Are you afraid to die?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I'm REALLY sharp and good in an emergency. My brain shifts into survival gear and I can take control and handle it.

But afterwards when I know it's handled and going to be okay.....thats when I fall apart.

I'd make a good first responder. But I cannot....CANNOT handle babies and children being victims of some awful death.

I'd end up with a serious drinking problem.

Reacting calmly. rationally, and effectively in an emergency situation is not really what I was referring to.

I was really thinking of decisions that require a lot of logical thought and usually require a significant amount of time to analyze all the information.


Domestically feral
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United states
You are now talking about personal relationships.

You were talking about your dude writing a speech.

Listening to a speech is far different, at least for me, than having a conversation of a personal nature. I listen to speeches to gather information. Personal conversations are generally meant to enhance my life in some way - so a positive emotional response is much more likely and desirable.

Aaahhh you're right. He was writing a speech and we got into a convo about public speaking and how people fear it. That moved into personal convos. That moved into him talking about personal convos and that's what he said that.

That's my fault for making that jump.

The speech was for a college commencement. A graduation speech.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
Aaahhh you're right. He was writing a speech and we got into a convo about public speaking and how people fear it. That moved into personal convos. That moved into him talking about personal convos and that's what he said that.

That's my fault for making that jump.

The speech was for a college commencement. A graduation speech.
Actually, your "speech" was for a "bowl clutching commencement".
Feel better tomorrow, Duhv.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Reacting calmly. rationally, and effectively in an emergency situation is not really what I was referring to.

I was really thinking of decisions that require a lot of logical thought and usually require a significant amount of time to analyze all the information.

For me that would definately depend on the circumstances and the nature of the decision.

Somethings my emotions absolutely can and have clouded my better judgement. I have gotten much better about letting it rest until my emotions have settled down so that I'm more likely to make a better decision.

I have NOT been the best at making decisions.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Aaahhh you're right. He was writing a speech and we got into a convo about public speaking and how people fear it. That moved into personal convos. That moved into him talking about personal convos and that's what he said that.

That's my fault for making that jump.

The speech was for a college commencement. A graduation speech.

Well, even if you were talking about some types of speeches, you would be right too. Like a good graduation speech is going to evoke an emotional response and the same goes for some other types of speeches.

I was thinking of informative types of speeches. This all goes hand in hand with my outlook on politicians and what makes a good one. So many people focus o whether or not they are likeable. "Trump is such an asshole!!!" I think "And....???" I would much rather focus on policies.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I have to run an umpire clinic tomorrow, so I will be in front of probably 50-100 strangers teaching them the 2-man positioning system, baseball rules, game management, and other stuff.

I get more nervous when I play music for a group of 10 strangers in a bar.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Actually, your "speech" was for a "bowl clutching commencement".
Feel better tomorrow, Duhv.

I feel perfectly fine right now. I've had a lovely day. I'm relaxed. I'm happy. I've spent the entire first half of the day in bed with the love of my life.

Just pure bliss ♡

I'm not all together sure why you feel the need to inject hostility into this particular thread, but I definately hope YOU start feeling better soon.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I hear a good purging barf makes one feel the better for a moment - but look out for that next wave, Duhv.
Feelz bedder magnonja.

Uh huh. I used to puke and keep right on drinking.

At 5'1, 120 pounds I could probably put you under the table. My ability to abuse substances is shocking. It's a talent I was probably born with. I come from a long line of addicts.

I'm approaching 10 years clean in a few days.

Are you concerned with my sobriety this evening?


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
Some people around here have a difficult time keeping their negatively where it belongs (in Meltdown).


Ignore features are for bitches.
Southern Florida
what does skag mean? Google says it's heroin? I've never felt prescription opiates when it took them and stayed away from Haron.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I’m not afraid to die. From a young age my father taught me that you cannot live until you are not afraid of dying.

My RL friends would tell you I’m fearless, but that’s not true… I’ll just never back down because I’m my father’s daughter.

I watch true crime documentaries to relax.

Darthinia Von Vader

Factory Bastard
In the sewers
He hates me for my narcissism.
how does your kids feel about your narcissism? past and present.. i'd really like it if you were honest with that answer.
forget all the other threads and actually answer me this as well here. what are their ages again? be honest. honest is good.
third question is in all your alcoholic and drug fuel rages how many times did you leave this kids bruised, bloody, and with broken bones? did you abuse them in other ways too? Poofter didn't get in all the details but told me your sex drive when high or drunk you'd fuck anyone and anything. is this true sick fucking cunt? you know you should be in prison if what Poofter did imply is true, right? you really a monster and should be around any kids let alone your own. if they are actually real unlike Poofter i believe you just made them up because thats what druggies do make shit up
lastly Dovey if everything is all true about you and you've been clean so long.. have you ever felt any guilt over any of your crimes against anyone?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I interviewed for a job I wasn't really sure I even wanted, but during our talks he said one thing I had heard explained in a different way that has stuck with me, and I think helped me in my sales career....'i try to focus on how the person makes me feel as much as the ideas or responses they are sharing' obviously referring to the 'non-verbal' parts of communication.

I always focused on how they answered the questions. I was told by several different people that made it though a panel that I sat on that I made them nervous because I was actually paying attention to what they said. lol

I often followed up with, yeah ok, thank you, now if you could address the question I asked in a bit more detail. That was me being diplomatic instead of saying "you're bs didn't impress me, if you don't know, say so."


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
I always focused on how they answered the questions. I was told by several different people that made it though a panel that I sat on that I made them nervous because I was actually paying attention to what they said. lol

I often followed up with, yeah ok, thank you, now if you could address the question I asked in a bit more detail. That was me being diplomatic instead of saying "you're bs didn't impress me, if you don't know, say so."
Did you ever get involved with "Behavioral Interviewing" ?

I interviewed at a place that was doing those, and learned later it was a fad in the tech world for interviews.

"So "Plower" as if that's your real name tell me about a time you beat your supervisor to a bloody pulp, and how you responded to that? (I may have embellished a bit)


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Did you ever get involved with "Behavioral Interviewing" ?

I interviewed at a place that was doing those, and learned later it was a fad in the tech world for interviews.

"So "Plower" as if that's your real name tell me about a time you beat your supervisor to a bloody pulp, and how you responded to that? (I may have embellished a bit)

When I taught pre school all the pre school/day cares had these long "tests" that asked questions like that and you had to pick a multiple choice answer.

Some of the questions were ridiculous. Similar to what you just said.