85,000 new IRS agents to target middle class and gig workers.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Democrats claim it is only to go after multinational corporations and multi-millionaires but they refuse to write that into the law. Why? Because they many want to go after gig workers and small business owners. We know this because they now demand tax forms be sent to anyone anyone who uses a bank or cash app if they do at least $600 per year. So if you sell anything online or do Uber or any other app the IRS is coming for you.

Millionaires and giant corporations have tax specialists and accountants to legally reduce their taxes via complex accounting. So Dems aren't interested in auditing them because they always lose. Small guys though? Nope, no tax specialist department so they are easy pickings. Dems know this and they are lying about it.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Such a gross mess.

They will absolutely go after ordinary Americans and business owners while allowing the wealthy their loopholes.

As long as they keep saying they are going after the wealthy and big corps.....dems/progs will support them and demonize anyone who says otherwise. As they always do.

And even with them attacking the middle and working classes, any challenge to this from the people will be spun as "for the rich".


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Sadly, leftists are idiots. That is their one unifying trait. So, yes, the fools will continue supporting the very people who are targeting them and ruining their quality of life.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Sadly, leftists are idiots. That is their one unifying trait. So, yes, the fools will continue supporting the very people who are targeting them and ruining their quality of life.

They think its benefiting the poor and you cant really tell them otherwise.

Instead they accuse and blame and ignore the fact that the majority of out reaches and shelters are run by the people they accuse and blame.

And keep voting for the total crap that fuels poverty and crime :(


Put your glasses on!
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Made up bullshit. God, you people are shit.
So there wont be 87,000 new IRS agents?

Hi Bigly Stupid!

No, first it's total hires, which includes people that aren't agents, but "support staff"...clerks, IT workers I would presume, etc...

Second, they're not coming for the middle class specifically. They want to close the gap on those that cheat on their taxes. If someone is squirrely, then they might have a problem.

Shen Li

Factory Bastard
None of your fucking business
Made up bullshit. God, you people are shit.
So there wont be 87,000 new IRS agents?

Hi Bigly Stupid!

No, first it's total hires, which includes people that aren't agents, but "support staff"...clerks, IT workers I would presume, etc...

Second, they're not coming for the middle class specifically. They want to close the gap on those that cheat on their taxes. If someone is squirrely, then they might have a problem.
Let's stick with the facts and dispense with the quivering paranoia shall we?

Fact number one: About the only truthful and accurate thing you said was that you presume.

Fact number two: You obviously haven't got a clue but are happy to toe the line anyway because it is a well established fact the big money has the resources to fight the IRS on the various loopholes they are allowed to leverage over and over again. Ordinary Americans who neglect to include that random 1099 they received as a result of a few odd door dashes do not. Hello?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Made up bullshit. God, you people are shit.
So there wont be 87,000 new IRS agents?

Hi Bigly Stupid!

No, first it's total hires, which includes people that aren't agents, but "support staff"...clerks, IT workers I would presume, etc...

Second, they're not coming for the middle class specifically. They want to close the gap on those that cheat on their taxes. If someone is squirrely, then they might have a problem.
Let's stick with the facts and dispense with the quivering paranoia shall we?

Fact number one: About the only truthful and accurate thing you said was that you presume.

Fact number two: You obviously haven't got a clue but are happy to toe the line anyway because it is a well established fact the big money has the resources to fight the IRS on the various loopholes they are allowed to leverage over and over again. Ordinary Americans who neglect to include that random 1099 they received as a result of a few odd door dashes do not. Hello?
"In 2010, the IRS had about
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. That number dipped to about
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in 2021. Some of the agency’s computers still run on COBOL, a programming language that dates back to the 1960s."

Not enough people working at the IRS means fewer enforcement actions to collect the taxes that are owed. If you think this is about Uber and Door Dash, you're a dupe.

Shen Li

Factory Bastard
None of your fucking business
Made up bullshit. God, you people are shit.
So there wont be 87,000 new IRS agents?

Hi Bigly Stupid!

No, first it's total hires, which includes people that aren't agents, but "support staff"...clerks, IT workers I would presume, etc...

Second, they're not coming for the middle class specifically. They want to close the gap on those that cheat on their taxes. If someone is squirrely, then they might have a problem.
Let's stick with the facts and dispense with the quivering paranoia shall we?

