up these days.
According to the media, the economy is doin' great in the USA.
But it's kinda the shits everywhere else.
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Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
I wonder if they'll crash the stock market if Trump wins.
So if it collapses should he get in, he'll get the blame.

I think you meant to say "allow it to collapse", right?
You only have to look back as far as the 2008-2009 financial crisis to see what lengths (trillions) our government will go to keep Wall Street afloat even as ordinary people drown. Not that it seemed to hurt Obama much in the long run, eh? He even got a second term. The democrats are as tied at the hip to Big Finance as the republicans and would never stab such important donors in the back.

It seems that the economy is being dressed up to be made presentable for election time right now.
Everything seems artifcially propped up these days.
According to the media, the economy is doin' great in the USA.
But it's actually the shits everywhere else.

Yeah well they also say Russia and China are failing but China's doing fine and Russia has thrived despite the sanctions we initiated (that have hurt not only *us* but the EU as well... plus we dealt a severe blow to Germany especially when we blew up the Nordstream pipeline and ended Germany's acquisition of cheap gas from Russia).

Never believe anything the corporate media says and you'll be much the wiser for it. Even uninformed is preferable to misinformed; uninformed is easily remedied whereas misinformed takes a shitload of fixing that may or may not be efficacious.


Factory Bastard
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The democrats are as tied at the hip to Big Finance as the republicans and would never stab such important donors in the back.
...while Biden is acceptable to them, Trump clearly is not.
He has a lot of enemies in the Business World who don't want him to succeed. Trump is a threat to their existence too.

That's why I thought perhaps while they are willing to prop up the Biden administration, they won't do it for Trump. So if there's rot in the system, they'd rather have him inherit it and let the mess unfold during his administration.

that's just conjecture. Is there any truth in that perception?


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
...while Biden is acceptable to them, Trump clearly is not.
He has a lot of enemies in the Business World who don't want him to succeed. Trump is a threat to their existence too.

Big Business would never chop off their own hand to stop it from scratching Don's back. They're far too greedy for that.

If they could find a way to *only* hurt 'Murican citizens without jeopardizing their own bonuses and investments then yeah, of course they'd be all in. But that's a dangerous game at a time where such a scheme could easily tip public discontent over into actual revolution and THAT wouldn't end well for them at all.

Too much risk for not enough gain when all they have to do is wait a few years and Don will be gone again anyway.

That's why I thought perhaps while they are willing to prop up the Biden administration, they won't do it for Trump. So if there's rot in the system, they'd rather have him inherit it and let the mess unfold during his administration.

that's just conjecture. Is there any truth in that perception?

There's no guarantee they could lay the blame solely at Trump's feet.

Too many people are already distrustful of establishment media and government bureaucracies in general; it's as likely the financial sector itself and *all* of government would be the targets of public ire as it would only be aimed at Trump himself. We're nearly there as things are anyway.

If the money cabals can't prevent Trump from taking office again they'll play the waiting game rather than risk losing everything on ousting one bloviating buffoon. That's the safe bet.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
Big Business would never chop off their own hand to stop it from scratching Don's back. They're far too greedy for that.

If they could find a way to *only* hurt 'Murican citizens without jeopardizing their own bonuses and investments then yeah, of course they'd be all in. But that's a dangerous game at a time where such a scheme could easily tip public discontent over into actual revolution and THAT wouldn't end well for them at all.

Too much risk for not enough gain when all they have to do is wait a few years and Don will be gone again anyway.

There's no guarantee they could lay the blame solely at Trump's feet.

Too many people are already distrustful of establishment media and government bureaucracies in general; it's as likely the financial sector itself and *all* of government would be the targets of public ire as it would only be aimed at Trump himself. We're nearly there as things are anyway.

If the money cabals can't prevent Trump from taking office again they'll play the waiting game rather than risk losing everything on ousting one bloviating buffoon. That's the safe bet.
OK, timeout is it even possible for you to not be a shrill and obnoxious drama queen? If you are able to respond in an adult and coherent manner, be salient.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Is there any truth in that perception?

I forgot to mention one thing...

...if you want to worry about something devaluing the almighty dollar you might rather focus your attention on the rise of BRICS and multi-polarity more broadly. The days of greenbacks being used as the world's default reserve currency could well be numbered and not a large number either.

There too we've only ourselves to blame since our over-zealous slapping of sanctions and tariffs and embargoes and asset forfeitures on anyone who looks at us funny has incentivized the rest of the world to dump dollars and do deals in their own currency or a non-western currency like the yuan. It makes all the sense for other nations to insulate themselves from our bullying diplomacy and predatory deal-making. Unfortunately that also means the dollar won't be artificially propped up anymore by the global markets which won't need or even want to hold any more dollars than they absolutely need to, an amount that's already shrinking and won't be going back up any time soon.

If anything crashes the dollar and subsequently our economy it will be that, not domestic players shooting themselves in the foot because they don't like Trump.

The world is changing and there's fuckall we can (or should) do about it except face it with open eyes.

If you need nightmare fuel think globally, not locally.


Mr. Excitement
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Regardless of what I may think of Biden I am sympathetic to his mind failing him. It reminds me of my grandfather's Alzheimer's disease and it's rapid progression. A brilliant man with a brilliant mind cut to pieces. Biden seems like a very proud man and is fully aware of his cognitive decline I'm sure, but just can't accept it I guess.