Fact number one: About the only truthful and accurate thing you said was that you presume.

Fact number two: You obviously haven't got a clue but are happy to toe the line anyway because it is a well established fact the big money has the resources to fight the IRS on the various loopholes they are allowed to leverage over and over again. Ordinary Americans who neglect to include that random 1099 they received as a result of a few odd door dashes do not. Hello?
"In 2010, the IRS had about
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
. That number dipped to about
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
in 2021. Some of the agency’s computers still run on COBOL, a programming language that dates back to the 1960s."

Not enough people working at the IRS means fewer enforcement actions to collect the taxes that are owed. If you think this is about Uber and Door Dash, you're a dupe.
If you think they are going after the very same people like Bloomberg, Bezos and Gates who donated huge sums of money to get Biden elected then you're an even bigger dupe.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Made up bullshit. God, you people are shit.
So there wont be 87,000 new IRS agents?

Hi Bigly Stupid!

No, first it's total hires, which includes people that aren't agents, but "support staff"...clerks, IT workers I would presume, etc...

Second, they're not coming for the middle class specifically. They want to close the gap on those that cheat on their taxes. If someone is squirrely, then they might have a problem.
Let's stick with the facts and dispense with the quivering paranoia shall we?

Fact number one: About the only truthful and accurate thing you said was that you presume.

Fact number two: You obviously haven't got a clue but are happy to toe the line anyway because it is a well established fact the big money has the resources to fight the IRS on the various loopholes they are allowed to leverage over and over again. Ordinary Americans who neglect to include that random 1099 they received as a result of a few odd door dashes do not. Hello?
"In 2010, the IRS had about
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
. That number dipped to about
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
in 2021. Some of the agency’s computers still run on COBOL, a programming language that dates back to the 1960s."

Not enough people working at the IRS means fewer enforcement actions to collect the taxes that are owed. If you think this is about Uber and Door Dash, you're a dupe.
If you think they are going after the very same people like Bloomberg, Bezos and Gates who donated huge sums of money to get Biden elected then you're an even bigger dupe.

Might not, but they might go after Musk, Charles Koch, Rebekah Mercer, Waltons...

I would be pleased :FuckYEAH:


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Made up bullshit. God, you people are shit.
So there wont be 87,000 new IRS agents?

Hi Bigly Stupid!

No, first it's total hires, which includes people that aren't agents, but "support staff"...clerks, IT workers I would presume, etc...

Second, they're not coming for the middle class specifically. They want to close the gap on those that cheat on their taxes. If someone is squirrely, then they might have a problem.
Let's stick with the facts and dispense with the quivering paranoia shall we?

Fact number one: About the only truthful and accurate thing you said was that you presume.

Fact number two: You obviously haven't got a clue but are happy to toe the line anyway because it is a well established fact the big money has the resources to fight the IRS on the various loopholes they are allowed to leverage over and over again. Ordinary Americans who neglect to include that random 1099 they received as a result of a few odd door dashes do not. Hello?
You're worried that Biden is arming the IRS Antifa's, to come for your door dash tips?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Made up bullshit. God, you people are shit.
So there wont be 87,000 new IRS agents?

Hi Bigly Stupid!

No, first it's total hires, which includes people that aren't agents, but "support staff"...clerks, IT workers I would presume, etc...

Second, they're not coming for the middle class specifically. They want to close the gap on those that cheat on their taxes. If someone is squirrely, then they might have a problem.
Let's stick with the facts and dispense with the quivering paranoia shall we?

Fact number one: About the only truthful and accurate thing you said was that you presume.

Fact number two: You obviously haven't got a clue but are happy to toe the line anyway because it is a well established fact the big money has the resources to fight the IRS on the various loopholes they are allowed to leverage over and over again. Ordinary Americans who neglect to include that random 1099 they received as a result of a few odd door dashes do not. Hello?
You're worried that Biden is arming the IRS Antifa's, to come for your door dash tips?

Their paranoid beliefs are ludicrous.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Leave Bezos, Gates and Bloomberg untouched but go after the wealthy who lean conservative

At least you admit you support the weaponization of government agencies targeting political enemies

Not really. I just prioritize the biggest assholes first.

The "biggest assholes" being people you disagree with politically. So.....yeah really. Trying to rebrand it by using "asshole" as a euphemism for political opponent is just gaslighty.

This is only going to impact middle and working classers btw. And as it happens you guys who cheer on the establishment will deny it's happening as usual.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Made up bullshit. God, you people are shit.
So there wont be 87,000 new IRS agents?

Hi Bigly Stupid!

No, first it's total hires, which includes people that aren't agents, but "support staff"...clerks, IT workers I would presume, etc...

Second, they're not coming for the middle class specifically. They want to close the gap on those that cheat on their taxes. If someone is squirrely, then they might have a problem.
Let's stick with the facts and dispense with the quivering paranoia shall we?

Fact number one: About the only truthful and accurate thing you said was that you presume.

Fact number two: You obviously haven't got a clue but are happy to toe the line anyway because it is a well established fact the big money has the resources to fight the IRS on the various loopholes they are allowed to leverage over and over again. Ordinary Americans who neglect to include that random 1099 they received as a result of a few odd door dashes do not. Hello?
You're worried that Biden is arming the IRS Antifa's, to come for your door dash tips?

Their paranoid beliefs are ludicrous.

Has Trump started WW3 and put "black people back in chains" yet?

We could have an 80 page thread of hysterical and paranoid beliefs of the left. How's that systemic racism....which is somehow all conservative even though the left runs all the systems and institutions?

Are cops out hunting innocent black people to shoot for no reason right now?

Are homophobic gangs forming in every first grade classroom that isn't being taken to drag queen shows this week?

Are kindergarteners on the verge of suicide in every classroom that doesn't teach them biological sex is irrelevant and girls can be boys and boys can be girls?

Just sayin. There are definately some Trump supporters with some wild beliefs. Fortunately none of them include or require the force of government like left wing hysterics do. How many people spent over a year in prison with NO CHARGES because it's now "insurrection" to oppose the democrats? Right.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Made up bullshit. God, you people are shit.
So there wont be 87,000 new IRS agents?

Hi Bigly Stupid!

No, first it's total hires, which includes people that aren't agents, but "support staff"...clerks, IT workers I would presume, etc...

Second, they're not coming for the middle class specifically. They want to close the gap on those that cheat on their taxes. If someone is squirrely, then they might have a problem.
Let's stick with the facts and dispense with the quivering paranoia shall we?

Fact number one: About the only truthful and accurate thing you said was that you presume.

Fact number two: You obviously haven't got a clue but are happy to toe the line anyway because it is a well established fact the big money has the resources to fight the IRS on the various loopholes they are allowed to leverage over and over again. Ordinary Americans who neglect to include that random 1099 they received as a result of a few odd door dashes do not. Hello?
You're worried that Biden is arming the IRS Antifa's, to come for your door dash tips?

Their paranoid beliefs are ludicrous.

Has Trump started WW3 and put "black people back in chains" yet?

We could have an 80 page thread of hysterical and paranoid beliefs of the left. How's that systemic racism....which is somehow all conservative even though the left runs all the systems and institutions?

Are cops out hunting innocent black people to shoot for no reason right now?

Are homophobic gangs forming in every first grade classroom that isn't being taken to drag queen shows this week?

Are kindergarteners on the verge of suicide in every classroom that doesn't teach them biological sex is irrelevant and girls can be boys and boys can be girls?

Just sayin. There are definately some Trump supporters with some wild beliefs. Fortunately none of them include or require the force of government like left wing hysterics do. How many people spent over a year in prison with NO CHARGES because it's now "insurrection" to oppose the democrats? Right.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Leave Bezos, Gates and Bloomberg untouched but go after the wealthy who lean conservative

At least you admit you support the weaponization of government agencies targeting political enemies

Not really. I just prioritize the biggest assholes first.

The "biggest assholes" being people you disagree with politically. So.....yeah really. Trying to rebrand it by using "asshole" as a euphemism for political opponent is just gaslighty.

This is only going to impact middle and working classers btw. And as it happens you guys who cheer on the establishment will deny it's happening as usual.

No, they're actual assholes. It seems to be part of the personality that goes "conservative".